Monday, May 13, 2019

Maybe. . .

Just, maybe my yard has been rid of horrible little chipmunks. There are signs.

Yesterday, as I came into the house, I saw a bit of color I had not seen in several years--a wild strawberry. For years I would eat them straight from the ground. This is not a case of gathering a bowl full, just a few here and there as I walked to or from the car each day.

The second sign is the return of Hosta. There were about eight huge Hosta that were destroyed last year, or was it two years ago. Plus, the two Hosta in pots on each side of entrance to back yard were destroyed. Tiny bits have returned and not been eaten.

The third sign is the lack of interest in my yard by my new cat. When she was not mine, she spent every day stalking chipmunks in my yard. Now, I never see her! Part of the problem with her absence is that someone else has appropriated my cat.

At any rate, I found a wild strawberry Saturday. It was bitten, so I just picked it and looked at it and was happy. I have hope. I wonder how much nutrition wild strawberries supply. ???

That reminds me--I have strawberries in the refrigerator that need my attention!

My hypertufa pot is still in the car because it is too heavy for me to lift. It is on the board and wrapped in plastic. Every day I must unwrap it and spritz with water to keep it damp so it will set up. If it dries out, it will crack.

Okay, I have things to do. And, I am hungry and in need of an injection so I can eat. There is no rain today, unlike the last four days, so it is going to be a good day no matter what happens.

Do you ever see or eat wild strawberries? Mine are the size of a green pea, sometimes twice the size of a green pea.



  1. I haven't seen a wild strawberry in years, but as a kid there were huge fields of them. We just ate them as we went (the dog did too lol). Glad your yard seems to be rebirthing itself.

    1. Cheapchick,
      I would love to see fields of wild strawberries. It's funny the dog ate them, too.

  2. My dad used to talk about the wild strawberries in Sweden. They used to pick them and stick them on a piece of straws length until they had a straws length and then eat them.

    1. Kim,
      A straw kabob! That is interesting. I didn't know your father was from Sweden.

  3. ok, I see what I did now. I found your very first post of your new blog and I saved it to my favorites...but it saved to that particular page only and I thought you hadn't written any more. Off I go to get caught up with you :)

  4. Wild strawberries and blackberries can be nice, should you be lucky to see them!

    All the best Jan

    1. I will never see a wild blackberry in my yard and won't venture to find one, even accidentally. That would be great, though.


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