Friday, September 2, 2022

Nights Are Strange Sometimes, Always an Adventure

 When I went to Publix and expected to get green grapes cheaply, I was disappointed since they were not of a quality I wanted to buy. Then, I was given 8 pounds of prime quality, beautiful green grapes. Good deal. 

I am not sure why, but The Pig did not have broccoli or cauliflower even though it was on sale. I got a free jar of Wickles pickles with my purchase. Salmon was on sale. I bought a can of sale salmon and a can of my favorite salmon. Tomorrow, I will open it to see if the quality is what I prefer. Then, I might buy more while it is on sale. I bought four ears of corn for way too much. But, it is done. Dasani water helped to get the Wickles pickles. I like saying "wickles pickles." I bought two more gallons of cheap vinegar. I would have bought five total, but Tommy has enough water to carry into the house3 24-packs of Dasani. 

Today, we received two pounds of bacon, (Remember, I bought two pounds bacon bogo yesterday!) four tomatoes, two butternut squash, four small red potatoes, 4 sweet potatoes that I will give to Lynda, 4 Just Crack an Egg, four burger patties, 3 tiny, individual pies, one bagel that fell on the ground and was tossed, 

We will use the add-ins for the Just Add Egg and not use eggs at all. I now have the ham to put into the Mississippi Sin Dip since we received a frozen pack to make hoagies--ham, turkey, and cheeses. I will probably put the tiny packages of JAE cheese in the dip, also. There are tiny packages of vegetables, chopped finely that may be in the dip! 

I took apart the Just Crack an Egg bowls and have the cheeses in one sandwich bag and the vegetable packs in another. This will help to declutter the refrigerator.

Well, I mixed in free and bought items in this post. So, you may or may not 

For at least 4 months I have been asking Tommy if he is sure he cannot find a can of salmon. Finally, I have decided we ran out. So, I need to get at least a half-dozen cans of salmon on the shelves. Now that I have salmon, I can put salmon in my scrambled eggs. YAY! 

This afternoon, we took sweet potatoes and cajun peanuts to Lynda and she gave us tomatoes and a small bag of peas. Sharing fights waste!

Today has been a day of doing nothing much. Since Tommy washed the kitchen linens this morning, I need to fold them. We have neglected nothing, just done nothing much. 

Nights around here are strange sometimes, always an adventure, it seems. Last night, we went to bed at 3 am. Then, I read until 4 am. At 5:20, I awoke rested and looked at the clock, wondering how I slept until evening. I put on my glasses, went to bathroom, and took my phone to the living room. As I stood in the doorway, I saw Tommy was sound asleep, no lights were on. If he were snoozing at 5:20 pm, lamps would be on. It was really dark outside. Sheepishly, at 5:22 am I retreated to my room and went back to sleep. 

At least, I did not get up, frantic that something had happened to Tommy like Thursday night. We are still laughing about him being Niles in Frasier. 

Do things awake you at night, be it really happening or in a dream where your sleep is disturbed, even momentarily? Can you get back to sleep? 


  1. Just to let you know I am still here and reading, still unwell. I often have a hard time going back to sleep after a nightmare. Last night was one of those times. Have a good evening!

    1. Texas,
      I hope you get better soon. That unwell feeling I know. I was a month feeling unwell. If it is a scary nightmare, it is hard for me to go to sleep. Some nightmares are scary but I can go to sleep. It is hard to tell when a nightmare will keep me up. Get better soon.

  2. I have trouble getting back to sleep if I wake up, which happens every night. Sigh. Glad you are restocked in salmon, it’s a favorite here. 😊

    1. Belinda,
      I wake two or three times each night. Sometimes, I am asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow once again, and sometimes I struggle to fall back asleep. I still think I have a cache I do have these two cans, but need to find a better price and buy lots. I hope you are feeling better. The puppy must be wearing you out.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...