Sunday, August 8, 2021

Useful, Pretty and Cheap

 At The Pig on Saturday, I found a package of three rolls of tape, 1200" total reduced to  $0.50. They were three different colors--yellow, lavender, and pink. I tried the pink on white paper and it is not dark pink, just a hit of pink. This tape was purchased as cheap, quality tape, not for the colors. But, it does not hurt they are pretty on the roll. 

Saturday night, Tommy voluntarily made himself a salad with chicken. I had promised meat balls, spaghetti and a salad. I am so groggy. One day last week, he had sliced chicken. I keep it in a glass dish with a snap lid. He told me he washed a knife really well, put it in a sandwich bag, and stored it in the glass dish with the chicken breasts. He surprises me sometimes with ingenuity with food. 

He knows I hate it when he used a used/dirty knife for chicken or anything in the refrigerator. He has said I am afraid of germs and that he is eating the chicken he is slicing, so I should not have anything to say about it. If he wants to put a piece of chicken on his plate and cut it with a dirty knife, I don't care. It is the chicken left in the refrigerator with germs on it that bothers me. I told him germs can breed even in the refrigerator. I guess it soaked in and he does not want to wash a knife each time (not that there is never a clean knife). It was handy having  a knife right with the chicken. That way, I did not have to move to find a knife to use. 

The lethargy from the Cymbalta wore off about nine or ten o'clock Saturday night. My arms still felt heavy. 

Sunday now. I am so groggy and breathless. I just got up from a nap at 5 pm, and feel so weak, groggy, breathless, and limp. Maybe this will wear off later tonight. 


  1. 30% of those who take cymbalta experience sedation; they take these in the night time.

    1. Urspo,
      Sedation is what I feel. Things knock me out that don't affect others.

  2. Ah yes! my daughter keeps a spoon in the sugar container because she "hates having to get one from the drawer"
    Whatever works for them!

    1. kylie,
      I agree with your daughter. I have always kept a small scoop in all my canisters. I think they are meant to measure coffee.

  3. I keep a scoop in my sugar canister too. Tommy was pretty smart to put the knife in a baggie with the chicken. Great deal you got on the tape.

    1. Belinda,
      When I moved here, I had no canisters or scoops and it was annoying. I thought it was clever, too. And, he assured me he washed it well. I hate to be without tape!


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...