Thursday, August 4, 2022

Thursday Not Much

 I had things to say, but I don't remember what it was. Last night, I got 7.5 hours sleep, exactly what I require to feel rested. However, I did not make up deficits from the week. At 5:45 pm, I decided an hour nap would work. I put on the marinated pork loin with carrots Tommy had scraped for me and went to bed. 

He woke me at 7 pm and I ignored him. Finally, about 9 pm, I did get up. It was really nice to have a meal ready when I awoke. It was even more nice to have a meal ready to go into the oven.

We ate pork loin, carrots, salad. He had cherries; I had apple.

At the Big Box we found a cart at the farthest point of the parking lot. Thankfully, it was full of juice so that I did not have to creep along in the blazing heat of the asphalt. It really was hot staying out that long. If I were on foot, it would have been a very warm hike. As I left the store, I was told not to take the cart out of the store. Another woman was trying to leave, too. 

The guard in uniform pointed out the sign that said for store use only. We told him that had been on the carts for years. I conceded but told him I could not walk to the car. She pointed out she found hers outside, too. I kept asking how I could get to the car. Finally, he let us both leave. Tommy had already come to the curb to pick me up.

I could walk that far, but after being on the hard cart, there was no way I could walk. Hopefully, this was a glitch. Maybe the uniform had gone to his head and he had been reading the signage on the cart. 

When I checked out, the checker started ringing up the purchases of the woman behind me. We both objected. The checker told me she had taken off one item, so I paid. When I got home, I had paid for an item I did not intend to buy and did not get the item. I know, I know. I should have checked the receipt before leaving the store! 

Speaking of mistakes, did I tell you? I was going to buy a bag of panties. I got one package home and washed and discovered I had bought an unbelievably small size. So, there is no way I might ever wear those. I will have to sell or give away! Then, I went right back two weeks later and bought the same size, different style! Thankfully, I had not opened them and still had the receipt! Tommy is the "designated returner," so he got that done. 

Now, I remember. My a2milk is now $4.99 per half-gallon from $4.49. Tommy always drinks store brand milk. His milk is now $4 instead of something like $2.39 like it was last year. Last week, it was $3-something. Today, at the grocery store, bread was $4 a loaf. We went to the bread store to buy it for $1.75. 

Do you ever buy the wrong things, get it opened and figure it out so late it is not able to be returned? Is there flooding in your area?


  1. I am bad about ordering clothes and shoes and when they don't fit I put them back in the bag and put it in an out of way place, and the days go by and before I know it, it is too late to return them. It is so aggravating. I often order clothes from Woman Within a plus size catalog. I wish that they would do better with their sizing matching their sizing chart. I always try to check people's reviews of the items to see if the item runs small or large. If I order so I think it will fit me loose, items end up being super duper big. If I order according to the size chart items can be either too big or too small. Sometimes if it is something I really love, I may order two of the same thing in a smaller size and also in a larger size and promise myself I will return the one that doesn't fit. Lately I have ended up with a cotton tee shirt that didn't stretch one iota. I assumed that it was a cotton knit tee shirt. I didn't notice that it wasn't a knit, it was thick cotton woven material, but it had the prettiest pink rose print on it so I kept it. It was only a little tight at the bottom of it in the hip area. I think if I could get slits put in at the sides by the clothing alteration place I go to, it would fit fine. The shirt was more straight up and down than my body is.

    So many people have had flash flood damage in their homes not very far away from my house, but at a lower elevation. There are quite a few small creeks in my area , most of them enclosed in cement culverts, where they aren't enclosed they are barely a trickle of water most of the time, but with our heavy rains of 10 and 12 inches in the area one day last week, those little creeks turned into raging torrents. Then day before yesterday we had heavy rain showers in the morning. I believe St Louis Lambert airport had 4 inches more that morning. Many, many big trees fell over in thunderstorms with fairly heavy rain yesterday. Huge, mature trees, with a small circle of roots holding them in the ground, so when the ground got wetter and winds 25 mph or so just blew the whole beautiful tree over. There were a lot of them blown over in the community between us and the airport.
    Our little Fritzi Pom was sleeping, a couple of loud cracks of lightning made her lift her little head up and blink her eyes and then she plopped her head back down and went right back to sleep. So now she has learned that normally she will be safe from thunder and lightning. So she doesn't suffer from severe fear when it storms. We are making a little progress with her, but she is still naughty by nature as a puppy. We had to buy some modified mouse traps that have a big red plastic flap on them that causes them to pop up and make a loud noise when they are set off. They are made to deter dogs and cats from places where they shouldn't be. We put two of them under the edge of my recliner so she will stop going under there where she could be crushed. The minute we got the first one put down, there she went to run under my chair. She touched that dog deterrent and it snapped loud and jumped up with that red flapper on it and she didn't stop running until she was in the other room. My husband reset that one and added the second one so she couldn't get around the first one, and she hasn't tried to get under my chair again. I have to keep my bad foot and swollen leg up, so she was constantly sneaking under the chair. We just couldn't reason with her or train her not to any other way. She thought that she had found the perfect little den right beneath me. I am glad we were finally able to convince her otherwise.

    1. susie,
      It seems nothing I order fits me. And, I hate the process of returning via mail or UPS because it always seems to cost me. So, I quit ordering for delivery. I also quit putting things out of sight, because they are out of sight forever, it seems. They were small enough that I hung the store bag with the wrong size panties on the doorknob, not a good look but it worked.
      I was telling Tommy that this chair could be dangerous around small children. Crawling babies would go right under. If kids decided to play around and under, one could crush one underneath.
      Your dog will probably never go under the chair again even without the mousetrap! Puppies and babies are not good at If that space scared them, they won't go back. My friend used regular mousetraps on her kitchen table to keep the cats away. I was grossed out until she told me the mousetraps were never used for mouses, just for the table to scare cats.
      I am glad she is learning!

  2. Since you have such issues walking around a big store it might be worth it to save up and buy one of those scooter things to have. I've seen people who don't own big cars or vans put metal racks on the back of vehicles to haul them to and from stores. Might be worth looking into then you aren't at the mercy of store electric carts that may or may not be available or charged.

    1. Oh slugmama, You have no idea how many times we have discussed this very thing. Wednesday, we went into a store to figure out what kind of battery for this lift chair. Of course, I landed on a scooter and loved it. We talk about one for both of us and a humongous vehicle with a ramp and then laugh. I found out that medicare will pay $800 toward the cost, and the one I wanted was $1500. I have a big butt, long legs, and lower back pain, so the little and cheaper ones would not fit me. Because of my back, I cannot sit just anywhere for very long. If I could get a motor in this comfy lift chair, I would be set.

  3. Random comment: I sent you a few emails. Are you doing OK? Totally OK if you don't have time to respond; just checking to make sure all is well!

    1. Let me look for the emails. I am well but usually check emails at night. Some nights I don't feel well or nap, so don't get to email reading. I will check and respond.

    2. No worries! (I only received one reply that said you'd reply, so I wanted to make sure you were doing OK!)

    3. Jane,
      I have just felt so bad that I have not gotten around to it. Thanks for asking.

  4. I am going to agree with Sluggy. A personal electric scooter would be a great purchase for you.

    1. Anne,
      I do agree 100%. No argument from me. The logistics are the problem. The back of the Rogue would not be accessible if a scooter rack were attached to the car. We talk about this all the time, about how I need a scooter.

  5. Check your local adds as those carts go on sale when someone loses a loved one and they just are trying to get rid of things.

    1. Kim,
      That is a good idea. I have checked and mostly they were rusty, outdoors or smelled like pee in the torn upholstery. Some day, I will find a cleanish one.

  6. 'I had things to say, but I don't remember what it was' - just hate when this happens.

    Whenever there is a sudden rain it always produces a flash flood the gullies become rivers and some stupid sod gets stuck in it thinking his car can cross it.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...