Monday, August 21, 2023

Almost 4 Hours Sleep, Steak Butter

 This was my list of things to do on Tuesday. Some are pushed to Tuesday. Those are noted.

Tuesday--Over six pounds of bscb cook. 

Emptied food storage containers, leftovers, eaten. 

Tommy emptied dishwasher, hand washed some dishes.

I washed popsicle maker.

Some done. The rest pushed to Tuesday--Fold two loads of clothes--kitchen towels and my towels.

More books sorted in hall and living room. 

Tommy--Bought keto bread, milk for me, milk for Tommy.

All that was on four hours sleep, but I am fading fast. It was lovely and hot outdoors! I have watched the disasters unfold in Hawaii and the West where the hurricane is dropping water on the desert. All the sun streaming in the living room just shows and emphasizes all the dust in here. Ack! 

I did watch The Miracle Workers at 9 C. Next week is the last of the End Times Series of Miracle Workers. Does anyone else watch this on TBS?

Once again, Tommy got very loud and vehemently declared he would not eat something. Two days later I noticed he was eating it and ate it for several days. He said he would never eat any of the Steak Butter, that it did not sound good. I explained it was to put on a steak when cooking it. He still was loud and in denial. I told him it had no steak in it, that it was for putting on steak but it would work on bread. He is so funny. He did tell me it was not as good as what I made. Okay!

Dinner for Tommy will be leftover baked chicken, baked squash, baked carrots, sweet potatoes. All yellow/orange. 

For dinner I did not feel I could chew anything because of TMJ. I had a bowl of oatmeal, half a banana, 8 inch carrot baked, green beans, piece of keto bread. I did have half an apple, sliced thinly so the peel could be chewed a bit. I could not eat chicken. Bread crust was too hard. Not really, but it was just too hard for me to chew. Even cheese I ate earlier was too much to chew. 

I was talking to someone from England who said condensed milk was diluted over there to drink. Same with evaporated milk. Now, I know people drink Pet evaporated milk diluted. But, I have never heard of anyone drinking Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk. Have you? I know some people from England read this blog.

Usually, I take a nap when I sleep so little, but that did not happen today. 

Do you put butter on steak? 


  1. Hi, i live in Scotland and i cant say i have ever heard of condensed milk being diluted to drink but who knows, i enjoy reading your blog every day, best wishes to you and Tommy x

    1. Marlene,
      Thanks. Our condensed milk is sweetened, so it seem bizarre to drink it. But, this person does drink bizarre things in huge amounts. Come back and comment again.

  2. Many people in the US confuse evaporated milk with condensed milk--even experienced cooks who should know better. I think they buy the right stuff but use the wrong word in recipes, etc. Perhaps your English friend was using the wrong word.

    english frien

    1. Carole,
      He used both words and said "we" drink both. When I objected and said the sweetened condensed milk was so sweet. He said, yes, and it is so delicious. So, I wonder.

  3. I do put butter on steak. It's delicious!

    1. Alice,
      I rarely eat steak, but I am sure it is delicious. He was not aware.

  4. I put butter on just about everything. The butter goes on our steaks just a few moments before we take them off the grill.

  5. I have taken softened butter and added both dried chives and garlic powder and mixed it up to use on steak, while cooking it. I have also just added finely chopped garlic to softened butter to use on steak while cooking it. I think it helps keep the steak moist and adds a little extra flavor to it. Ranee (MN)

    1. Rae,
      Now, my mouth is watering. That sounds delicious. That is how this butter should be used. He puts it on bread.

  6. Yum, steak butter sounds delicious!

  7. Belinda,
    He said it is good after trying it, better than mine, he said.

  8. If I am cooking steak indoors I use the Gordon Ramsey method where the steak is seared then basted with a good amount of butter (Knob of butter is what he calls it)that is seasoned with fresh garlic, rosemary & thyme. It is amazing but it sure makes a mess of the stove. I have a few tricks to keep the mess to a minimum

    1. Janet,
      I am not familiar with this method. But, it sounds delicious. Keeping the mess to a minimum would be best. I know Daddy could make the biggest mess cooking. He would do this every day as he fried something. I just tasted bread with the steak butter on it--quite tasty.

  9. Linda I know you rarely eat beef and when you do you like it well done.
    I like the ribeye steaks at ALDI. They are needle tenderized and are VERY TENDER. Of course I can't speak to the tenderness of a well done steak. I cook medium rare for us. In fact my son and I normally share a steak. If you and Tommy decide to try this I would imagine that you could cut it into 2 portions before cooking so that your portion could cook longer.

    Every 3 or 4 years I buy a foodservice size roll of aluminum foil and use the foil to cover the counter next to the stove and all the other burners / eyes of the stove top. (I have a gas stove.) I also place newspaper on the floor. I have a tile floor and grease splatters are dangerously slippery.

    I follow Gordon Ramsay's instructions as best I can. I am careful to cover the finished steak and allow it to rest before I slice it for serving.

    1. Janet,
      You are right on all counts. Covering the counters and eyes of the stove is smart. Slipping on grease sounds dangerous. It sure beats lots of grease all over the place and cleaning it all. Daddy was impervious to grease and all the problems. My poor mother had to deal with his sloppiness until he could not get to the stove. I have covered things to protect from grease, usually using a dishtowel that is place far from the source of heat. Plus, I stay right there. But, foil is a better idea. I would buy the larger rolls, but i cannot handle anything very heavy.


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