Friday, August 2, 2019

Body Inventory

(yes, it is a silly title which I typed after I read what I wrote.)

Gee, my arms are scaly after scratching them at the cardiologists office. I did not want to take an allergy pill beforehand which would cause my blood pressure to rise. So, I scratched and scratched and scratched.

Now, not even lotion will cool off the fire! ugh But, you know how scratching one itchy place leads to other scratching. At least I held off and did not draw blood like I have done in the past.

I gave myself a proper manicure instead of filing one nail that has broken and calling it good and putting nail polish on. Before I go to my 55th high school reunion, I may get a manicure from a professional. Probably won't. Some nails are filed straight across and some are filed rounded. I can fix that, but not perfectly.  I just get lazy.

For the last six months at least, I have been cutting my own hair. I have an appointment to get a haircut to even it all up. The last time, I spent five days cutting it, so it is a wonder I have enough to cut. It grew. Thank goodness. This is and is not for the reunion. I am just afraid to cut it before the reunion. I have been told it looks good, but the next time I might not do so well.

Are my big toenails falling off? It appears so. But, I think there is fresh toenail coming in on each big toe. I will wear knee highs with sandals to the reunion, new sandals that are dressy, not the thick sole kind I do love.

If I could just lose 100 pounds before this Sure. I lost 10 lbs. last year and kept it off. Maybe I can do that again, not for the reunion, just for my back and health. I will just use the reunion as the date to get to the 10 lb. loss. As fat as I am, no one is going to notice 10 lbs. loss.

I forgot what the cardiologist said was going on with my heart, but it is not dangerous unless it gets worse. Then, it will be time for meds. So, no worries there. My blood pressure was 118/67 and "good numbers," he said. I asked him, "Do you mean it is good for a fat, old lady or really good?
 He said, "These numbers are good for anyone of any age, not just you." He expounded on this and was very smiley and positive. So, I guess I can believe him and get off the weight before it does affect my blood pressure and cause heart disease.

So, losing 10 lbs is my goal, just a small goal on my way to losing more and becoming more healthy. Since I bought new shoes, it seems I am trying to improve things about me.

I was so exhausted when I got back from the doctor's office that I slept all afternoon. At least I don't eat when I am asleep.

So, how did your Friday go? Got plans for the weekend? To lose weight? Do you ever just take stock and decide you can do better about your appearance?



  1. It sounds like you are looking forward to your high school reunion. I'm 65 years old and have never had a professional manicure. I think a lot of people get manicures regularly these days. I'm just not in step with the times. The idea of spending a bunch of money for that just doesn't appeal to me. I'd rather spend money on garden plants/flowers, clothes, or even thrift store shopping. I just do my nails myself when I feel like having on polish(rarely).

    I didn't know that doctor visits exhausted anyone else like they do me until I read about you being worn out after your doctor visit too. I had a follow up visit at the knee surgeon the other day. by the time I got down my front steps using my walker for a handrail on one side and the porch handrail on the other side, got in and out of the car, got into a wheelchair to get up to the surgeons office and getting up and down out of it, getting up and standing for the x ray, getting out of the hospital into the car again and the terrifying trip back up the steps back into the house once again using the walker to lift myself back up that final threshold step in to the house with my husband guarding behind so I hopefully wouldn't fall, I was absolutely exhausted to tears. I went to the recliner hot and shaking, and just limp. I was starving and worried my blood sugar would go down too far so I forced myself to stay awake long enough to enough to eat a little something, and then I just conked out and slept for about 3 hours.

    I have an extremely hard time losing weight. If all of these days of not having an appetite due to my knee replacement haven't knocked some weight off of me. I will be very annoyed.

  2. Susie,
    I did not have the ordeal you did, and even took a wheelchair the whole way, but just the fact I am going and there will be glitches does exhaust me. I am glad you have your husband for a spotter.

    I never lose my appetite! After surgery or any procedure, I insist on food even though they do not want me to eat after surgery or anesthesia. Not eating bread seems to make me lose weight no matter what else I eat.

    I have never had a professional manicure, either. In the 90s when I went to a reunion, I got tips for "just three days" and continued with them for three years. Since then--none. I did break my nail-biting habit, so it was worth it for me. I doubt very seriously I will get a professional manicure!

    I need something to wear to the reunion. So, that is something I have to do. I am not sure if I have anything here to wear. We will see. I don't plan on getting anything dressy.

  3. I know how you feel about the wanting to lose weight. I have lost about 40 pounds since January and it is a great start, but I still weigh 25 pounds more than my husband and I have a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes and heart attacks on both sides of my family. Mine spiked to 160 over 100, so I can not ignore it. The extra weight is hard on my hips and I know I need to lose about another 50 more. I got a cortisone shot and that really helped. I have a high school reunion this month as well. But thankfully my husband who has been cutting my hair for me since we first started dating is going to give me a trim and braid my hair for me. It reaches just past my elbows and I love getting him to braid it for me. I figure I will have him do a Dutch wrap around braid for me. It looks great and keeps my hair out of my face and off my neck. And the nice thing is I get the special personalized service for free.

    1. Keri,
      How nice your husband can and will trim your hair and braid it. I need to lose about 100 pounds. 130 would be better! So far, diabetes is the only thing my weight has caused.


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