Saturday, August 28, 2021

Busy Saturday

 Saturday we went to Cullman since I needed to get my mail and it should rain most days next week. There were bills and the requisite junk mail. I could not go in, so Tommy got it for me. He has a PO Box key on his keychain in case I lose mine or so he can use his key. 

Friday night, I read and could not go to sleep until an hour before he woke me. So, I am exhausted. 

We went to my yard and sat in the car in the driveway for about one minute. Usually, I want and need to sit there for at least five minutes. 

We went to the grocery store where I find carts with great markdowns. I found boxed Hershey's Chocolate Mousse mix for $0.49, so I bought 3.  the expiration date is August 24, 2021, but I am positive they are not bad or stale. The whole thing has 34 carbs, so each of the 8 helpings will be low-carb. 

Also, in the cart were tiny 6-packs of SUN-MAID chocolate yogurt covered raisins. I have never had these, but each 6-pack of snack size was $0.49. Cheap snack. I had never had these and only bought one package. They were delicious!

Those two items were in the cart. The next two items were in the ad.

Vlasic Dill Relish and Vlasic sweet relish were $0.99 for 10 ounce jars. I bought 2 of each for a total of four jars. I usually buy Mount Olive relish, but these were cheap, so I will try them. Best by date is October 22. But, I would not hesitate to eat these beyond that date. This relish is $0.98 at Walmart, but sometimes it is hard to find.

Dasani water was $3.99 for a 24 pack, so I bought 3. This is on sale this week and cheaper than I have seen it in a long time. 

I was happy with this shopping trip! 

Friday night I scrambled 5 eggs and ate half of the eggs for dinner. Saturday morning, I ate the rest with a sausage patty and a glass of milk in the car when we left. Tommy had two sausages in two slices of bread and a cup of tea before I awoke. It appears buying sausage and cooking it for him has easily broken his Hardee's habit. Those biscuits at Hardee's are too salty. It cost $4 for two sausage biscuit and a cup of coffee. 

At Publix last week or the week before, I found Jimmy Dean fully cooked sausages for $3.99. There are only 8 patties, but they are only $0.50 for each patty. I can stand long enough to cook/heat these in a skillet. So, they work. I may never get them unless they are on sale. I had one with my eggs. 

We arrived home before 2 pm.  I now need a nap at 2:30. 

Piggly Wiggly has Bell peppers for $0.50 each, so I plan to get some of those to make stuffed bell peppers. Tommy loves those. I have the ground beef thawing. 

After the nap.

Tommy called me at 6 pm and I have no memory of that event. He called me at 6:45 and I did get up in a few minutes. He said I replied at 6 pm. Obviously, I talk to him without a memory of talking. Rarely am I ever that exhausted.

Dinner was a bag of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, microwaved. Tommy had a chicken Italian sausage. I took one bite of the sausage and it made me ill, so I just had vegetables with nothing on them. Both items were given to me. 

Maybe I will make a chocolate mousse tonight. Maybe I will cook three packages of sausage patties that need to be cooked and freeze most of them. Maybe I will do nothing else. Maybe I will finish A Painted House. I only have 100 pages to go. 

What is going on in your world this weekend? Bargains? Healthy eating? Something interesting?


  1. Shopping is hard work even when you get enough rest. I had a good rest last night and went out late today. I went to the library and missed closing by about 5 minutes. I was not too happy about that but at least I returned a few books. I then thought I shall go and buy a few odds and ends. I wanted to try a new to me Dollar Tree (none are too handy to where I live). I went there and picked up a bunch of this and that. It was hard work and quite a busy place. Then I needed a break so walked a few blocks looking for the DQ. I really wanted a banana split though that isn't good for me. I was feeling hungry by then so I also had some chicken tenders, water to drink. I then walked to the bus stop to make my way home. I thought I'd stop off at a grocers and buy an aloe plant or two I was looking at them the other day. But by then my feet were burning and aching so instead I came home. Each transfer point I did something I never do. I exercised (stretching and marching). I really needed to get the kinks out of my neck and arms and legs. It helped quite a bit esp. the shoulder area. I am now home and about to enjoy a cup of decaf tea. I think it's early to bed tonight. I might have started out earlier today but was waiting for Amazon to deliver. They never arrived. I think got their wires crossed. They said they were going to deliver yesterday, a full week early. Last night they said they would deliver today but no arrival. I think the original delivery date is next Thursday since it appears to be arriving via ground transport all the way from Ontario. That would take about a week. I hope you have a better day tomorrow energy wise.Take care.

    1. Joyful,
      I hate missing a business being open by five minutes. Hopefully, you have other things to read. I would hate to have to ride a bus since I could not get up the steps! I have not had a banana split in ages. I do love them. I think I like chicken tenders better,

      That is a good idea to exercise with each transfer. I moved my feet a lot today in the car like I was walking.

      In a few minutes when I go to bed, I am going to finish the last 100 pages of my book. Then, I can start on another tomorrow.

      I have one short grocery trip tomorrow. Something else, too. Since it is supposed to rain because of the the hurricane. So, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will be at home stuff and recovery.

      Amazon keeps messing up my orders, and I am not happy when it is something I really need. But, it such a pleasure not to go out and shop.

      My energy level is never very high, but I hope everyday. Thanks.

    2. Oh I forgot to mention the produce shopping. That was going to be my main comment, lol. Let's just say for a change I found a with rock bottom prices for veggies and fruits but they have to be used within a few days or frozen. Thankfully I can lift my legs to get on the bus but we have sketching called kneeling busses. They have a flat platform to get on. This is so they can accommodate wheelchairs as there is a platform that will unfold and extend to the sidewalk. If you are carrying a heavy cart or look like you have physical issues, the bus driver will lower the platform (different from the ramp) to accommodate you. I didn't get the Amazon package I was mentioning but that's ojay because I really wasn't expecting it until Thursday this week. I did get another more urgent package early Monday. What I don't like us they didn't buzz my intercom but found their way into the building and left my package at the door. I detest that and it seems to be their practice these days for the last few deliveries. I am happy not to have to go to the store though only to discover they have no stock of the item I want. I have Amazin Prime as I would not like to pay delivery fees.

  2. What a great weekend for us! I have a camp on the river and a boat. My two My youngest son and his wife and two sons (6 months and 2) and my middle son and his daughter (3) and son (6) came. Their mom is a nurse and had to work.
    The kids love the boat! We went fast, we went slow and finally headed to the rope swing so they could cool off. I will be sad when it's time to close up came and put the boat in storage.
    Today, I'm resting!

    1. Jan,
      You sound like it was a happy weekend. I am quite sure the kids enjoyed all that entailed. I think of a camp as a tent. What is your camp? What amenities does it have? How long can it be used?

  3. Chocolate covered raisins are a treat.

  4. We went to a local place advertising Detroit-style pizza. It was disappointing.
    I painted a rock.
    I lead a dull life.

    1. Urspo,
      I hate disappointing pizza. I said we were busy not interesting. Dull is okay.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...