Saturday, June 1, 2019

Heaven Help Me in the Dollar Tree

Small items in the bathroom have been commingling with disastrous results. I carefully planned how to remedy this confusion. I have seen the long dividers for utensils used in junk drawers and such. These are about 10"x3" and look just right. The ones at the Dollar Tree are cheaper than ones at WM.

I headed to Dollar Tree for one item only--small mesh lingerie bags. I want these to use for produce instead of plastic bags. The damage to the earth caused by plastic makes me sick to my stomach, yet I continue to use some plastic. The reusable bags are 3/$1. I bought two packages. These are so small that I can wash them in the sink after using them  for produce. Hanging them on the line will be easy.

While in the store, I remembered the dividers. I found no long ones, but think the square and rectangular ones will work out, maybe even better.  I remembered a conversation with Tommy about how I lose small things in the freezer or that they slide out when they are small. I got another two plastic dividers to hold single servings.

I passed a display of books and decided I would buy two interesting looking titles. Then, I saw a little crossbody bag of plastic that looked just right for my purposes. Of course, two dishes caught my eye--one heart-shaped dish and another star-shaped.

Oh, I passed a bottle brush. I have been wanting the old-fashioned kind with bristles. WM bottle brushed were too expensive for my tastes. This one only cost $1.

Thankfully, I was hurting and could not shop any longer. I was horrified that I spent $22. It is a good thing I was at the Dollar Tree instead of Macy's or even Belk's! I have not been in Macy's in 10 or more years.

Remember the hypertufa? Well, it was molded over a plastic pot. But, it will not come off. I told the teachers that my pot had four holes, sort of like straws and 1/2 inch long. I was assured it would be okay. Well, it is not okay. The hypertufa filled the holes and the concrete makes it impossible to remove the hypertufa. ??? Maybe a screwdriver and hammer will remedy this predicament.

My yard is a mess. The mower guy has been moved to the third shift and sleeps most of the day. Although it has not rained in two weeks, the grass and weeds have taken off.

Do you ever get carried away in the Dollar Tree or your favorite cheap place? Share please.


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. The Dollar Tree. Give me $20 and an hour and I am a happy woman! It is so easy to spend money there, but it is cheaper than anywhere else. I also use mess bags in the fridge for my fruits and veggies. I buy them when they are on sale, but I have never thought of buying the lingerie bags at the Dollar Tree. They will be on my list now. I always just throw them in the washer and then hang them to dry. I also need to get outside today and pull weeds. You have a good day.

  2. tana50,
    It took me a whole lot less time than an hour to destroy a $ Since the bags are meant to be used in the washer, I am sure they will be safe. I just want to get them clean for the next trip.

  3. Yes it is easy to just put thing in the cart as they are only a dollar.

  4. I could easily spend a small fortune at the Dollar Tree. LOL

    I have one of those bottle brushes, they are so great for cleaning our cups where my hand wont fit inside of them.

    1. Belinda,
      Luckily, I could stand no longer. I only went down 2.5 aisles out of 8 aisles. This brush is not as stiff as the old one I had for baby bottles, the one with the wire handle twisted in a loop. If I ever see those, I will buy a dozen. Cups can be a pain.

  5. I am not a fan of Dollar Tree. If I go in one it eats too many of my dollars.

  6. I have not been to a Dollar store, but I have been known to attack the old Woolworth's filling up my cart with unnecessary plastic objects.


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