Saturday, September 4, 2021

NuWave Air Fryer and Nightmares and Scary Happenings and Roaches

 The air fryer door will not close. I believe I have had this until the warranty has expired. I am so annoyed. Nothing has happened to this appliance that would cause the door not to close. I hear it click and then click as it pops open. This is a NuWave. Have you ever heard of this? I looked online and found the company does not have a good reputation for being responsive. So, we will see. 

One night, I awoke and could hear someone in my room, breathing. Tommy has only been in that bedroom two or three times while I am in there. So, this frightened me in the middle of the dark night. I tried to control my breathing so someone would not suspect I was awake. So, who was breathing in my room? What do you think. It was me! 

Apparently, I was not fully awake but thought I was fully awake. I awoke one morning and stumbled into the living room where Tommy sleeps. I asked him why he came and woke me at 8 am or some other ungodly hour. He was surprised and said he had not called me. He had not been further down the hall than the bathroom. 

About 5 am Thursday, I heard a very loud noise, like something hit the floor. I rushed as I could to the living room, fearing Tommy had fallen. Tommy was thrashing around in the chair with his sheet and blanket he uses. I asked him what happened. He was wondering, too. He said he might have knocked over the chair bottoms that were leaning in the living room. He had, so I picked them up, actually, just leaned them up one at a time. He said he thought I had fallen. Ugh! 

It seems I am dreaming about my family more than I ever have. I dreamed something about my father the other night. A long time ago, I dreamed all the time, but not about anyone who was dead. Then, I started taking melatonin which is supposed to cause vivid dreams. As soon as I started taking it, I quit dreaming, or at least remembering dreams. When I started taking Cymbalta, I quit talking melatonin and started dreaming. Now, it seems I am dreaming while taking Melatonin. 

Now, with the breathing incident and thinking someone was sneaking into my room, it appears that I have started my lucid dreaming again. 

Oh, about the roaches. I have not seen one in several days. Well, I saw one yesterday in the dining area. So, I put out more roach bait. Before, roaches were running all over the kitchen, counters, outside of refrigerator, just horrendous. Tommy is not so violently opposed to getting rid of them! He encourages it and pays for the baits.  I am going to buy more poisoned bait and put one in each cabinet where surely they must like to crawl.


  1. Sorry about the lucid dreaming. It sounds scary waking to the sounds of breathing Glad the roach problem is getting under control It would be pretty difficult keeping fresh foods with so many roaches around.

    1. Joyful,
      I was terrified. It was just me breathing very softly! I keep all food in the refrigerator, nothing out and about. I don't keep potatoes in the refrigerator.

  2. I very rarely remember dreams but last night I had a frantic dream about buying clothes.
    Well done on getting rid of roaches. It's a losing battle here because the house is so poorly sealed

    1. Kylie,
      What a funny subject for a frantic dream. Do you need clothes? Maybe you could use some of this I use, only lots more baits. Hopefully, you can keep them pushed back.

  3. I have found that Diatomaceous Earth (it is a fine white powder) near entrances and around the drain sewer in the basement, all along the ledge of the concrete foundation that our frame house is attached to, sprinkled in bottom kitchen cabinets, and bathroom cabinets, and behind the stove, and at front and back door thresholds works well for our house. The powder is from teeny bits of fossilized algae and under the microscope has a sharp crystalline formation, when a roach or bug walks across it they get it on themselves and in the little air holes on their bodies that they breathe through, or they ingest it while cleaning themselves and the powder smothers them. If they get back to the nest with some on them it can kill other roaches in the nest. They sell it on Amazon and probably in hardware stores. I have a real phobia of roaches.

    Melatonin gave me such crazy dreams about being terrified and being chased, I would wake up really scared. I only took it three times, and every time had the same problem. My husband takes it and loves the dreams he gets from it, sometimes he will sleep extra time so he can dream some more. He says his dreams are so weird, and entertaining. I didn't find that it helped me fall asleep, which is my main problem, and with all of the dreaming about being chased, and terrifying situations and such, my sleep was not restful at all.

    I had to start storing my potatoes in the refrigerator recently because I kept having incidences of one in the bag getting a rotten place that would ooze out the worst odor. I wouldn't notice the odor as quickly as our little 17 year old Fuzzy Pomeranian would, and when he smelled a potato starting to rot he would whizz on the table leg (I kept my bag of 5 or 6 potatoes in a small brown bag up on top of the far side of the table). I got so aggravated at him the first time because I hadn't realized why he whizzed on the table leg, but then the next day I discovered the rotting potato when I went to fix potatoes for dinner. The next time I got a little bag of potatoes and put them up on the table, another one started to rot, and Fuzzy whizzed on the table leg again, and sure enough there was a small wet rotting place on one of the potatoes. Fuzzy is so old and frail, and deaf, and has cataracts, but his sense of smell is still excellent. He is kind of like a truffle hound, only with rotting potatoes. But if he was a truffle hound he would ruin the truffles by whizzing on them since they are in the ground instead of up on a table.

    Luckily the table leg is sealed wood and so is the floor, so I can wipe it up and sanitize it easily.

    1. susie,
      I never had dreams of any kind with melatonin. A friend offered to give me a whole bottle because her dreams terrified her. She never did, but she drinks a That is amusing that your husband enjoys the melatonin dreams!

      That is hilarious about your dog. I certainly needed a dog like that last year! I can smell a rotting potato a mile off, but Tommy cannot smell them at all!

      Funny stories.

    2. I do use diatomaceous earth--DE. I love it.

  4. I’m happy to hear you are seeing less of the roaches. Hopefully they will be all gone before you know it.

    1. Belinda,
      I am not relaxing! I have no idea how many are in the dining room, but certainly not as many as were in the kitchen. Tommy totally disagrees about closing the long open place under the sink. Dead SET against me closing it up. So, we will see! The place seems more sanitary, but I was things before I use them, unless I just took it from the dishwasher. Thanks.

  5. Eeww, vivid dreams can be so distressing - and of course you get so little rest. I feel for you. I hope you both get a better night's sleep tonight!

    1. Treaders,
      Yes, distressing. Thankfully, I am sleeping better, less distressful. Tommy seems to be having trouble, still.

  6. What a title! Did it bring much traffic?


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