Monday, August 30, 2021

Smelly, Disgusting

This is an ongoing complaint. Kitchen linens start to smell like rancid oil and food.  I grab a dishtowel, clean or dirty, to contain a huge sneeze and am choked by the smell. Yes, that towel goes into the wash. There is never snot, just spray! Finally, I could stand stink no more. Nothing helped. 

Where is the Biz I bought a year ago? I found it. I had never used it because Tommy objected. ??? Well, a cup of Biz in the last load of white laundry solved the problem. I even washed some "clean" but stinky  kitchen things to get everything not to smell gross. It was so bad I could not stand to fold clean clothes from the dryer.  I suppose I will use Biz from now on in the laundry.

At my house, I would lay a dish cloth or towel in the dishwasher rack and put glasses on it or edges of bowls. Then, I would wash the dishes. Washing things like this one or two at a time eventually got the stink of rancid oil/food out of everything. Of course, there were the inevitable tiny bits of food left on laundry washed with dishes. I just rinsed the items in the sink, hung over the side of the sink to dry and dropped them into the dirty laundry. It took months to get this accomplished. 

As long as we are talking smelly and disgusting, how about roaches? When I came here, it seemed roaches reigned. Tommy would not allow any remediation measures. So, I sneaked a roach spray in and sprayed table legs in the kitchen. I also sprayed the baseboards and a bit of the carpet down the hall. When I found a roach, dead or alive, I called him so he would realize the extent of the problem. 

The other day, I washed a skillet and put it on the stove. I turned around and there was a roach in the skillet. I screamed and hit the stove with the skillet about three time hard. Now, I have gotten more roach deterrents and killers. I found these non-toxic sticky things that trap roaches. It works. Then, I got a packet of ten roach motel like things. So far, the sticky sheets work. I have no idea if the roach poison works. I suppose so. 

All this time, I have had to keep utensils and cooking utensils in a plastic box with a locking top. It is also on a chair that has been sprayed on the legs. I have had to wash items before I use them. The larger glass items are on chairs that have had the legs sprayed with the roach killer/repellent. This has made my life harder. I need to treat the drawers and cabinets as they are roach homes. I am not capable of emptying everything at once, so I may just spray in those and then wash things in the dishwasher. 

Under the sink in the back corner, there is a huge gap in the construction of the cabinet. I know that roaches breed there, probably coming from under the house. Well, I have seen roaches under the sink. He told me absolutely that no one could fix it. And, I could not spray foam in the crack. I have plans, though. Watch me. 

I did not grow up with roaches and have never lived with roaches! I hate it. Roaches are so nasty and low class! A man told me there is no shame in getting roaches; there is shame in living with them. 

Dinner tonight: Stove Top Stuffing with chicken, broccoli slaw, green beans, and dried cranberries in it, baked. There will be no soup or egg or broth. I will cook the broccoli slaw to soften it. I think it will be good. In order not to have so much bread/carbs, I will make the stuffing and then use only half, probably freezing the other half. 

Scratch that dinner above. I have been having reflux that is so painful and for almost 24 hours. Tommy decided to have the slaw from last night and a chicken Italian sausage, and three huge, juicy plums. I still have not decided what I can eat without pain.

The skies are gray; with intermittent showers. So far, that is all of Ida we are experiencing. I think Birmingham will be spared. We have plans to stay in until Wednesday. Since it appears we will be dry by then, I have a blood draw planned. How about your weather conditions? 


  1. It was so nice to speak with you this evening! Thank you for the call.

    1. Janet,
      It was my pleasure. I hope it was a good time to call.

  2. If you cut a Dixie cup and fill it with boric acid powder and put it in key roach areas, that may cut down the population. For the stinky dishtowels add to your washer, detergent, and try some lemon juice, or white vinegar or baking soda. Also do a small load and wash them alone in very hot water. Make sure they are 100% dry before you put them away.

    1. bun,
      I have done everything but the lemon juice, and nothing stops it here except for putting them in the dishwasher or BIZ. The small is always small, but I have Tommy use a full tub. Thanks for the thoughts.

    2. bun,
      Thanks. good to know for those who cannot find it.

  3. Northerners and Southerners both have roaches. The difference is that Southerners talk about them and Northerners don’t. Another difference is that roaches up North are small. In the South, especially in Florida where they are called “palmetto bugs” and also in Georgia where that term is unknown, they are LARGE, sometimes as big as your thumb. I have seen exactly three in this house in 18 years. I stomped on them with my foot. Trial and error in Florida taught us that Raid Ant & Roach Speak was of no use,against them; they must drink it like water. But Raid Wasp & Hornet Speay, which really shouldn’t be used indoors, suffocates them immediately or plug up their airways or something, I’m not sure. They keel over and give up the ghost in a split second. But do not use around pets and all the windows need to be open for a while afterward for ventilation. Or you could just move to another house.

    This is the most extensively I have ever written about roaches. It may be a Southern record.

    1. People in more affluent neighborhoods don't have roaches. they have (eye roll) Same thing. I suppose the hornet spray is much more potent. I like to see a roach die. Moving seems like the best option.

    2. When my husband and I got married, I moved from PA to South FL. The first palmetto bug I saw looked like a mini B-52 bomber. Yuck!!

    3. bun,
      Those fly, too, don't they? That would be scary.

  4. We are not getting much from Ida either.

  5. When Mother lived in Florida she would sprinkle Tide laundry soap... the powder kind, around the outside of her home and along baseboards for roaches.

    1. Chef,
      Twenty Mule Team Borax was used to sweep into cracks and under baseboards to kill roaches. I never read about Tide.

  6. It’s raining here from Ida. I’m sorry you are sick with reflux. I have that from time to time, so I feel your pain. I like those roach Combat little black squares. They seem to work really well for them.

    1. Belinda,
      I may invest in some time for the big outdoor ones. I have some squares but forgot what brand they are. This is the worst reflux I have ever had. I am in misery and this is the third day.

  7. maybe I'm just lucky, LOL, but up here in the Pacific Northwest I have never seen a roach. I do agree about the dish towels getting stinky and washing doesn't seem to help. I just bought 2 new ones, since one of mine was getting holes after years of use, but I'll have to try the Biz.

    1. One,
      I lived most of my life never seeing roaches, so this is shocking and horrendous. Biz works. After folding a whole load, I decided they need another wash with BIZ to get them really fresh. Maybe I will use it from now on. The ten I bought for $.50 each are still in one piece, plus I have another ten that are still new and cost $.32 each. I am good for a bit.

  8. WE do not have roaches here, but we have other critters just as bad.d Stay dry!

    1. Kim,
      What else could there be? Staying in the house keeps me very dry. Thanks.

  9. If you have the gigantic roaches that come in from outside just about any bug spray will work. I find them occasionally, especially after rains and spray them with a combination of water, dr bronners soap and peppermint essential oil. It takes them a few minutes to expire but it works. If you have the small German roaches you probably need an exterminator.
    The first home we ever bought was a small house in Homewood. We did not know, until we were painting it before we moved in that it was infested with them. It took about two weeks for the exterminator to bomb the house twice before we could remove the bodies. Then I had to have them spray for about 3 months afterward until the house was completely free of them.

    1. Anne,
      He had both. However, the bug spray I secretly bought and used was also used inside the back door, between the storm door and back door, and outside the back door. It took two years to see another one. I need to do a respray of the doors. I don't want to use a bomb, and I am not capable of removing things from cabinets and all it takes to keep food and dishes safe.

      I moved into a parsonage I had never seen and roaches started coming from everywhere. I sat on a box and wailed. Church members who were there got an exterminator within the hour. I was pregnant, one child had pneumonia, and the other an asthma attack. It is a wonder we did all die from what we had to live in!

    2. I eant--it is a wonder we did not all die.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...