Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Chicken Pen

As you know, my hens lived in a 10'x10'x8' dog pen with a tarp over the top. I always used small, cheap tarps that didn't cover the pen completely. Once it got too many holes, I would replace the tarp with an equally inadequate tarp. The last time I got a thicker tarp that covered the pen and was attached down on the walls.

After a rain I noticed a small pool on top of the tarp as I looked out the kitchen window. After a few days I noticed a sag that was about the size of a bathtub. A few days later when I walked out, the chain link fence had collapsed. Well, the frame is mangled. I think the chain link will survive.

The water weight destroyed every thing in the pen--table, two new Rubbermaid boxes for living and laying, an old box for hens to get into when the wind blew. I think the water heater will survive. It appears the whole thing was made of foil since it crumpled so easily.

I only had one hen in the pen. Everyone asked me where my hen went. There were three options--a raccoon got in the broken cage, she got out and a raccoon got her, or she hid somewhere until she was found by a raccoon. Four days later as I came to the steps to go inside, I found a pile of chicken butt feathers. If you don't know, chickens have very fluffy butt feathers--very distinctive++. So, she lived for four days and was coming to me when she was found by a cat or something in the afternoon.

Tuesday, I had an endoscopy done. Since I am exhausted, I am not responding to comments. I cannot even see where the iv was put into the back of my hand. For the first time, a huge red band was attached to my wrist--"Fall Risk." She said they put these on people who have had anesthesia.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...