Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Finally, He Changed His Mind

 "That is the way the law was written." That is what Tommy told me Medicare told him. I say, "Laws can be changed." He finally changed all his prescriptions from Walmart to Walgreen's. So, he has paid $105. extra for his meds at Walmart.  Yesterday, he transferred all his prescriptions (4) to Walgreen's. Including the insulin, he has 5. He says there is nothing he can do. Yes, laws can be changed. 

He did not get his Wags points, or whatever they are called with his transaction today. She was asked to do so, and she said she did. So, another call to CS in the morning. 

I suppose I will have to run down my own meds as pharmacy does not have Victoza for third day in a row. Tomorrow is the last of the prescription. Why can they not get a med with a three-day notice?

We did our grocery ad run and a little shopping.  At Giant Foods potatoes were 5 lbs for $3.99. He got a senior discount of $.20, so yay. We stopped at the Farmer's Market-- $5 box squash, and a strawberry lemonade. At Publix, he bought a half-gallon of a2 milk, 2 Life Cereal bogo, Carrots-- 2 1-lb. bags @ $0.99 each, 3 bananas. 

White grapes, mushrooms, and LED bulbs were on the list, all on sale. 

We did not buy cooking bags which we both knew we needed. That is what we get for leaving the list home. I can cook the pork loin naked in the pan, but he said that I said I was going to cook spaghetti. So, I am working on that. 

The people next door still allow several dogs to bark continuously. These women are so annoying. One woman berates one of the little boys all the time! She is so loud and mean. 

This next does not annoy me, but somehow the yard was mowed except for half the front yard. This was three days ago. Then, someone came on a riding lawnmower and mowed the whole yard, including all that had been mowed. The whole yard was then brown because the grass was skinned off to dirt and root. It all looked parched. I felt sorry for the grass. Of course, with our copious rainfall, it finally greened up today. People tell me the grass does not have to be cut so soon if it is cut to the ground. I had my St. Augustine grass mowed 4" high. 

It was nice out today, and Tommy went out to water the flowers. As soon as he came in, it rained, a hard, long rain. The heat and humidity are back, suffocating to me. 

More decluttering occurred, not much. One item gone is considered decluttering. I just hope to see the end of clutter eventually! 

Was there anything good in your Wednesday ads? At what height do you mow or have your yard mowed? 


  1. I think there is a shortage of your med. Hopefully the pharmacy will help!

    1. Heather,
      That's just great. /s
      One doctor gave me Ozempic which I have not started and won't now.

    2. One of my close friends is using Ozempic for weight loss. She has had great success.

    3. Janet,
      I don't know anyone who is taking it. Well, no one has said so. I had so much diarrhea with metformin that I just cannot abide that experience or even the chance it can happen again. How much weight did she lose and how fast. Has she had untoward effects?

    4. I called my friend who is using Ozempic. She told me that the medication is an injection. (I think daily) She also sent a photo to the teeny tiny needle. It is probably the same size that Tommy uses. Donna told me that she began using it in February. She did not see rapid results. She told me that the first couple of months she saw very little weight loss but after a period of time the weight loss revved up and in the 6 months since February she has lost 33 pounds. Donna tells me that she has not been hungry and has not experienced any side effects.

      I know exactly what you are saying about the metformin. At one point my Dr increased my dosage and it did a number on my innards! The diarrhea would come on suddenly every evening. We were out in the truck camper in the mountains of north Arizona. The campers black tank held 14 gallons. In a single week I FILLED the tank! We actually had to break camp and go find a place to be able to dump the tank. I had an appointment with a gastroenterologist who interviewed me and reviewed my medication list. He told me he knew exactly what was wrong! I was taking a too high dose of metformin. He was right! Once my dosage was adjusted the problem stopped! Of course through the years John and I had a good laugh about the black tank.

      I have been prediabetic for about 17 years. I do watch my diet but I believe the metformin has gone a long way to help me maintain my pancreas.

    5. Janet,
      My dose was raised once, but do not remember if that started the problem. No one listened to me when I said that I was having diarrhea. Finally, one doctor did and I only had one incident after that, then no more. It appears that metformin is a good thing, but I cannot live like that. I never once made it to the bathroom in time.

  2. With the medical manufacturing plant that was hit by a tornado back a few weeks ago, many insulins may be low in supply for a long while.
    I keep my grass short - when I mow. I just like the look. No fancy grass - just regular old grass & weeds. I will never use weed killer.

    1. Cheryl,
      Victoza is not insulin. It is made in several countries, so if it was made in that plant, surely the other plants can keep up the supply.
      Mine never looked long, just lush. Everyone had St. Augustine, so not sure how fancy it was. I only used weed killer once in all my life.

  3. I set my riding mower to the highest setting which is 5. I prefer the longer length since I go out barefoot sometimes and short grass (burnt and brown) is like stepping on needles barefoot or with shoes on besides appearing ugly to me. Lawn to me is a waste of pasture so I also think that's why I keep it taller. Most of my lawn is fenced for my sheep to eat. They have been known to "get out" and eat my lawn sometimes.

    1. Lisa B,
      Sounds great to me! I can imagine how grass hurts your feet. I like that your sheep eat your lawn.

  4. I have 5 acres, most wooded here, but on our farm, it was (is) mostly pasture. Agree, lawn is wasted pasture. On the farm we had 1/4 acre lawn, here we have about 1 acre. The tenant has horses on our farm, and the yard is fruit trees, so minimal "lawn." Here, we have fruit trees, a vegetable garden, and raised beds with flowers for the pollinators to eliminate as much lawnas possible. I despise the lawn culture. Grass is a monoculture crop which uses resources needlessly. Sadly, our septic system leach field is in front, so grass, which has short roots, it is, but the grass I had hydroseeded is a mixed pasture variety, mostly clover. Believe it or not, it's so dry here, we only need to mow through June, then again in fall. I don't require dandelions, strawflowers, thistle and clover, which fill the yard in the dry season be mowed. The clover becomes a carpet of honeybees in the mornings. In fact, I refuse to mow them...why? So the whole yard can be as brown as the grass?No flowers, no bees. No bees, no food. Plus, lawns are a waste of water and our region is on an aquifer. My neighbors turned the bulk of their 10 acres into a wildflower meadow, and it is stunning. My other friend, who lives in an HOA on 1/8 acre refuses to water her lawn, (they are on a metered water share) or use the fuel to mow the "weeds." so she has brown grass with yellow strawflowers and buttercups in front of her house, which get visited by butterflies, hummingbirds and bumblebees. Each year pollinator beds expand, and the lawn recedes! Lavender, Salvia and dayliliesare some of the best for this purpose....we're always making rogue beds out of rocks in random sunny spots in our yards to put these beauties!

    1. I am glad so many people are making beds for wildflowers. They must be gorgeous. I love clover. When we moved into our house, I had three children--9, 7, and almost 2. The first thing I did was sow clover in the grass. Friends were outraged that I would put clover where it would attract bees to sting my children. I told them I grew up with clover and had few stings over the years.

  5. Apart from some laws of physics every thing else is possible.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...