Saturday, October 9, 2021

Short Post

This week, I managed to keep up with the days and not get ahead of myself or the calendar. This week ended up sunny and bright, unlike the middle of the week. Tommy is not balking at helping me load the dishwasher, he is just not ready, I suppose. 

Consequently, there was nothing to cook in or heat in tonight, Friday night. I ended up opening a can of Hormel Roast Beef, made Idahoan instant potatoes, and either peas or green beans. Then, I had a banana. He eats the peas; I eat the green beans. His putting off the emptying and filling of the dishwasher is annoying me. Tonight was a $7 dinner, unlike even picking up burgers. 

We will load the dishes on Saturday. Then, Sunday they will be taken from the dishwasher. This makes my life less stressful when the dishwasher is empty to fill as I go. 

He did help me get food sorted and took something from the living room that had been put off for weeks on end. He also used his walker to carry food to the bedroom where the overflow lives. This is the bedroom where things of mine live in boxes--the sewing patterns and notions. There is other stuff, but nothing comes to mind. 

Saturday was horrendous, so I will leave that for tomorrow. I am exhausted and disgusted. 

Do things ever pile up and not get done? UPDATE: Things piling up does not necessarily mean just dishes.


  1. I’m sorry things are so hard for you.
    Normally things do not pile up for me but they sure did over my stretched-thin summer.

    1. Rhonda,
      This is not the way I have always done things. But, times and health are different. Today, I told him we were unloading the dishwasher tomorrow.

  2. I guess I don't understand why you are not loading the dishwasher every day after every meal? Use a plate/fork/spoon, put it in the dishwasher. Even with just my husband and me, we're running the dishwasher at least every other day. As for emptying it, can you stack the clean plates on the counter on top of the dishwasher and then have Tommy put them away?

    1. Bobbie,
      If the dishwasher is not unloaded, I cannot put things in each day. I cannot stand long enough to unload it. Bending and straightening and then walking with dishes is too hard. We need to run the dishwasher about three times a week! I have to have a little cooperation from him.

  3. A big 'yes' to things that pile up and don't get done. I have a lot of half done things right now because I too wait for someone to help me and he has been unable to stand on his foot for at least one month. Even at the best of times, things pile up on me.

    1. Joyful,
      I don't understand why people cannot understand that sometimes it takes two! Hopefully, whoever you are waiting on can get back onto his foot soon, not just to help you. It must be difficult for both of you.

  4. Keeping the house organized was never my strong point, but my home has been very disorganized ever since my knees got real painful, and then the surgeries on each one and recoveries. Sometimes it seems like I just get behind, and more behind in decluttering. If we know someone is coming over, my husband and I both work at straightening stuff up and trying to catch up on dusting,and organizing paperwork etc. He sweeps and I pick up and dust.

    Ever since we were first married and the apartment we lived in had roaches, I cannot stand to have any kind of dirty dishes around. I have almost a phobia of dirty dishes in the sink all night. I'm afraid that would attract roaches into our house. For a while, when I was recovering from knee surgery, I had a small rectangular tray to put any spoons, forks, knives that we might use after I got the main dishes done, into the refrigerator in the plastic tray to be washed the next day,because I was too worn out during recovery to wash dishes late at night. Our dishwasher has been broken for a few years. Every time we planned on getting a new one, something else would come up, and now since Covid, I don't want anyone in the house doing any work unless it is an emergency. I have read that the Covid virus droplets can remain in the air for 3 hours. So unfortunately dish washing has had to be done by hand for a few years now. After fixing dinner, and eating, I put the dishes in to soak for a while and do them after I have rested from cooking.

    I do have a pile of books, catalogs, and magazines by my chair and that can really get out of control quickly. Mail also tends to pileup so fast. I get plus size clothing catalogs and so much junk mail. I don't know why they send the catalogs so often. Usually it is showing the same clothes in a different order and different color, but usually same stuff every time, with maybe a couple of additions. And now since we order so much online we have boxes to break down. Those pile up fast in the house, and my arthritic hands and thumb have a really hard time cutting them and flattening them out, so my husband needs to do that a lot of the time. So, yes, sometimes our house looks like a cluttered disaster.

    1. Susie,
      It is just hard to stay organized and do anything when a person has physical problems. You do understand.

      Tommy uses a utility knife on boxes or just flattens them, depending on how much the garbage outdoors will hold. I am upset I cannot bend to dust, so it seems we live in dust. I keep getting Woman Within and it seems they send one every week. I have no idea how or why they send it to me. I wonder about the quality. They are for size S-6X.

      I took a chance on having men deliver a dishwasher and freezer. Otherwise, the dishes he had sitting for years would still be here!

      Amazingly, the roaches have mostly gone. They are still here, but only one a day instead of dozens.

      Tommy has no company, so no rush to get things straightened up.

  5. So sorry things are so difficult. Yes, I have things piled up all the time. I have good intentions, lots of motivation but lack focus after I get bored.

    1. Lisa,
      Thanks. All my good intentions, motivation are thwarted by pain and inability to actually do the things I should and want to do. Either way, things get piled up!

  6. I know it's hard for you both, but it does sound like you have gradually been making progress in Tommy's home. I used to let everything pile up. Now I can't stand it to be that way. The other evening I had lunch and dinner dishes in the sink, like you said, because I had not emptied the d/w. I just didn't feel like it before bed, so it ended up waiting until morning. A long time ago I read something about how all my clutter and poor housekeeping was causing chaos in other areas of my life and I think it was right. Keeping everything around me clean and clutterfree helps me focus on getting other tasks done.

    1. One,
      When I first came here, he yelled and ranted if I tried to make anything better. Now, he does not. It is sooo much better, but still chaos. I don't think that is true for me. Back when I sewed so much, making children's clothes, making money sewing, an then making a living sewing, I sewed first and did the rest as I could. Except for not neglecting kids and their needs.

  7. I try to avoid letting anything pile up. I think this is because I learned great study habits in high school which served me well in college. I tend to apply those habits to other aspects of my life. That said, I despise unloading the dishwasher. I don't mind any other housework, but unloading the dishwasher infuriates me. I would rather hand wash dishes than unload a dishwasher. A dishwasher full of clean dishes does absolutely no good. If my kids want to see me "lose my *#^*" as they say, all they have to do is open the dishwasher, see it's full of clean dishes, close it, and place the dirty dish in the sink. I *know* if this has happened, because my dishwasher has what they call the "snitch light." It's a green light which tells you that the dishwasher has completed its cycle. Once the dishwasher is opened, the light turns off.

  8. Meg b.,
    I can tell when Tommy has opened the door after dishes are washed. He will leave the door ajar and I will mention it. He swears he has not opened it, and I know he I love that little light.

  9. We’ve not tried the Hormel Roast Beef. Is it good? Sounds like a quick and easy meal with the Idahoan mashed potatoes and vegetable.

    1. Belinda,
      Delicious, tender meat and great gravy! It is quite a lifesaver on a night when there is nothing thawed or cooked or if I am beyond going.

  10. I usually dislike things piling up enough to get at them before they get out of hand. Someone does the opposite. Our "to iron' pile is quite a different pile.

    1. Urspo,
      I am afraid things get out of hand quite often. I have nothing that needs ironing by design.

  11. Things here don't pile up too much although keeping on top of dishes is a constant effort. As you know, I live with three adult children and they are capable but they just don't see what needs to be done.
    There is currently a milk crate that has been left on the front lawn for at least two weeks. I asked my son yesterday to bring it in and he said later......youguessed it, it's still there

    1. kylie,
      Of course! If you tell a person again, you are nagging. If you don't tell the person, it is your fault because you did not remind him. That's how it goes. Good luck getting it in.

  12. Mail!!! It piles up, and then the aftermath and drives me crazy. My whole house drives me crazy, but the mail is the worst. I hope things get better for you. Your posts have been cryptic.

    1. SAM,
      Mail is horrific! If I start writing about it, I will write it all and the feelings will come back.

    2. Mail used to pile up for me, too. It was the worst. I changed all my bills and accounts to paperless. Put my name on some do not mail catalogs type list. We now get very little mail each day and most of it is junk. I take care of the mail right as it comes in the house. Junk goes straight to the garbage and if there is something I need to keep it goes on my desk to be taken care of.

    3. One,
      I actually want some of the bills on paper. Some of the junk actually has coupons I want. I suppose I want it both When I get the mail from my box, it gets put into a tote bag and carried home. there it sits due to exhaustion and distraction of making dinner and such. It was much easier when I at my house.


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