Monday, November 22, 2021

This Makes Me So Sad

Aurora  caused a fear of movies. Columbine and Sandy Hook caused fear of schools. Now, Waukesha causes me to fear Christmas parades. All the innocent activities show how evil and mean people can spoil it for the rest of us. 

I sort of get over the horrors as it relates to myself. I will still go to the movies. My children are teachers and grandchildren go to school. I won't skip Christmas parades. It is still all just so sad to remove joy and replace it with death. 

Each instance digs a little deeper into my psyche. I try to get over my fears. And, I think I succeed to only have a more horrible fear appear. 

First and foremost, I am saddened, deeply saddened. 

I baked an apple pie and we ate some tonight. The rest is for Thanksgiving. For dinner tonight--salad with tomatoes and chicken, not a heavy meal. 

We will all endure and get past the parade killing. Won't we? Except for the loved ones of those run down. 

Kim at Out My Window id facing her own family crisis and deaths. 


  1. I think you mean Aurora for movie theater. Columbine was the high school shooting in mid 90's. It is a sickening feeling to know no where is truly safe

    1. I was going to say the shooting at columbine and then decided to mention Sandy Hook. And, got caught up in my thoughts of it all. Thanks.

    2. LOL, sometimes I think one thing and write another. Thanks.

  2. I know how you feel! Everywhere we go these days I am extra aware of what is happening, watch people's hands, know where all of the exits are...kind of like PTSD caused by regular life!

    1. Last night seemed to be the final straw! Yes, PTSD caused by regular life. Exactly. I look for exits, too.

  3. It's very sad.
    I don't seem to develop these kinds of fears but I live in a different kind of place and am pretty optimistic, some would say I'm naive. Maybe I am.

    I hope you can still enjoy life

    1. kylie,
      It is hard in the moment. But, it hits me and makes my cry for all the people affected.

  4. It is very sad indeed. We mustn't let these evil doers make us fear living with as much joy as we can. Some days are harder than others. Hugs to all. xx

    1. Joyful,
      If I feared, really feared, I would never get on the interstate. But, deliberate evil bothers me. I have a lot of joy but people try to steal that joy.

  5. I have often wondered how all of these goings on affect my 11 year old grandson.My daughter says he never says much about it. It seems to me that he has adjusted to all that goes on, I hope he doesn't even hear about the Christmas parade incident. Kids have such different lives now than we did. Imagine having shooter drills in school, being threatened by Covid every
    weekday of the school year. He just wears his mask and goes about his business, is excited about starting middle school and learning to play the trombone. Twice he has had to quarantine at home because someone with no mask sitting near him in his mask-optional school had exposed kids in the class. My grandson plows on and doesn't seem to be anxious about it all. My daughter worries about getting him vaccinated for Covid because of the possible effects to the heart from the vaccine for young boys especially. It must be so hard raising kids now and having to make life and death decisions so often. My daughter and son in law seem to be handling it all a lot better than I would have. They have been vaccinated, but she is really concerned about these possible heart effects on young boys. Our grandson is very good about keeping his mask on, but how can he do that at band practice playing a trombone? My daughter is an RN and works in the cardio catheterization department. I think she needs to speak with a couple of the cardiologists she works with about the vaccine effects on boys' hearts, and if they would they have their young sons vaccinated right now.

    I was never much of a praying person when I was younger, but now it seems there is always someone or something to pray about. It's like there is a growing snowball of prayers now.
    It has been said that we live in interesting times. I think we all need a little less "interesting", it would be nice to just gear down to mundane for a while.

    1. susie,
      I know these things would have bothered my children and even me if these things happened when I was young. My children were vocal about their feelings. I worry more about children who do not express fears. I was worried sick about Communists, the bomb, so much. Prayer will help you not to worry, but it will not change the course of anything. If it would, all these people would not die of covid. Oh, give me boredom. I can listen to music or go watch the birds and the trees.

  6. My heart breaks for Kim and her family.

    1. Belinda,
      It is such a tragedy and to think her children knew she was hurting them.

  7. I know what you mean about people becoming afraid of everyday events. In the 1970s the Irish Republic Army were carrying out a bombing campaign in England (mainly) and one time they tried to bring down a huge building called The Rotunda in my home town of Birmingham by planting bombs in two pubs just below the building. Many young people were killed but The Rotunda never came down. There were also bombs in cinemas and on buses and so on and I remember as a kid actually looking under my seat in the cinema to check if there was a bomb there (as if it made any difference if the bomb was under the seat next to me)! It takes a long time to break through that "siege mentality" - and then some lunatic pulls another stunt and kills more innocents and we end up back where we started from!

    1. Treaders,
      I was glad all that was in the UK and never could see why religion was a reason to kill. Thankfully, mothers ended that. I listened to the news to see how bad the cold war was and questioned my mother as to how cold it would get to be able to kill us. I watched for atomic bombs, too.


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