Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Don't Cut Off too Much of My Nose!

 The dermatologist pointed out that it had been 23 months since I had been in his office. If it were not for a suspicious place on my nose, I would not have gone in today. 

In the end, I had a biopsy on the end of my nose. This involved a couple of injections and slicing off a tiny sample. Daddy had skin cancer in almost the same place and had it removed. So, I have a bandaid on the end of my nose. I thought the place was a quarter of an inch in diameter, but it was much larger. 

He froze two places on my face. That blast is not what I want near my left eye, but it happened. Now, one itches so that I need to scratch it. 

For the last twenty years I have had a blackhead on my chest. Yes, embarrassing. I can get it out, but it gets larger. So, he used something to take plug out, treated it, and stitched it up. 

Now, I have to wait a week for the results of the biopsy. In two weeks, he needs to take out the stitches. I am quite sure the biopsy will show cancer since that is just a reality in my father's family. 

The first two days of taking the Cymbalta were rough. But, the hangover has diminished to only about an hour each day, thankfully. 

The heat was oppressive today. It was though a had a hot blanket touching my skin, palpable. It was 91F with heat index of 101F. Weather like this makes me like AC even more. 

Other than a nap, that has been my day. Now, I need to cook dinner in a pan in the oven--one small potato, zucchini, yellow squash, onions, and bell pepper. Maybe Italian sausage with it will be Tommy's choice. Maybe I will thaw a baked chicken breast. 

Have you been out in the heat? How hot is it where you are? Have you ever had skin cancer? How did that turn out? 


  1. Replies
    1. Anne,
      Since we basically live in the same place, I was in that Hell, too. It was surprisingly oppressive.

  2. Sending you my prayers for your biopsy. Please let us know when you find out the results.

  3. Yes. I had a basil cell on the tip of my nose. I had Mohs Micrographic surgery on it. It was supposed to be the best option for removing the minimum amount of meat, but still getting all the cancer. l was left with a long scar, but really only I notice it, and my modeling days are behind me, so it turned out okay. Good luck with it!

    1. Carolyn,
      Thanks. I will research that surgery. I want all the cancer no matter the scar. I have a mask to use for a while! And, my modeling days are behind me, too.

  4. I had a piece of my ear and a lesion under my eye removed by a very skilled doctor. Basal cell carcinoma. No scarring. I never forget to wear sunscreen now! and a hat! Being a Canadian, this cost me nothing in fact I was paid for my travel expenses.

    1. Rita,
      I hope my doctor is skilled. He should be, considering where he works. I hope for minimal scarring. Cost is something many people will not be able to afford.

  5. It is hot and miserable here in Ohio too. Heat index of 103 today and very high humidity. We had a couple pop up thunderstorms and they just made the air feel so much more stickier and hot. Ugh.

    1. Thankfully, we had no rain, at least not where I live. It did rain after we left the doctor's office. I lived in ac and watched the hummingbirds today. I know you have lots to do with kids.

  6. It's very comfortable in Sydney right now but of course we know oppressive heat. I didn't realise this house is especially hot but my children say it is. I plan to get air conditioning as soon as I can afford it (which could be a long way off!) I'm getting the middle aged grumps and don't want to put up with the heat if I need not.
    I've had quite a few skin cancers, the first when I was in my early thirties. I treat them with blood root salve and they have always fallen out and healed up.
    I hope it's a small one on your nose

    1. kylie,
      It is no fun to be old and hot! Get the ac, even a window unit and when you get older, it will be there. Did the doctor diagnose the skin cancers? What did he say about the blood root salve? That seems like a good thing to have. Thanks.

  7. I hope and pray it isn’t cancer. It’s hot here, but I am staying indoors in the cool ac.

    1. Belinda,
      I have my fingers crossed. I fully expect it to be. So, maybe it won't be a shock. But, it will be a relief if it is not.

  8. I had a “subcutaneous horn” grow over my left eyebrow that turned out to be squamous-cell carcinoma (different from basal-cell carcinoma). I had the Mohs surgery in late 2019and they got it all. There is no scar visible whatsoever which in itself is a small miracle.

    1. rhymes,
      Hopefully, my nose won't have a scar or not much.

  9. It cooled off from 44C down to a mere 30C which feels almost arctic.

  10. We have friends up in Huntsville from you. He was complaining about the heat and he NEVER DOES do that. Send someone back down to hell to shut that door.

    1. Chef,
      See, I told you it was hot! I wonder who left that door open on the way out?


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