Monday, May 13, 2019

CBD for Pain

The pain and exhaustion I feel from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are unimaginable to most people, even to me some days. Yet, the only relief available for a potential "cure" has been meds for depression, something that changes my brain in ways I do not want. Even these drugs may not help.

Today, I saw that a health food store in town sells CBD oil. (CBD oil is made from marijuana.) Even so, I am leery of this treatment. Besides, I do not trust health food stores. Once, a man who owned a health food store told me that Valerian is less processed than Valium, making the Valerian safer and more effective. He said they come from the same plant. Well, I knew that was a lie, and I suspect he did, too. He had tales like this to induce me and others to buy his products. I was an early user of the internet and knew how to find answers. He closed and moved.

When I had a hysterectomy three years ago, I awoke from surgery and tried to pull the little oxygen delivery system tubes from my nose. The nurses kept telling me to stop and pulled my hands away. Finally, I understood and quit. I had to use these all day and the next night. When I awoke the next morning, I was free of the chronic fatigue that I awake experiencing EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

For three long years I have wondered if it was the continuous oxygen that made me feel better. Finally, last month I googled "oxygen helps chronic fatigue." AND, studies show that oxygen is good for chronic fatigue symptoms--fatigue that is not relieved by sleep or rest. Of course, it appears that a person must spend hours in a bariatric chamber to be helped. I am quite sure that is expensive and not available in this small town!

Would you try CBD oil for the pain, and maybe the exhaustion?  There are side effects I do not relish--convulsions is the major turnoff.  I have never used marijuana, yet. When I am 90, I would like to have just one hit. My lungs will probably not like I also wonder if the little things in the end of my nose would deliver enough oxygen, just at night to relieve the fatigue. What do you think? Yes, I know I need to consult a physician. Maybe someone has had experience with these problems or cures.

Today, a neighbor helped me by lifting my hypertufa pot from the car, moving another plant from a table, and putting the hypertufa pot on that table where he put it under a tree. Then, he lifted and carried three bags of soil from the car to back yard. Whew!

While on that side of the yard, he reattached my hose to the faucet. The guy who mowed must have removed it. I tried really hard to screw it back on, but could not.

He saw my new cat, "KITTY." She appeared to be hunting over there. I talked to her and petted her and fed her. She is not gone completely, at least! He saw his cat here, apparently "hunting" where Kitty once hunted.

These little things that once I could do are now major chores.


  1. Try full spectrum hemp oil. That commercial Cvs American shaman oil is crap.

  2. I use pot on a regular basis for pain and sllep. about to try cbd gummies for sleep. Of course I would try it. Cbd does not have the so almost no side effects. I drink sleepy time tea with valerian on a regular basis and love it.

    1. Thanks for sharing this, Barb. I have heard Valerian does work. `

  3. I am in Washington State, so my experience is a bit different than yours. Medicinal marijuana has been legal for a while, and recreational marijuana became legal about 3 years ago. Doctors who can no longer prescribe opioids as a matter of course for chronic pain freely recommend patients try the cannabinoids, particularly various types of CBD oil. They will even refer patients to the proper "pot shop," that is to say, those with a medical use focus versus recreational focus. I think this is a great thing, actually. There is a problem in my mind, though. Yes, I firmly believe that in the year 2019 there should be no reason for patients to experience pain. Medicine has come too far for that. But, having immediate access to potent pain relief in these shops, absent of a doctor's visit might mean that while people are treating their pain, they are going without a proper diagnosis for the underlying cause of the pain. This could allow potentially dangerous medical conditions to worsen. For instance: Is that pain in your lower back from a pulled muscle, or is it a kidney infection? CBD oil will ease the pain regardless, but it won't cure the latter.

  4. I certainly agree with not knowing the cause of pain, yet treating it. I will not use Azo because I want to know when the pain of a bladder infection is getting worse. I do have several things wrong with my back, but the fibro causes pain all over some days. I am afraid to take any pain med, so this will be a big step for me. Maybe a doctor will highly recommend I not use cbd. Thanks for the response.

    1. I can't think of why a doctor would recommend you NOT use CBD. The doctors here are quick to suggest it.

    2. Meg B,
      Remember, I live in AL. Of course, prescription opioids are big where I live.

  5. So glad to have re-found you! xx

  6. It is good to have found your blog again. I saw a comment you made on another blog and came by to see if you are blogging again. I'm glad you are.


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