Tuesday, August 31, 2021

What I ate on Tuesday

 I woke about 10:30, took med for my stomach, waited two hours. I ate a banana about 1 pm. Then I slept for two hours. Then, I had four ounces of applesauce. I had one tiny hamburger, a $1 burger. At 8 pm, I had a salad with a bit of Miracle Whip and a small amount of chicken I cut into tiny cubes. The volume was about the amount of half a deck of cards.  Around 9 pm, I had a bar with peanuts. Now, at almost midnight I have not had one bit of reflux pain. 

Try figuring what you can eat with diabetes, gastroparesis, and reflux. It is hard. I know that twice today, I pushed it with what I ate. But, I managed to not have reflux. 

Tommy had salad with tomatoes, relish and mayo, and chicken.

Good news (at least to me)

Okay, I used my soldering iron successfully.

Did not burn myself or anything else I should not have.

Probably lost weight today. 

Stayed home except for a quick trip to Walgreen's for prescription I really needed. 

Did not get wet or blown away. 

Tommy and I got the dishwasher emptied and filled. 

I read a bit more of "I Alone."

Remembered to watch Miracle Worker: Oregon Trail. 

I now have two free hummingbird feeders.

What is good or new in your world on Tuesday or whenever? 


  1. I suffer with reflux too so I know how challenging it is to eat. I find coffee, sodas or carbonated drinks and anything spicy will give me bad reflux and keep me awake all night. What's new? A few things as I'm still trying to make small improvements around the home. We are having problems de-installing the light fixture in the dining room so we can put up a new one. I've ordered curtains but still have to put up the hardware for it. I am trying to get this done before the weather turns cold to see if helps me keep warmer this year. I've got lots of small projects on the go. Little by little it will get done. I remember you got a shelving unit some time back and I also got one. I wondered whether you have set it up the way you were hoping and how you are liking it?

    1. Joyful,
      When it gets so bad as it was, everything makes reflux. I like the shelves. Really, I have no choice. But, I am always afraid they will fall over as they are sitting on carpet. Tommy needs insulation under the floor. Nothing else will keep my feet warm! I hope all your efforts to stay warm help you to do so. Little projects are fun.

    2. I'm glad you were able to get the shelves set up and I hope they will remain stable for you. I really like my shelves too but haven't completely arranged them. I have to wait until I get some individual shelves to put up between the upper and lower cabinets. I like the small improvements. The problem is I nerd so msmy and the costs all add up. I could do it more quickly if more funds were available. It takes forever to shop for what I want/need in line, make it coordinate then ensure it fits the budget. I guess it's better I don't have only one or two things I need because this way I hope I do a better job of trying to coordinate it all (colour and style). I know you are also doing a lot of projects when you can. All the best with them.

    3. Joyful,
      I bought some shelves that hook onto shelves to put on the shelves I bought. It does help with having more room. Cost is always a factor.

  2. It’s still raining here, but is supposed to taper off this morning. I’m so glad you didn’t have any reflux yesterday. That is great news!

    1. Belinda,
      I was so fearful of eating. We are going out this morning to miss this afternoon's projected rain.
      Thank you.

  3. Monday night a neighbor of ours at our camp on the river posted a photo of our dock/boat (that had broken loose due to high water)on facebook and my son happened to see it. In the past three years I spent a ton of money on that dock and boat.
    It was already after dark and my son and a friend went to pull both out of the water. I was a nervous wreck! All's well that ends well.

    1. Jan,
      Oh no! Too bad about the loss of something you spent money on. If they pulled it out, will it be usable or salvageable? At least you found out before it floated away or was further damaged. Sorry about the problem.

  4. I would love to work with a soldering iron how fun!

    1. Kim,
      So far this is not what you think. It is very hot and stinky. Maybe I will try some glass work.


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