Sunday, February 12, 2023

Friday, Saturday, Sunday--A Blur

 After the doctor's appointment, we went to Cullman. I now have a new laptop, but still in the box. I will go back another day to get everything transferred. This laptop has been screaming, changing pitch, and m aking a sputtering noise alternately withing a minute. This goes on forever. Right now, it is silent, so I worry. 

When I feel really bad, I stumble out to the car and leave Tommy to lock the door instead of locking it after he leaves the house. One day, I hoped I could make it to the car. When I got there, my door was locked and Tommy was not out the door. I stumbled back to the house and had to sit down and regroup. 

The problem--when he bought this car it only had two keys--no fob. That is annoying when I get to the car and cannot open the passenger door because there is no keyhole there. Friday, I said we were getting fobs! We went to a store I have shopped at for 50 years and the keys would not make fobs or something. Anyway, the only thing that could be made was a fob that contains the key. It is all very mysterious to 

The fob was $49, and were both getting one. But, the fob with the key inside was $99. so, we only bought one for me. 

Now, if my fob is in the car, there is no need for a key, just twist the key place. It is like I was given a new toy. With my car I have a fob and a key. I tried this at the door and it will lock and unlock his car. Good deal. Now, neither of us will not have to stand in the rain to unlock the door. Tommy is not sure whether it is working from my chair, so we will see tomorrow when he can go stand at the car. I am not sure why he cannot tell if the taillights blink or not. 

This morning, I awoke and stumbled in here and was putting on my pants when I got a voicemail from the cleaner. Her husband was not feeling well, so she could not come. I was so happy. So, I sat here from 9:30 until almost1 pm and went accidentally went to sleep in the recliner. He woke me at 5 pm and asked me if I wanted to get up. I rarely sleep in the recliner and not in months. I know is was very ill to sleep so long in that position. 

All I had to do was mention Zaxbys and we were out the door and back with it by 5:30. The salad was such a disappointment. There were only crumbles of chicken in the salad, mostly crust pieces that did not even taste like chicken. Not happy camper here. 

While I don't feel well at all, I am not quite as ill as I was. I am easily tired. Hopefully, I will be much better by tomorrow. 

The following is unwelcome advice and off the mark from a reader who promises to never come to my blog again.

"Linda, you say you want no advice so why write this ? Please help yourself. Take ALL the meds recommended by the physician and finally get a full workup, not cancelling an appointment because you don't feel well, the exact time when you should see a doctor. Sitting in a recliner all day watching television or napping is no prescription for a healthy, fulfilled life. I cannot read your blog any longer as it is so frustrating seeing an intellegent woman not taking control of health issues, getting and following medical advice."

First of all, I can write what I like. When I want advice, I usually ask. When I am doing all I can, I do not need accusations.  I never cancel an appointment because I don't feel well. Do you think I am incompetent?

When I don't know something and someone gives me advice, it is best served with unfounded accusations.

I do cancel appointments for dental, MRI, eye doctor, eye exams, retina specialist, and those kinds of visits where sitting still is expected if I am coughing or coughing in someone's face. 

Mind your own business about my "healthy, fulfilled life." If I cannot stand in front of the stove to cook or the sink to stand and wash dishes and it bothers you, get a little compassion instead of blaming me for not being able to do what you can do. 

How do you know what medical advice I get and do not follow? Are you psychic, bitch? `````````````````````````` enough with that.

After the doctor attended to present probem on Friday, I detained him to talk about my feet. I explained how they felt and asked it that was neuropathy? He said it was and that he had neuropathy, too. 

I told him my physician before him, a podiatrist, and another MD had all said I did not have neuropathy. I did not tell him his own NP said NO, not neuropathy when I described the feelings. So, he is taking care of that. Yes, I am intelligent nough to know I am getting bad and false advice sometimes. Plus, the endocrinologist is not responsive when I try to make an appointment. I called and had to leave a message for an appointment. Then, someone called me and told me the person who makes appointments would call me back. I had the phone off and now had to call again. So, I wait! He said he would put a fire under them. We will see. 

For the last week when I cannot sleep, I am so hungry. However, this is a habit I never had and don't intend to start. Plus, I don't need more weight. And, I cannot lie down right after after eating. Don't get me wrong, I would love to 

We are in for another 3 or more days of 70s, and dry weather. That always cheers me. 

Dinner for me was the Zaxbys salad.  Tommy had a chicken sandwich and fries.

My tulips get a recess each day outdoors and seem like they will make it. There are six bulbs in the pot. I wonder if taking them out and repotting them will make them survive. Do you have experience with tulips potted commercially? I cannot put them in the ground. 

We are in for another three or four days of pretty, warm, dry weather. That always cheers me. 

Is Zaxby's still good place to eat in your opinion? I think I have eaten there three times and all with Tommy but not for three years.


  1. WOW

    I have never heard of Zaxby's - not something we have around here.
    I will be excited to see things bloom - not going to happen around here for a while.

    1. Cheryl,
      WOW ???
      Zaxbys is delicious and great salads. Like I said, I have only been there a few times. I ate there first when I was doing Secret Shopper jobs.
      Lots of flowering trees are blooming--Bradford pears and redbud trees.

  2. I suspect that your chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia have a lot to do with your problems. Tack on aging conditions and you really have a dilemma. I have noticed most doctors aren't interested in getting to the bottom of difficult problems. They prefer problems with easy solutions.

    1. Carole,
      Oh yes. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have lots to do with my condition. Of course, getting older never helps I do think so too, answer one question and they are ready to leave the room!

    2. I didn't know you had fibromyalgia and CFS. I'm certain you'd feel better if you would just make yourself run marathons and do CrossFit. I myself climb mountains every weekend barefoot and without water. So invigorating--you should try it!


    3. PS: It's true that doctors get dismissive and uninterested as women age. I think it's because we've pretty much lost our "usefulness" and appeal to men. Our lives are deemed no longer full of potential and so eh, no 1 cur.

      But if an old man has trouble getting a woody, OH BOY! the world just scrambles to help him out! A cornucopia of pills to pop for poppin'! And insurance will PAY you get that hummer! Don't you worry, old man--a stiff dingus is your inalienable RIGHT--and the medical community is there to make sure you get and stay hard!

      I feel more and more marginalized by the healthcare system as each year passes. And I'm relatively healthy! Jesus...

    4. Sue,
      How eloquently said! It is so true and becomes more evident with each year. Maybe if I doll up, I will get better treatment. How can insurance thing a hard one is necessary for life when women have to suffer, yes, suffer through menopause?

    5. Sue,
      You make me laugh. I bet you birthed babies along the way and swung them from a teat as you ran.

  3. Nice that you now have a remote for unlocking the car! I often unlock/lock mine from the house. It's a real convenience.

    Your medical and physical issues seem pretty complicated. But people want to help and so offer advise or share their own experiences. Yet we can never truly understand someone else's journey. So judging is both unkind and useless. The fact that this person is getting so upset over how you live your life is that person's problem, not yours. So, goodbye! Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya! LOL.

    So how do your feet feel, exactly?

    We are going to have warmer weather all this week (50's-ish). Plus sunshine! Man, I am so excited I can't tell you. My daffodills are about 1 inch out of the ground right now, the forsythia is budding, and it feels so good that life keeps renewing itself.

    I potted some climbing hydrangea cuttings last fall and I keep checking them to see if any rooted. Fingers crossed!

    I don't know if your winters are cool enough to support tulips coming back each year. Tulips need the cold for dormancy. What zone are you in? I would just leave the tulips outside in their pot, on a patch of ground. Make sure they don't dry out and see what happens. What have you got to lose?

    We don't have Zaxby's here, sadly. Chicken salad must be a big Southern thing. I don't know if a chicken salad restaurant could survive in the Northeast.

    Well, I've got a sinkful of dishes and no one else is volunteering to do them. Guess they're my job, as usual. Off to tackle the mess!

  4. Sue,
    I am just waiting for chances to use the remote from the house. I feel silly about it. My door was too far from my car at my house for the remote to reach, so this is a new thing for me.

    My feet feel like I am wearing a heavy rubber sock! That is just too weird!

    Spring is an exciting time of the year for me, too. I am in zone 7b, but I think it is more zone 8. I am on the cusp, in my opinion. I guess that is why the "b" is there.

    The South would be sad without chicken salad!

    1. PPS: I think you're out of luck with the tulips. They perennialize best in Zone 6 or colder. They're more like an annual in anything warmer.

  5. It looks like I can finally post on your blog again--not sure why I couldn't for the past couple weeks. Glad you got a new laptop, and I am so hoping you will feel better soon. Also key fobs are so expensive these days!

    1. COL,
      Sometimes, that happens to me. I cannot wait until I get the information transferred to this old, ailing one. I thought the price was exorbitant. But, I love it.

  6. Linda, as I understand it, tulips that have been forced (as most potted tulips are) won't bloom again if kept over or planted in the ground. It can't hurt to try it anyway.

    Earlier you mentioned that you never take any medication for pain. I have had good results with Arthritis strength Tylenol (I use a generic brand acetaminophen) works really well for my aches and pains.

    I mailed a little package to Tommy today. Don't tell him....he might like a little surprise mail.

    1. I guess it can't hurt to try saving them. Thanks.
      I don't like the results of taking pain meds. I like my liver and kidneys, so I just live in pain all the time.
      I won't tell him. That is sweet of you. I cannot wait to see what it is. No one ever sends him anything.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...