Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A First for Me and Hard Target

I had a first for me--telephone appointment. And, it was my first appointment ever with new doctor. He preferred a video call, but did not tell me I could use a computer. The woman who called asked me about a Smart phone, which is not activated yet. It was different. And, Medicare will pay for it.

 When I went to the doctor about two weeks ago, he responded to my query about D helping to fight covid19 by telling me it was true and he was going to make me a "hard target." The 50,000 IU will hopefully work.  My D level was shockingly low! Tommy has taken the same dose for years. 

Tommy has not been in a store or anywhere for three weeks, maybe more. Well, he defiantly went to church. And, he said he was not going to stop going to church. Then, after my sarcastic remarks after church closings that he was going anyway, he finally changed his mind. I asked him why. He said listening to the news convinced him. 

I go into the store with a mask and gloves on and my container of Lysol disinfectant wipes. The doctor I saw last week said the kind of mask I have works for the virus. So, I am good and feel I will not contract covid19 or anything. However, i am not complacent. 

We went out to the backyard to check my garden. Everything is standing up nicely, no wilting. The watering is all into a tube on the side of the box. A reservoir holds it and it soaks into the soil. Tommy managed to fight his way past the backdoor steps.

I have cabbages, broccoli, kale, red lettuce.  I need to get out there and get the carrot seeds in the ground. We have eaten three salads. I picked kale today to put in bean soup.

Two clamshells with bakery products are waiting on the kitchen counter to start a different lettuce. They have a top, so will be a little greenhouse. Hopefully, with the six lettuce plants outside and the two clamshells inside, I will have lettuce every day.

Have you had an appointment by phone or computer instead of going to a doctor in the time of Covid19? How did it work out for you? Do you take a massive dose of Vitamin D2?


  1. Never had a phone appointment! I've two medical appointments scheduled for this month, but, I think I will call and reschedule them!

    1. Bless,
      I have two appointments this month, but I doubt I want to go, even if they will see me.

  2. It is a soft gel "pill" with 50,000 in one day. It seems excessive to me, but he is the dr.

  3. I called to cancel my asthma doctor appointment, and they had beat me to it, his office is closed due to this virus. Two workers answer the phone between 11 am and 1 pm to fill prescriptions and I guess will contact doctor if someone's asthma is getting bad. I've been going to this doctor for a bit more than 45 years and their office has never had to close for anything like this before.

    I'm happy for you that your garden is doing so well.

    1. Susie,
      I suppose my allergist will cancel or reschedule, too. I need to call him tomorrow to find out and get prescriptions. Or, maybe a phone appointment.

    2. I took huge amounts of Vit D until I tested in the normal range and then the doc lowered it to a more likely sounding amount to maintain it.

    3. Carole,
      How long did it take for the level to be in normal range?

    4. I don't remember, but I think it was a few months.

    5. Carole,
      Okay, I was given 14 tablets to take once a week. I was hoping to see improvement before the end of the prescription. Thanks.

  4. I decided to cancel a routine appointment but then they closed except for emergencies anyway. Everything is so different. We are just stuck in the house except for groceries and pharmacy. Glad we have the internet

    1. Ann,
      a doctor's office called me and canceled. I was going to cancel on them. They just beat me to it. Groceries and meds are the only reason I leave the house. Yes, the internet is a lifesaver.

  5. I take 50,000 units of D once a week and have for several years. I have my yearly Medicare physical in two weeks and the fasting bloodwork next Monday. If they did the weight and blood pressure next week then I could have a tele-physical the following week. I must inquire about the possibility. But Lab Corp employees take the blood sample, not the MD's staff. Today I got the automated phone reminder about the bloodwork, so I suppose everything is still on,


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