Saturday, July 16, 2022

Red-Letter Day

Thursday and Friday and Saturday

Thursday was a red-letter day. I had the cleaner clean out two drawers that Tommy had emptied and the guys then removed.  She put them back in. I had bought eating utensils last month and needed to buy a tray to put in the drawer for the utensils. Well, lo and behold, there was a pink utensil tray in a drawer I have never opened. Tommy washed the tray last night. So, today, I put all the utensils into the tray and into the drawer. Today was the first time that I could reach into a drawer at my elbow and get what I need instead of having to turn and walk the table and back! It was a red-letter day for me. 

When I went in to cook meat, there was only a package with two huge bscb, so that went into the oven. I told Tommy he could wait for that or have a bag of bsc thigh. He said he wanted some of the pulled pork along with the Great Northern Beans and Collards. So, that was it. The chicken will be for tomorrow and at least two more days. The breasts are huge! 

Tommy is happy because it rained today, and he does not have to water. That's good because today is the day to take the garbage to the road. He takes a step, reaches back and pulls the can to him, takes another step and pulls the garbage to himself again, over and over. I tried to help when I first came, thinking maybe the two of us could make it more easily. Well, no. My shoulders will not allow me to pull things anymore. So, he takes the garbage by himself. Sometimes, a neighbor will bring it back to the porch. 

Tonight, Thursday, I will freeze some of the beans and the collards. Tommy will love having more single helpings of food to eat. If I die, he can eat for several weeks from the freezer, maybe longer. 

I boiled eggs so maybe I will get potato salad soon--incremental potato  

Added benefit of having the basil to inhale--There is always a bit of the red stuff at the back of my nose. That has entirely disappeared after almost three years. Why three years? This place is filthy!


Another benefit to basil--I have had a gum irritation that has been really painful. When I chew the basil after having smelled it, crushed it and gotten a different aroma, I chew it. The side I chew on mostly, is the side where the two areas of gum irritation are located. The basil seems to have worked to lessen and relieve completely the gum irritation. Maybe it is just my imagination. 

I had places to go, but the no tax day on school supplies keeps me out of anyplace that might be crowded today. We went back to Publix to get things I forgot and things not on shelves, all on sale. Since all these had to be refrigerated, we had to come home immediately and put them in the refrigerator. Then,

Then, we went back to a yard sale. The stack on the side of the road was disheartening as the one thing I saw as we drove away was not there. After that. we just drove around, looking at all the burned houses being renovated. That is not what we went to see, just saw so many. 

Saturday morning, I slept until 11:30 and felt wonderful. However, I was loathe to get up from my chair and do anything because I knew I would be zapped and would no longer feel so wonderful. What an excuse to do nothing, right? So, now it is 6 pm and we have to load the dishwasher. But, at least I felt great for about six hours. 

Other than loading the dishwasher I have to do other things--cut up three peppers for Tommy to eat, cook meatloaf hamburger, cut up strawberries, cut zucchini. 

In the car we have hangers to go to thrift store, plastic to go to recycling, and shirts to give to food bank. They did put clothing in a clothes closet. I told them as far as I was concerned, the workers could have them. I heard the minister, present at the food bank found a jacket to use. There are about a dozen people working, so surely they can use these shirts. We both have books to donate. I have had my books for three years; his have been here for a couple of decades. 


  1. I know you must love having your a place for your silverware and that you have been able to get Tommy to see how nice it is, not having to use plastic ware.

    It would be nice if a neighbor would take the garbage to the street. Normally I just carry the bag to the curb. When I do yard clean up, I have to use one of the bigs plastic cans. I have one that is on wheels, it is much easier to pull to the curb.

    Potato salad, I think we all crave it during the hot weather. I made some a couple of days ago along with some slaw. Sure is good!!
    Have a great evening!

    1. Texas,
      The utensils were all just dumped into a disposable pan on the table. It is wonderful now. The other day, he was in the kitchen, clanking around. Later, I asked him what he was doing. He said there were no more spoons for me to use, so he decided to wash some for me. HA! Nice.

      Sometimes, a neighbor does take it to the curb, but not always. This can has wheels, but it is still hard for him.

      Since it is cold, somehow the potatoes are less harmful with diabetes. But, he hates it, so I give him potatoes hot and I eat potato salad. Yes, it is summer and I have coleslaw to make, too.

  2. Sounds like a lot accomplished. I am sure that makes you feel good.

    1. Cheryl,
      Those were the plans. I just did not do it all. But, no regrets as there is still

  3. I have shoulder issues too. Mine stems from doing the garbage over so many years. We have to throw it up out of our car and into the dumpsters and it’s very hard on my shoulders. In fact, I pay someone else to do it for me now. It’s worth every Penny to me.

    1. Belinda,
      That seems like a hard way to have to get the garbage away. I know what you mean about getting help being worth every penny. Some days, the money means nothing.

  4. Hi there!

    I'm not sure if you remember me, but we used to chat via email (ADoseofTLC). I no longer have that email, but finally found your blog again.

    I look forward to reading through your posts to see how you've been.

    1. Yes, I do remember you. Send me an email so we can talk of the

    2. Unfortunately, I don't have your email address anymore. What is it?

    3. I emailed you! Hopefully it doesn't get stuck in your spam folder.

  5. I wish I had a place to donate books. No one these days seems to want them. Everyone has heaps and few want to buy them it seems.

    1. Urspo,
      If you had romance or mysteries, you might have luck.


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