Friday, May 19, 2023

No Lock on the Pool Gate

 While the day has not caused me any angst, it has been a gloomy day. There has been no rain, but it sure looked like rain all day. My flowers have recovered the beating by the rain. 

I did a bit of decluttering, just a teeny bit, nothing to get excited about. 

Since I forgot bread yesterday, I had to be in Publix, so I bought Bob's Red Mill Super-Fine Natural Almond Flour. There is a recipe on the bag for Almond Pancakes. maybe I will try that. 

The label says there are 3 carbs in 2 Tbsp of the almond flour. 16 Tbsp per cup equals 32 cabs per cup. The two cups will be 64 carbs in the pancake recipe. Two bananas adds 27 grams of carbs each, so another 54 grams of carbs added to 64 carbs equals 118 grams of carbs in ten tiny pancakes. Oh, 2 cups of Bisquick has 336 grams of carbs. I have never made pancakes from Bisquick, but it is here. Well, Tommy won't eat these with bananas. So, just a thought not a plan. I did all the math in my head, so hopefully it is 

Well, Tommy went beyond upset at the thought of lower carbs and acted nasty. You would think I was forcing him to have pancakes for a meal at night. I shut that down! 

I was thinking about complaining to the city about the house next door. The carport is the receptacle of every piece of furniture that they removed from the house. It is a junkyard in there. Well, I just did not want to do it. But, obviously someone else did complain to the city. I saw a frequent truck over there today with furniture on it. Tommy said that truck with the very same furniture has been coming over there for two weeks. Well, I saw the truck leave piled high with furniture, broken and junky. I imagine the guy across the street was the person who complained since his house and this one are the only houses that can really see the junk up close, and those are the last two house. Or, maybe it was someone else on the street. I am quite sure they blame us. 

Of course, one of their dogs, the tiny one, was in our yard today. They let it out all the time. I am terrified of the two large dogs. When we drove around to the park and back, there was a little doggie play pen, the kind that is about 18 inches high in the front yard. I was a little surprised they were putting it in the front yard. Then, I saw a couple of chickens about two months old pecking around inside the little pen. Those chickens are perfectly capable of jumping out. They just need to look up. This should be interesting. I wonder if they know anything about chickens. I hope they are protected so predators don't devour them. Tommy has seen possums on this block. 

The other thing they have in their backyard is an above ground pool in a yard with a gate but no lock. And, there are five little children who live across the street and two doors down, all but one under four years old. These people are so annoying. 

They hung four huge baskets of flowers and they are all dead. They don't seem too responsible. 

Tommy is sitting here reading a newspaper that has nothing in it but Iron Bowl from 2007. I assume Auburn won over Alabama. I wonder what else is behind his chair. So, we know it has not been vacuumed back of his chair since 2007--16 years ago. sigh He wonders why he sneezes. 

Dinner--Tonight I cooked two burgers with mushrooms and cheese. I also cooked four sirloin filets wrapped in bacon. I hate two meats together, so Tommy ate my bacon. I baked them with potatoes, celery, carrots, and onion. Tommy had a filet and I had a burger. We both ate the vegetables. There are leftovers for tomorrow night. 

Have you ever had neighbors who had a pool that had access and no lock on the gate? 

Did anything exciting or earthshaking or interesting happen in your world?

I am off to get an apple to eat. I say that, but actually I only eat half an apple each time. 


  1. Yep, they don't sound very responsible at all. It is illegal here to not have a high fence, gate and lock if you have a pool.
    I wouldn't hesitate to call the city on them. It affects your property too.

  2. i'm glad your flowers are better. Some times neighbors are something else. Somedays I just want to close the curtains LOL

    1. Vickie,
      Thanks. I would have hated to lose them to rain. These neighbors have all sorts of things to annoy neighbors. I never get behind the bed to look out the window facing them or go in the back bedroom to look out the window facing them in there. The only way I can see them directly is to walk out onto the porch or better yet, the ramp. Thankfully, they are hard to

  3. We have a pool with a locked gate. Teenage boys in the neighborhood used to jump our fence during one summer while we were at work and use our pool. We started noticing floats, pool toys and chairs moved around. Had a neighbor see them once jumping over and he went over and told them to get out.

    1. Alice,
      I wonder if teens were getting over the fence and drowned, would you be liable. I suppose not. I hope the neighbor seeing them stopped their shenanigans.

  4. I'm glad someone complained about the neighbors junk. Hanging flower baskets are expensive! (I know - I just bought 4). There is no way I'd let them die and waste that money!

    1. One,
      Only one house faces them, so it was not me. I was just horrified they let baskets of flowers gotten just before Mother's Day. Waste!

  5. Shame on Mr. Tommy. He should try it first and be curious if it is really any difference.

    1. Urspo,
      He hates anything he has never had without tasting. I know!

  6. Pleased your flowers recovered ...

    Sometimes it's nice to have leftovers for the next night!

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      Thanks. Leftovers are my favorite treat. I almost always cook to have leftovers.


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