Thursday, May 2, 2019

A Garden and a Cat

It is late in the year, but a 'garden' is in the plans. My allergies have been so horrid that I could barely go outdoors without suffering. Surely, some of you have been experiencing the same thing. In the backyard are some really big pots, the size to plant tomatoes.

I now have a little greenhouse to plant seeds in for herbs and such, the little greenhouse is a bit longer than a 9x13 inch cake pan. The car will house the greenhouse. One year, when I germinated the seeds in late February, the car was perfect for germinating seeds. The second year, I put the greenhouse in the car in May and everything germinated and died. It was sad. So, this year I must be careful not to allow the germinated seeds to fry.

Back to the "garden." The huge pots will sit on cap blocks Tommy bought for me to elevate him as he comes into the house. I will need more. The plan was to elevate a board on the cap block. My friend insisted putting each pot on a pedestal of cap blocks would be better, and I would not have to buy boards. Well, now I have to buy more cap blocks! I suppose it will all work out.

My neighbor is moving. I kiddingly asked him for his cat. He gave her to me. My yard is her hunting ground. She stares for hours, looking for chipmunks. The chipmunks destroyed all my Hosta. I am now growing Hosta on a table. Where is the fun in that?

Just as I am getting better, the privet hedges are blooming!!! The ENT will have lots to work with.

As for the past, I saw my first daffodil on New Year's Day, the same day I saw my first the house. Last week, the first mosquito outdoors landed on me. Today, I killed a hornet in the house! That was scary, so I will have my friend look for where it got into the house. I am quite sure I have a hornet nest in the yard

I found a new old dinner to attend. This church had a dinner and invited the community. They now have it for their members, and I was invited. Great for me.

Somewhere is a list of what I intend to plant. I will post that tomorrow. What are you planting this year?


  1. Good Morning Linda,
    So happy I found your blog up and running. Pollen in PA has been horrible. Just hoping a nice rain will wash it away for a minute. I do have a daughter who has type 1 diabetes. Hypoglycemia is a very scary and dangerous thing. Always keep a snack and a juice box by your bedside. Also keep something you like to eat when you have a low blood sugar in your purse. You and Tommy might find a free class at your local hospital or community center for other ideas on how to treat low blood sugars. Look online for an outreach program or a health fair in your local shopping center or library. I hope this helps. Our protocol for our daughter is breakfast 7-8am, snack around 10am, lunch around 12-1, snack at 3pm, dinner 5-6 pm, and a snack 830-9pm. This helps your blood sugar to roll like a hill rather than be spikey like a mountain. Take care. Barb in PA

  2. Barb,
    Thanks. He has no interest in a class. I do, but it is $40. I need to go to B'ham to the dr. appointd class. He is resistant to any advice or pleas to eat, so I put things around that he cannot resist! When he drives me out of town, I pack a little bag from him, one gotten from aarp. It has a bottle of water, jerky and cheese, and a few grapes or other goody he wants to eat. Some days, there might be pb crackers. It varies. He likes this bag. I thought he would object. When he did not have a walker, he hung it around his neck. Now, he can stuff it into his walker pouch. Oh, I put in a Reader's Digest, too. It is hard for him to find a mag he likes.

    So far, I have managed to keep blood sugar more level now. Of course, when I do something foolish, I see a spike. I am ever vigilant about how I feel. I can feel a dramatic change in my consciousness and body. He cannot tell when his blood sugar is dropping. LOL...I like eating all day. Thanks.

  3. My allergies are active too; horrid things.
    This year all I plant are cacti given the climate. I miss proper summer gardens.

  4. Pleased to read above that you have managed to keep your blood sugar more level now … keep on the case :)

    All the best Jan


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