Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dr Kildare or Dr Ben Casey? Remember This Shirt?

Simplicity4640 c1963
NOT my pattern!

Do you remember the popular doctor shirts? Were they Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare shirts? I want to say they were Dr. Kildare. I wore this sometime between 1960 and 1963.

The red shirt is not the one we had. The white shirt pattern is the only one worn in our school. When I see something ridiculous on kids today, I remember things we wore. This was probably the most bizarre thing I ever wore. I hated the high collar. This is not my pattern. It is a picture I found online

The reason I used the pattern for the picture to show you is that the details are difficult to see in the photographs on the internet.

I am so proud of myself for not eating more marshmallow crème beyond the first teaspoon. Do you remember this fluffy white stuff in a brand called Hippolite or Hypolyte?

The opossum has not managed to get into the trash for ten days now. Success! All it took was a bungee cord to attach it to the porch! Often, I hear something at night and laugh.

Okay, did you wear this doctor shirt ever?


  1. I never wore one of those shirts and really don't remember seeing anyone in them. I think I am glad I didn't have one, however at one time when I was a teen I had a pair of jeans with 36 inch bells (equally unattractive and damn hard to wear)

    1. Anne,
      I misunderstood the 'bells' comment. You said on Kim's blog that you loved to polish silver. I thought I was the only one who loved polishing silver. I figure I was very wealthy in a past life or a servant.

    2. I had one. It was called a "Ben Casey" shirt.

  2. I had never seen the Dr Kildare shirts before on anyone in my neighborhood. He was on TV when I was a kid ,though.

    I do remember the big bell bottom jeans Anne wrote about. I never had any 36 inch wide ones, but I remember my friends and I walking around the neighborhood with the three of us in our big bell bottom pants making a swsh swsh swsh sound as we walked along. We thought we were really stylin'. We used to walk to each others houses and just generally walk around the neighborhood for entertainment. First we would get all made up with our makeup, I used to like Angel Face compact powder, Yardley pale frosted lipstick (which my Mom hated on me) a ton of eyeliner and mascara, and Cover Girl blush. (My friends liked Cover girl liquid makeup) and then we'd walk and walk and walk, mostly past the various boys' houses we had crushes on, more than once or twice a day.

    Years later I asked my husband (he used to live in the same neighborhood I did) but was not on our route of boys houses we used to walk past. I asked him one time if he remembered seeing me and my friends walking around the neighborhood. He said yes, he had, but he didn't remember my bell bottom pants. He mentioned some white shorts and red blouse I used to wear. He said he really liked those white shorts. That's what I was wearing not quite 5 decades ago.

    1. Well, now I feel silly. I wondered what kind of fashion had bells on them, gypsies maybe. You are younger than I, too. Bell bottoms were not in when I was in hs. It is funny that your husband remembered the white shorts and red blouse. I guess he REALLY liked them. I did not live where I could walk around to boys' houses, but when my best friend got a car, we drove past their houses.

    2. Susie I had to buy the gigantic bells with my babysitting money. My parents hated them. Even worse than the bells was the fact they were insanely low hip huggers with about a 3 inch zipper. I could only wear them with a body suit that snapped at the crotch. I could only afford 2 body suits so those pants were a very stupid purchase.

  3. I never wore this shirt, but about the same time ('60-'63) all the girls were wearing angel blouses at my school. My mom said I couldn't get one. I think I was the only girl that didn't have one. Why do I still remember? LOL!

    1. tana50,
      I did not have an angel blouse. I looked it up. I don't remember it until the 70s. Thanks.

    2. Tango you remember just like I remember being the only girl in the free world who did not get white go go boots

    3. Anne, I asked Tommy if he remembered majorette boots. He is 7 years younger than I am, so he did not. He did add, "But, I remember those tall boots." He said this with the same tone as he would order apple pie. I said, You mean gogo boots?" He eagerly said that was right.

    4. tana50 I never need to respond without wearing my glasses. I would have sworn your user name was tango. Sorry!

  4. Those are neat shirts. I love to look at these patterns to see the outlines and style guides of clothes. They really come in handy when trying to describe something to sell online.

  5. Belinda,
    I like to look at them and see the patterns I owned and from which I made clothes.

  6. Definitely Dr. Kildare shirt .... I was a young teen when the shows were popular and all of us girls 'showed' who our favorite was by the shirt we wore... Dr. Kildare was my choice.

  7. I had one and loved it. I wore it in 5th grade and thought of it as my Dr. Kildaire shirt. Ironically, my teacher that year looked a lot like Dr. Ben Casey.

    1. Unknown,
      Lucky you having a teacher that looked like Casey! I would have been in high school. Those are good memories.


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