Friday, September 8, 2023

Bad Advice and Grab Bags

 A friend knew I was having a problem since my Meyer lemon never bloomed, so he asked in Lowe's to help me. The person's advice in garden center--"put the lemon tree in the ground, then it will bloom. It has to be in the ground to bloom."

I am afraid I said a naughty word. I know better than that advice. Friend was amazed I did not believe the advice he relayed to me. I did figure out that maybe I needed to fertilize. I did fertilize once with Miracle Gro. Today, I bought spikes for citrus trees. I am thinking about getting a lime tree, too. There are two bedrooms that have lots of light where they can live this winter.

This is why it is hard to believe "the experts."

I bought two grab bags for $2 each 

cardboard decorations for wall or hanging1

temporary tattoos with Day of the Dead vibe

beach ball to inflate--16" diameter--9 sheets, 15 tattoos on each sheet

sparkly orange, black or purple hanging Halloween decorations

chocolate candy mold 

6 Halloween cookie cutters

2 pair size S panties

Beautiful Day of the Dead card and envelope

reusable shopping bag with vegetables and fruit pictures, $2

Then, I bought some loose items:

Two mini light sets, multicolor, 140 lights, $2 each

red child's M sweatshirt, $2

pack of 3 Christmas socks for child, $

Second grab bag:

Small, black garden flag with Fall pics and words

box of 29 self-adhesive pumpkins

medical mask, black, scary

disposable face mask with pattern

2 pair of black, heart-shaped sunglasses

lens shield for camera ???

wooden elephant with 8 cords hanging from it, maybe something to macrame

Most of this well be given away to children. Or, I could sell some of it. The socks and sweatshirt will be given away. Total spent--$15.

Maybe I will tattoo myself for the Day of the 

How often are you skeptical of the advice of "experts?" I imagine friend walked up to person in vest and asked this question, then accepted any off-the-wall answer. 



  1. My Meyer lemon always blooms in winter or very early spring. I pollinate it with a small brush since it is inside at that time. Some years it gets lots of lemons and some years it will drop all the fruit and I don't get anything.

  2. I wouldn't call an employee at Lowe's an "expert" on trees, so of course I would be skeptical of any advice. As far as plants go, my middle kids all worked at a privately owned nursery, and their "experts" (annual/perennial/tree/beneficial insects) have all been sent to university extension classes and certified as such at completion. But, they say it's hard to NOT give a customer an answer when they come in--the last thing the customer wants to hear is "I don't know, and our expert is at lunch." That said, I'm wary of telling people to not believe "experts" or to "do their own research," because that is what got us to the science-denying, revisionist history, anti-intellectual mess we are in today.

  3. That is why I wrote "experts". Not believing. Look, I am not any of the last sentence.

    1. "I don't know" is a perfectly good answer and better than making stuff up.

    2. I agree it's a good answer, particularly if followed with "our tree expert is at lunch, but should be back at 3. You can call her then, or leave your number, and we will call you." Sadly, you'd be surprised how downright foul retail customers get when they hear any form of "I don't know." (One time, it almost started a brawl, because older sibling and neighbor who were working witnessed a customer verbally abusing younger sibling who gave a response similar to the one I described.)

    3. I meant to say the problem is with idiots and their research methods.

  4. I didn't know Lowes and such hired 'experts' per se.

    1. They don't. sometimes they know a bit and get a title that way.

  5. I heard you have to self pollinate if your lemon tree is indoors - I found this youtube video that shows how to do it - looks pretty simple! Good luck!! :)


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...