Sunday, November 10, 2019


Before I forget, I found a penny at Sam's Club on the seat in the eating area. I did not have to bend to the floor! And, I had lost weight when I went to the doctor. So, that makes 21 lbs. lost, I think.

I ran out of milk Friday and had none for breakfast on Saturday and ate dry cereal. We went to Publix on Saturday for milk, and I got other items: 3 12-packs of Coke, 4 bananas, four zucchini, 4 half gallons a2milk. Everything except the bananas were reduced/sale items.

I did nothing for the rest of Saturday, and it is now Sunday, about 3 pm. Tommy is going to get KFC for me because I want it, I may struggle to cook those zucchini because his eyes light up when he sees cooked zucchini or hears I am cooking zucchini.

The clean wet laundry languished. I finally got everything hung up. It was a chore only because I felt sick. I need to somehow get another load all the way to his utility room.

Church was out of the question by early on Saturday. So, now it is Sunday. I feel so awful. I think part of this is my allergies and the excessively dusty room in which I sleep.

No matter how I feel, I need to wash my hair. I almost bought a new bottle of shampoo, but remembered I had bought a new one that is too heavy to manipulate and put some into my smaller, empty bottle. So, there will be the search for that. There is not much of mine here, so the search will not be

Someone said that my buying 10 dishtowels was excessive. Tommy said he did not think so. I either have to wash a couple of dishtowels and a few other things every day or use dishtowels that have been in contact with roaches or roachy surfaces. I choose to spend $0.44 for dishtowels. They are Halloween designs but that does not bother either of us. Does anyone think I overspent? Yes, I am working on getting rid of roaches as they gross me out.`


  1. Hi Linda! Canada completely eliminated the penny years ago. Some of us (me!) saved bags of them for a while, then decided that no one cares so dumped them. It's so hard not having your own 'things' with you. I've been sharing a house with 2 roommates and finally will be moving into my own place in a few weeks. And I need everything! Thrift stores and local buy and sells are my new part time job :)

    1. When you say you dumped them, do you mean threw them out or traded for coins you still use? I am thinking about selling things, too. I used to buy and sell breadmakers, sewing machines, and antiques that were underpriced at yard sales or thrift store.

    2. "Dumped them" as in took them to the landfill. Some people decorated tables, counters, floors all in pennies. I'm not that industrious. My new place is a 2 bedroom so I'll get a roommate at some point. I've really liked having other people around. So far I have 2 double beds, mattresses and box springs, a red fabric couch, and about 10 pillows all for free!

    3. Free stuff is good. I am thinking about going online for some things. Tommy does not want me bringing in furniture. However, I will and he will not mind in the end. Having other people in the house can go two ways.

  2. I think having 10 dish towels is good, especially when you want to be sure that the one you're using is clean. There's a lot to be said for the role of cleanliness in staying healthy. Besides, think how much money you'd be spending anyway if you had only a few and had to do laundry every other day. At 6 cents per load (washing and drying), they've paid for themselves within a month.

    1. chi[munk,
      Sometimes, I even wipe front of cabinet if I have spilled something and use them to wipe up a spill from the floor. I figured Tommy would be be rightfully upset if he saw me washing so little, so often. I have only used the dryer for one thing--a blanket of his that I put over the loveseat. I try to be careful about that. Right now, I have two red shirts to wash, new ones that might fade. I always had enough red items to at least make a decent showing in the washing machine. However, I am not averse to two items in the washing machine if necessary. I like not spending so much.

  3. I discovered that diatomaceous earth powder really kills ants and silverfish, and I assume it would kill roaches, too. It is an odorless powder that you put in places where bugs hide out. Behind the stove, under the refrigerator, at the back in the bottom kitchen cabinets. When bugs step in it it clings to them and stops up their breathing holes, and they take it back to their nests and it kills other bugs also.It is safe to use in the kitchen area. I just hid it everywhere I thought ants might go to hide. Google it and see what you think about it. It works here. I put it at the front door at that metal strip that goes across the concrete threshold step. It killed ants on the porch also.

    1. Susie,
      I know about diatomaceous earth since I used it at my house. However, I chose to use borax. Since you reminded me, I may get some DE, too. Tommy is pretty afraid of the Borax on the counter and has been good about not getting into it. I hate ants and roaches. And mosquitoes, too. Thanks.

  4. May the penny bring you good luck. I like to believe in found pennies.

  5. Sorry to hear you're under the weather! But congratulations on the 21 pounds lost. That's no mean accomplishment.

    1. BB,
      Thanks. I half-tried, but I was surprised I lost weight.

  6. I have 21 dish towels.Spent around $1 for each. I have the same number of dish cloths. I change them every time I do dishes or wipe up.

    1. Chef,
      I actually found another six from my house that somehow were in the few things I managed to bring here, I found a couple more dishcloths, too. Otherwise, I have been trying to cook and wipe things down with practically nothing. I usually used three or four dishtowels and three dishcloths each day. I like things sanitary around food.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...