Sunday, May 1, 2022

It's That Time of the Year

 I awoke hot this morning. Not only did I have a quilt and wool blanket on me, the room was hot and I had the quilt pulled tight under my neck! So, I started getting sick again, sort of a relapse. I need the ac on for my lungs. I need the quilt and wool blanket so the ac won't be too cold. I know--it is complicated but works for me. I did not need a nap today and felt mostly fine. 

When I got to my chair, the ac was cooling the air, so my lungs quickly recovered, almost. The bedroom is so hot when the weather is nice. In the winter it is cold, but I can bundle up. I get up now and Tommy has on a jacket with a hood, and the hood is up and tightened. His chair is right next to an air vent. I wish my chair was there. The bedroom is the coldest bedroom or any room in the house and the hottest. Gaaa

Tonight, we watched The Weakest Link. I hate that show and the woman, but Tommy loves both. Tonight, we watched a woman win who said that a yard has 20 inches. She helped vote off a man who had not missed a question at all, a perfect record. I hope the people she voted off beat her up afterwards. The dumb contestants always gang up and vote off the smarter people. Skill has little to do with winning!

I cooked four pre-made burgers. I had buns but the rest are molded. Two burgers go into the freezer. There was a pork loin thawed to cook, too. We had salad and steamed zucchini with garlic and olive oil. 

Plans were for me to cook the six sweet potatoes in the oven along with the pork loin. I almost made cupcakes today and frosted We went for a drive instead. The sky was blue and the huge fluffy white clouds were beautiful. 

Today, Tommy collected the old roach baits and put down new ones. I am bound and determined to never have roaches again! As much as he was okay with roaches, he is now wanting to help keep them away. 

The six boxes of Wheat Thins arrived yesterday evening. I had planned to open one each month which would have made these last until November. Then, I wondered about the use-by date since I did not want them to be rancid. Wouldn't you know, the best-by date was the end of November. Lucky me. 

We saw the one hummingbird one time and no more. I wonder why. Tomorrow, I will wash it refill it and put out all the feeders filled. 

I want a plant for a hanging basket that can endure the heat and full sun after noon. What can you recommend? 

Do you have hanging flowers? Where do they hang?


  1. I have Vinca in direct sunlight. They aren't my favorite flower ever, but they handle the heat/sun. I'd prefer Impatiens, but they just don't do as well in the heat. My Mom always had success with Petunias. Better get those hanging baskets fast, as they'll be harder to find after Mother's Day. I hope you feel well ALL day!

    1. I love Vinca but have never seen them in baskets, just ground cover at my house. Wave Petunias are my favorite flower...and pink ones. I suppose I had better get some Monday.

  2. We have hanging baskets, both flowers and ferns on our front porch. My favorite flower for a hanging basket is calibrochoa, also known as Million Bells. There are many different colors to choose from. The ones we have this year were potted with a mix of yellow, red, and purple. They take the heat well and sun, but they do need to be watered daily.

    1. Alice,
      I love spillers. These are pretty in person but I never knew the name. Thanks.

  3. Someone recommended you keep a food journal - so I'm curious if you have allergies, why eat mammal meat like burgers when you say you are allergic? Would that not just contribute to illness?

  4. Good luck with the roaches; they are difficult suckers to beat.

    1. Urspo,
      I think I have them beat, but there are probably more under the house, so I keep putting out fresh baits.

  5. The calibrochoa is a good choice for sun but will probably require daily or even twice daily watering. A less thirsty choice might be a lantana. The yellow ones planted in ground in central Alabama winter over, so you might even be able to keep it from year to year if sheltered during the cold.

    1. AJudy.
      Good to know. They will be lucky to get watered once a day. Wintering over is a good thing. I can protect them.

  6. Would geraniums work in a hanging basket? I'm no gardener but I know geraniums are quite hardy and pretty.

    Good luck with roaches, my old house has gaps in walls and floors so the roaches come in from outside.
    The cooler weather slows them down so we will see less of them for the next few months

    1. I seem to have eradicated roaches in the house. I am quite sure they are still breeding underneath and I know that they are on porch and carport.

  7. Moss rose and Begonias do well here, my MIL loved both, so I loved both. Got seeds today for squash and lettuce. We will see, have not gardened much in a while. Wanted okra but they were out of seed, so easy to grow. I will look elsewhere for seed.

    I have son spread fertilizer with pest control. It really helps with bugs, I have never had roaches but have met some water bugs over the years. Not often, but I hate those things, Also little ants in the yard, What I spread seems to clear everything up. I have three dogs but no flea problem. My dogs also take a heartworm medication that includes a flea product. They have never had a flea on them. It is expensive but well worth it to keep them healthy. I also have a bug spray that comes in a jug with a sprayer. I spray that outside around doors and windows.

    I also hate the time of year when you don't know if you are going to be hot or cold. I like cold so I don't run the heat that much in the winter. My electric bill is very low in the winter. I hate the heat so I run the AC a lot during the summer. I keep the bill low by running fans during the day but have to crank it lower at night. I sleep better when I am cool. I sleep in the smaller on suite bedroom, it is the warmest in winter and the coolest in the summer. Also has the least steps to the bathroom at night. Getting older is not fun, I am up two or three times for the bathroom. No wonder we are tired all the time LOL!
    Glad you are feeling so good. I try to get out as much as I can at this time of year before the sweltering heat comes.

    1. Thanks, I will write down all the suggestions and go flower shopping.
      The only ants I target are fire ants. Tommy has no fertilizer put down. Fleas like to bite me! So, I am glad not to have them, either.
      Your bedroom sounds perfect for me. Close to the bathroom is my choice too.
      Feeling worse today. I am about to publish another post with another health report.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...