Friday, June 10, 2022

Dream, Eggs, Friday Meals

 Tommy told me the parts of dream he could remember--being at his old job, chasing a rat outside the building, a truck crashed and it turned out to be a smuggler who had a small plane land on top of the truck, trying to show a customer to someone's office and being in a maze. That was a good laugh first thing in the morning. He said there was more dream but this was all he could remember. 

I decided. We will toss the eggs. However, I don't want them sitting in the garbage until it is picked up next Friday morning.  The smell would be gross by then and the garbage can sits by the front door and ramp. Flies!!!??? I will put the carton into two more plastic bags just in case there is anything that runs and leave them in the refrigerator. Once I recalled the odor of a green, rotten egg I opened at someone's house, I could not bear to crack even one of these eggs to check. At friend's I turned and threw up in the sink AND then had to clean the sink. I think that if I threw up over eggs the second time it would put me off eggs forever. 

We were both so tired on Thursday when the eggs did not make it inside. But, this is how it always goes. He is loud and adamant that he is right, that I said or did something or he did say or do the opposite. However, I showed great restraint and did not say "I told you so." 

Breakfast on Friday did not meet my expectations. I poured too much milk in my bowl, and then took it back to the Special K that was in the living room. I poured too little cereal since I did not want too much cereal, but it was too little cereal. Then, the tiny banana was half rotten and so I had not enough banana. None of the proportions were right for a satisfying bowl of cereal! It all left me discombobulated. 

Since I had no more Miracle Whip in the kitchen when I was making potato salad on Thursday, I just made up all the potato salad minus the Miracle Whip and mustard. Friday, I brought the MW from bedroom to kitchen and mixed the MW and mustard in. I ate sooo much potato salad for lunch. 

We went somewhere that was closed and Tommy decided to turn it into a drive. We passed a big park in Bessemer where there were a couple of dozen food trucks. We asked a passerby who told us there were just food trucks today, but on Saturday some sort of event was happening. 

I had Tommy drive by the church where we bought apple cobbler and were given honey butter. YES! Somone was cooking. It turns out they were cooking and selling food to pay the mortgage on the church. We ordered a meal to share with three pork bbq sliders and fries. 

Hands down, this is the best bbq I have ever eaten. It is better than Dreamland or Jim 'n Nicks in Birmingham or Little Pigs in Memphis. The meat had been smoked for three days, and the sauce was not hot or too sweet, not white. They served chicken, beef, shrimp. The woman said they want to make enough money to buy a food truck. I am going to help her find that information. Tommy bought the $10 meal (3 sliders and fries) which we shared. I gave her an extra $5 as a donation. We drank water.

So, we are thoroughly stuffed. Tommy can have the baked potato wedges, carrots, and the rest of the turkey wings for dinner. 

About 7 pm, I called the woman with bbq like I said I would. I had told her about grants and how someone could help her if she could not figure it out. I told her I would call her and tell her more. So, I suggested starting a  blog and going to Kickstarter. She was happy with that information. And, she will call me to let me look it over before launching either. I did not ask her to do that; she asked. She has cash App and Venmo, so not sure that Paypal is better or not. 

This is something I have done before, helping people get started or going farther and being more successful. No, I don't meddle in everyone's business affairs, trying to fix them. If a person is receptive, I continue. If not, I shake the dust off my feet. I have gotten thanks years later for help. It is gratifying.   

I didn't appear to have any tuna in the kitchen. That bothered me since it is over $1 at every store where I look. I only like StarKist tuna, the cheapest I found this tuna for $0.79 cents last year or the year before. I was sure I had some left. When I ventured in the bedroom to find Miracle Whip, I found tuna, 14 cans. These will last this year, giving me a chance to buy it cheap again, I hope. Now, I need to go back in and find deodorant. 

Okay, I just placed an order of 48 cans for $0.88/can. Now, I just hope the cans have good dates. The tax was less than in a store, too. So, the total cost, including tax: $0.95/can. That will be two meals for me. Tommy hates tuna so won't eat it. 

Do you know the comparison of cash app, venmo, and PayPal? 


  1. Good idea to throw the eggs out. You handle your garbage like I do. I would keep them in the fridge until trash day too. Good that you were able to find the 14 cans of tuna in your bedroom. My favorite is the lemon pepper. I even add more pepper to it. I hope your Saturday is a good one. I’m so glad I can comment on your blog again.

    1. Belinda,
      I have wrapped things well, sealed in bags, and put in the freezer until garbage day. I knew there were more cans, just not 14. Now, I have 48 coming. If it is too many, I may see if someone wants to buy some of them. I think Saturday will be a good day. I have a list, but since I am up in the middle of the night unable to sleep. I may not finish the list. But, that is okay. I am happy to see you can comment. That frustrates me when blogger gets wonky.

  2. Well I was up when you posted but I thought I was to tired to comment. Went to bed, only to toss and turn for a couple of hours. As you can see, insomnia strikes again. My body seems to want to go to sleep at 6am to 1pm. I used to be on a normal schedule and could sleep for 9 or 10 hours.

    I am glad you decided to let the eggs go. Normally when I shop I would put things in the back seat. After a couple of cases of said event, I started to put things in the front seat so I would not forget it.
    I know you are in the front passenger seat but if you get just a couple of cold things I would put those in the floor board on your side. Just if it is eggs, milk or milk.

    Maybe you could do an inventory sheet of what is in the bedroom. Put in the kitchen, so you can check it easily and subtract when you use a can. It also helps me plan ahead when I start to get low, I can watch for the sales to restock. I keep a alot of extras in 2 of my bedrooms. I use furniture, the empty drawers of a dresser in one room, contains my canned goods, rice bean and pastas. In the other bedroom I have an armoire that I keep cereals and other dry goods.

    I have 3 bathrooms so plenty of room to store all of those items. All those things are purchased rock bottom. I have a years supply of most things. My son thinks I may have gone crazy. He is finally seeing the sense of my madness. When Covid hit he was more than happy to shop my stash.

    Have a great saturday!! I will try to sleep again.

    1. I went to bed as soon as I posted, could not sleep and got up.

      I can see when we have lots of food, but we only had one bag. He has to open the back seat to get his walker. I made the comment that we only have one bag, crackers and eggs. So, he just forgot because he was tired. He brings in the bag we carry water and other things in and my big purse. It is big enough to hold three epi pens, My makeup and some other meds. So, I see how it happened.

      What irked me was his yelling and telling me he remembered handing them to me, that I lost them! That was obviously not so.

      When I rode alone, I put everything in the front seat. It was easy to make sure it was all inside.

      Now, at 5:45, I am going to go back to bed as I am sleepy. I hope you got to sleep, too.

  3. Your sleeping patterns and commenter Texas' sleeping patterns sound a lot like mine, only I sometimes go through times when I have no real pattern of sleeping for a while.
    I keep our extra canned goods in a cupboard and that worked well for years, but since various shortages happen now we stock up on some things that I use but sometimes become unavailable for long stretches at a time. I started out with just a few canned goods stacked neatly. Now it looks like a hoarder nest, because whenever the store doesn't have any of the product that I was looking for for a stretch of time, when it is in stock again, I buy 3 or so cans of it. I am going to have to get a couple of rolling wire shelves for my extra stock of canned goods. It won't look great, but it will look a little more organized and they will be up off of the floor.

    Have an enjoyable day.

    1. susie,
      I just got up at 11:30, so I slept
      five hours. Sometimes, I have slept just fine. Now, it is all haywire!
      All canned chicken except one can is in the linen closet in the hall. Toothpaste and toiletries are in a top drawer in the dresser in the other bedroom. Foil and paper are in another small top drawer. Tiny jars of pimiento are in another drawer. All the plastic bags I bought with Christmas design are in two trash bags as they will just fall down if stacked! The room will look better when I get it better organized. Then, there is the huge metal rack I bought for the kitchen. Plus, boxes in the dining area. I put lots of canned fruit in one of the kitchen cabinets that are cleaned, washed, and have shelf paper. It is coming along.

      If I get Tommy's hair cut, it will be a wonderful day! Have a good day.

  4. Sorry you had to lose the eggs, but I would have too. Rotten egg smell is the worst! Nice of you to help that lady out.

    1. Cheryl,
      I just could not bear to eat them, knowing how long they had been very hot, maybe 100F. Ick! I just felt like she would be receptive, and she was.

  5. That's a hell of a lot of tuna! Ya need a better system like "Texas" said perhaps...

    1. Ha! I did comment, saying I should. I wonder what happened to my comment.

  6. That was very sweet of you to give $5.00 to the church. You will be blessed. When you are on a fixed income it is like the widows mite.

    1. Kim,
      I just felt like I wanted to. Fixed income is awful! I am a grass widow.

  7. What is a grass widow? I am unfamiliar with the term.

  8. I am continually sent phishing emails from so-called PayPal.

    About the potato salad, one can't go wrong it's spuds, herbs, and a binder - yes/no?

    1. Urspo,
      Binder is Miracle Whip and dab of yellow hotdog type mustard. Herbs? salt, dill pickles--chopped, gherkins--chopped, onion-chopped, celery--chopped. I do like celery seeds in this, but I forgot. This is exactly how my mother made it and how I like it. Okay, she did not put in celery seeds.

      Real PayPal will never contact you.

  9. It has been too hot hear to do any proper cooking. We're just barely keeping ti comfortable inside, even with central air and fans. We've stuck to cold meals: chef salad, shrimp rings, and rotisserie chicken purchased fully cooked at the store.

    Sassybear/Breenlantern/Idle Eyes/ Sean


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