Wednesday, December 22, 2021

My Brush with Dementia

 My grandmother, Memaw, died in 1966 after suffering years of mental decline. I always feared what she had for myself and for my mother. Mama said the doctors said Memaw had hardening of the arteries. 

Later, in the 80s my mother saw some popular talk show that described Alzheimer's. She said it described her mother completely. So, we were convinced she died of Alzheimer's. I still fear it.

At one doctor's visit in 2020, I complained to my doctor that I had trouble reading aloud. I attributed it to the swelling of my tongue and inside cheeks. She said I should go to a neurologist and referred me to one. So, I have spent over a year fearing that I had dementia. 

When I went to the neurologist a week ago, he wanted to know why I was referred to him. I explained to him that I can speak perfectly well. I can read silently. But, when I read aloud I stumble over words and leave out syllables of words I know. I told him I thought the other doctor thought I had Alzheimer's and that I feared it because my grandmother died, diagnosed with hardening of the arteries long before Alzheimer's was identified. 

I also told him I feared the test where I might be given five disparate words and be asked later what the words were. I told him I made a mental list of 3 grocery items, a list I made, and could not remember two of the three! Well, he laughed. I also told him I often called my children by their sibling's name. But, in all fairness my father called us by a half-sister's name. So, I came by it honestly. He asked me if I knew my children's names. I thought that was an odd question--of course I do. This calling by the wrong name started when I had the second child, way back in my twenties. 

Finally, he said he had listened and talked to me for thirty minutes and did not detect any signs of mental decline or dementia. He said that at this point I did not have any worries. Whew! 

(By the way, I bite my tongue and the inside of my cheeks all the time!)

So, there is my brush with dementia. It is exciting to me that nothing is wrong. 

It was too cool and damp today to spray the cardinal, but I sprayed it anyway and brought it directly inside. So, maybe the paint job will hold up. This will be my friends' Christmas present. 

So, I suppose my brush with dementia was all in my mind. And, I guess it would be in my mind if I had

Dinner tonight was baked chicken breast with spices, leftover carrots, potatoes, onions, and celery, leftover coleslaw. 

I am mailing my last batch of Christmas cards today. So, Christmas is on the way.



  1. I'm so glad you went to see the neurologist & were given a clean bill of mental health, sure that was a huge relief!! I think that's often the hardest part when dealing with potential health problems - the part where you don't know what's going on yet so your mind runs away with itself & makes you think the worst possible scenarios - or is that just me?! Glad you had a good outcome & can rest easy now.
    Good job on getting your cards mailed! I totally failed at sending Christmas cards but with the terrible year I've had, I'm giving myself a pass on those and will do better next year. Still have a tower of Amazon packages to tackle that I've been spectacular at procrastinating the last couple days... I'll be cursing myself later for sure when I'm up half the night wrapping LOL

    1. Bri,
      I think I only mailed a dozen cards and ran out of time and energy. I will catch up by sending Happy Spring cards. I know, things just pile up until it kills to try to catch up.

    2. I love the idea of sending Happy Spring cards - that's genius! I might steal that one ;) The tower of amazon packages remains... sigh.

  2. I had to laugh because the other day I popped into the supermarket as I wanted three things. Came out with two of them and couldn't for the life of me remember the third!

    1. Treaders, That would have caused both of us to fail a dementia test.

  3. Hubby shows signs of dementia. His doctor tested him and said he was seeing a lack of caring more than dementia and to get his act together before it did slide into dementia. His rule is if you do not use it, you will lose it.

    Enjoy your Christmas and be safe

    1. Chef,
      I am trying to use it! I hope your husband does, too.

  4. I am so glad that you do not have dementia. That could certainly be a worry.

  5. Well, for years I forget why I go into a room. I walk back to where I was, look around, aha! - then back at it.
    I have bitten the inside of my mouth and tongue all my life - I just figured I was a clutz!
    My Mom always went through the list of names of kids - my sister and brother do the same. I think it comes with kids!
    I agree - I think you are just fine!!!!!!

    1. Cheryl,
      I know when I was a teen I would have to backtrack. It was annoying. Now, it hurts. I have occasionally over the years bitten the inside of my mouth, but not multiple times a week and drawing blood.
      I don't know. I had two girls and still get their names confused, but not them.
      Thank you. I think I am fine, too.

  6. My mum calls us by each others names, she used gto call me by the dogs name Heidi because it sounds similar, she called my husband Kent by her brother in laws name, Ted. In short, her name substitutions are extensive.
    It's good to know you don't have dementia!

    1. kylie,
      I just thought it was normal because Daddy did the same thing. It is good to know the doctor found no hint of dementia when I talked with him.

  7. I'm glad you got a clean bill of mental health! The prospect of dementia is so worrying. But I think it's normal to momentarily forget words or forget why we went into a room.
    When I am around my youngest brother, I always start to call my own son by youngest brother's name. Because I think they are so similar in looks and temperament. My mom had 4 sons and routinely ran through all their names when she wanted to holler at one of them.

    1. Sue,
      I was just mistaken about why the doctor wanted me to see a neurologist. But, my mind made up I am glad to know there are other mothers who struggle to get the name right.

  8. Was off work for Christmas break and spent zero time online, just now catching up.

    I joke that I as the youngest, I thought my name was FayeKarenBobbyAliceLee.

    1. Alice,
      Now, that is hilarious! Thanks! I hope you had a nice Christmas break.


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