Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Hummingbird, a Cardinal, and Dementia

 Monday, I took a nap at 5:30 pm and had Tommy wake me at 7:30. I felt horrible when I awoke. We were gone all day. Tommy had to get a CT of his liver, yearly one for him. Well, we shopped our way home. Actually, it was mostly driving. He came in after I said I was not cooking after I got up from my nap.

He left for the kitchen and came and showed me what he found. He found the spaghetti pasta, put the last bit of turkey breast on it along with pickled onion, relish, and mustard. He found the leftover cole slaw and had that on the side. I saw bread, too. I told you he could find dinner from leftovers. 

We watched a Christmas-themed Frasier and Christmas at Belmont. I think there was a third Christmas-themed show we watched. 

When we came home about 4 this afternoon, "Linda-neighbor" was not home. So, I told Tommy to let me get her gift and leave it for her. I had wrapped the candy in blue paper and had a blue hummingbird for her. We drove around and the Christmas lights in the neighborhood were not on because it was still light, too early. When we came back past her house on the way home, she was headed around the house to her front door. She saw us and put the gift back. I told her to not leave it there, so she got it and came out to the car and opened it. I did not mean for her to bring it to us, I thought she was going to leave it outside. A dog might have purloined the candy. 

She said she hoped I had not put something else in the box. She seemed really pleased with candy. And, looked like she loved the hummingbird. I was going to attach the hummingbird to the top of the package, but that was impossible because its curvy, sparkly body. So, I attached the alligator clip to the end of the blue foil package where it was folded. I leaned it in a chair, and I looked as though the hummingbird had perched on the box. She has three feeders, so she likes her hummingbirds, too. 

I am little by little, very little, returning all the things the cleaner picked up to their places! 

Sunday, I attached one wing to a cardinal. Monday, I glued the other wing. Tuesday, I will spray paint it red and the beak black. It won't get many coats, but they can spray it more so it can stay outdoors. This is for the couple who are 90. They have two blue birds hanging in the trees, so I know they like this kind of stuff. I want to deliver it Wednesday. 

Other Tuesday plans: chop celery and onions to jazz up the Stove Top, spray the cardinal, make pumpkin pie. (or Jello salad with red jello or green, or maybe something else. See, my plans are so fluid they sometimes slip right away.

While I waited for Tommy's liver test, in the car I made a call to a close relative. She would start a story and ask me what she was going to tell me. This went on and on. Saturday, I called a friend to ask her brother's phone number. He is supposed to mail me a book. His wife now has to take care of bills and everything because of his memory and lack of abilities. Then, my friend kept forgetting what she was saying. So, I have had three friends with dementia setting in, all this in three days. 

Tomorrow, I will tell you of my own personal brush with dementia.

I am waiting in the darkened living room, typing, and waiting for Tommy to wake up. I think he is pooped from yesterday since he is still asleep at 10 am. He may have awakened in the night and watched TV for a few hours. Sometimes, he cannot fall back asleep. Okay, he is looking at me and talking. No, he slept through the night but walked lots when he went to the hospital. 

So, my day starts. However, I have been awake since 6:30 am. I have a list so we will know what lies ahead today. 

I just saw an ad for a Chia Pet. Have you ever had one? I haven't and think I want one now. No, it is not on a bucket list. 


  1. It's a sign o' the times when everyone would rather eat chia seeds than sprout them on a terra cotta figure. Ch-ch-ch-CHIA!!!

    I am sorry to hear about your friends with dementia. It's got to be scary, gradually losing your sharpness.
    I can say the Internet is a godsend for me, because if I temporarily lose a word or a bit of information, I can find it right away by googling.

    1. Ch-ch-ch-Chia!
      Sue, it is also a little disconcerting to try to follow them, but that's okay. I use google, too, for things, too.

  2. I had a chia pet one time. They are so neat. That is great that Tommy can fend for his self when the need arises.

    1. Belinda,
      He always fed himself before I came. But, it was usually "go get a burger" type meal. He never had cooked food to eat and choose from. He never is upset if I don't cook but very appreciative of food and leftover bits.

  3. Dementia and the amount of people suffering from it is so sad. I hope by the time I might get it, they have made some progress scientifically/medically.

    1. One,
      From what I read, there are breakthroughs in treatments and maybe a pill.

  4. I have never had a chia pet.... So sorry you are dealing with friends with dementia. My Mother-in-law is in the beginning stages and it is so hard. I hope you have a productive day!

    1. Rachel,
      So far, the day is not very productive. But, it is coming along. Thanks for the thought.

  5. You always seem to stay so busy. I wish I had your get up and go.

    1. Kim,
      No, I don't. I started this post with a nap at noon after getting up at 10 am...lol. I have no get up and go because it left me.

  6. You seem to be making great progress with everything Christmas, I'm not at all!
    Tommy must appreciate having food in the fridge and he's using his creativity

    1. kylie,
      It appears I am making progress because I have quit preparing! He does appreciate having home-cooked food to work with.

  7. I've never had a Chia pet either & saw a Bob Ross one awhile ago that I thought was pretty funny. If I didn't have such a black thumb I would've bought it!
    Your hummingbird gift you gave sounds so nice, I'm sure she was thrilled. Did you make the hummingbird too? I'm curious to see what that and your cardinals look like, you should post a pic if you can!
    Sorry to hear about your family & friends with dementia. Having dealt with that first hand with my own MIL, my heart goes out to all affected - both the person with dementia and all their loved ones that have to pick up the pieces. It is a terrible heartbreaking disease :(

    1. Bri,
      I cannot imagine what figure I would want if I ever do get a Chia Pet. No, I bought the hummingbird on the alligator clip. If I ever get a picture, I will try to post it.
      These people I remember as being vibrant and accomplished. Hopefully, a cure is discovered or a way to stay it off with treatment.

  8. It sounds like you and Tommy are both getting things done even if you need to nap or sleep in. I've never had a chia pet but back in univ. days I had a pet rock. I think that's what it was called though on google they have pictures of animals carved into the rocks. Mine was not that fancy. It was a fad for a short time and I thought it was cute. I'm sorry your friends are experiencing dementia. I was always worried that my late mom would get dementia before she passed. She did in fact start losing her memory and ability to think but I think much of that came about because of medications and sepsis. I was glad she was still reasonably 'with it' at the end and that was always important to her too. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Joyful,
      The pet rock I knew of were just rocks, nothing carved.
      I know sepsis seems to take a person's mind. I have taken meds that made me not so lucid as I wished. I called a close relative and she was so strong sounding and lucid. We talked 30 minutes and before that time was up, she sounded weak, confused, could not remember a thing she said a few moments before. She said her meds always did that to her. Thanks. Have a Merry Christmas.

    2. A very Merry Christmas to you and Tommy.


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