Friday, April 22, 2022

More Dogs Show Up!

 When we pulled in the driveway, a pickup with a dog pen, the 10x10x10 foot kind, was unloading in the yard.  Of course, those panels are so heavy that a person will unload close to where they want to place it. Their location was as close to my bedroom as it could get. 

I walked over and asked where they were going to put it. The woman pointed to that corner of the back yard, right near my bedroom, as close as they could get it. I told her I am ill, cannot sleep. She said they would not leave them out at night, they would bring them in. I told her I need to take a nap every day. She said she would keep that in mind. So, her response was not hopeful.

I pointed out she had a huge yard and room for the pen on the other side of the house. She did not look happy even though she was smiling. This development is already stressing me! 

We went out about 5 pm and the dog pen panels are leaning against their fence just a bit further back. So, they will do as they please. 

The day before, the had they chihuahua and a very young puppy in addition to the two older puppies I saw on the first day. Tommy said he saw another puppy like that but a different color and a larger do. So, maybe a mama dog, too? That makes six dogs. They keep them inside along with at least six people? 

The city has a noise ordinance that covers dogs! That makes me feel better. 

The cupcakes should have been delivered first. This will look fishy. Oh, well. 

Tonight, I came across a Martha White  Apple Cider Muffin Mix that I bought several months ago. Instead of muffins, I had something else in mind. I chopped a Granny Smith apple and put it in a brownie pan sprayed with PAM. Into the mix I put half and half instead of milk. About a cup of cauliflower rice was added to the batter. This was baked and awaits. Tommy may just dig the apples out since he thought the batter was gross, he barely likes cauliflower, and is averse to trying new things somedays. 

I think the fake company stole the picture of the greenhouse and will collect from customers and give nothing in return. Nothing felt right to me. That is why I asked you about your thoughts. The ad was not for patterns or instructions. It was just a scam. Thanks for confirming my gut reaction. Oh, I just checked back to comments and helpful people enlightened me further. 

Dinner tonight will be baked chicken and salad. I am not feeling like eating the apple-cauliflower apple cider muffins. Maybe. Edit: Tommy had chicken and potato salad and green salad. I had pork loin and potatoes, cold. We both had a green salad.


  1. Where I live you're not allowed to own more than 3 dogs. Maybe you can call your town and ask (or look it up online).

    1. Bobbie,
      I am going to read the site tomorrow. I was wondering about that. I suppose we will make an enemy, but I cannot bear barking.

  2. I agree with Bobbie, check and see what the law is regarding the dogs, Our limit is 4. I have 3, two small yappers and one loud pure chow. I am home most all the time. I let them out to potty and play, then I make them come back in. Yes, they will bark sometimes while out but I make them come in if that starts up, My neighbors must think I have 3 dogs named cheese. I stand at the back door and call cheese, cheese, cheese. They come right in LOL. I hope they are considerate both day and night. I like you have trouble sleeping at night. I do sleep during the day when needed. If they are setting up a pen I would think the dogs may be put outside during the day. I am also concerned they might need the pen if any of the dogs are aggressive. If it becomes an issue I would be nice, let them know again if the dogs start acting up. I would also let them know I would contact the city if needed. You would not be considered an enemy by me. It is a pet's owner that has to be responsible for it's behavior.

    1. tEXAS.
      That is funny sbout calling cheese. These people are not at home during the day, so they will put them in the pen all day! I was nice and told them they had a huge yard on the other side of the house. People who are considerate, like you, are not worrisome. People who think their dogs have the right to do as they please are the annoying ones.

  3. So I'm super curious, Linda--why did you add cauliflower rice to the muffin mix?

    I am forcing myself not to comment about those damn new people and their damn dogs and their rude decision to park their dog cage right outside your bedroom window. Oh wait, looks like I DID just comment.

    1. Sue,
      It was just given to me. The last time I had some given me, I wasted it. So, I decided to use it in the next thing I could. I suppose it added nutrients and fiber.

      When I got chickens, I parked them as far from other people as I could so as not to cause offense. And, I sprinkled their poop in the yard with DE to keep down flies and smell.

    2. If you want to add nutrients and fiber to a muffin mix, better options would be some extra oatmeal, another egg, ground flax seed, bran cereal, chopped dried fruit, or the like. I did like you idea of baking the mix in a pan, rather than in muffin cups.

      I would guess the riced cauliflower tasted very "interesting" but not very good. ;^)

    3. I needed to use the cauliflower instead of wasting it like last time. We could not even taste it or feel it.

  4. Many communities have rules about how many dogs a household can have, plus there may be zoning laws about how close they can build the fenced dog run to the property line. Sounds to me like they are already starting problems by putting a dog kennel right near your house (and especially your bedroom window). Not only will you hear barking you will also have a chance at smelling some none too pleasant doggie doo odors.

    I hope everything works out for the best, but that doesn't seem very considerate of them to put a dog run near your bedroom window.

    Take care.

    1. susie,
      I have read the ordinance on dogs. There seems to be no limit. The barking is the one thing that is not allowed unless they are dangerous. It will be unpleasant for sure. I figure flies will abound!

  5. I once ordered an outdoor nativity. The company used a photo from Amazon to sell it. The Amazon nativity was four foot tall. My nativity arrived in a manila envelope! Others had already reported them, so my credit card charge was reversed, thankfully.

    We have a couple yapping dogs next door. We hear them when we are in the den but are quite glad our bedroom is at the other end of the house. I hope your neighbors are considerate.

    1. Angie,
      My goodness, that certainly was a scam. I am always careful, but will probably get taken sooner or later.

      This problem is right at my bedroom. Well, there are two bedrooms on the end of the house.

  6. oh boy, that doesn't sound promising with all the dogs :(. Did they purchase the home or renting? if renting, I'd start complaining the owner if they let them bark all day while they are gone. I'm sure you are right, they will leave them outside in the pen all day. That is extremely rude to put the kennel right next to your bedroom window.

    1. One,
      The are buying, unfortunately. If they bark for ten minute, it is against code. I just saw the chihuahua outside the fence which is against code. RUDE

  7. Oh man those dogs, we have a lot of dogs in the neighborhood but not that many close by thank goodness.

    1. Vickie,
      There are only two other dogs and they rarely bark.

  8. Good for you for the salads; I should eat some daily.

    1. Urspo,
      We love salads and keep the fixings around most of the time.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...