Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sleepy Sunday

After 3 hours sleep on Friday night, I got 6.5 Saturday night. I had to get up and wash my hair before church, get it dried and get a few curls in it somewhere. During church my back hurt so that I had to move forward in the pew and rest my head on the front of the pew in front of me. Thankfully, no one was sitting there. When I sit in the pew, my feet do not touch the floor which makes my back hurt. I am going to find a sturdy box to leave in the pew during the week. Other people leave their own pillows.

Since I no longer have my spiralizer, I saw one and bought it. Well, I got home and I had a food processor. I was sure I saw a spiralizer. When I went back to the same location in the store, yes, there was a spiralizer right on the shelf. How could I pick up a food processor instead of a spiralizer? Tired? Distracted? At any rate, I took the food processor back today on the way home from church. The spiralizer was manual, so I did not get it. My hands would not be able to stand cranking it.

I drove today. I have been meaning to drive one day but forget. I still have the whole tank of gas I had in the car when I came down here. There were a lot of double take when Tommy was getting into my car. From the time this car was bought last September until now, I have put only 4K miles on the car. It had less than 46K, now--51K.

His car has had brakes that "shudder" when applied. And, he said they were okay. He does not repair things until it costs ten times as much as if he repaired it in a timely manner. Yesterday, there was lots of clanking in the rear of the car along with the shuddering feeling. I suspect a master cylinder because I had a car with same problem. Have you ever had a master cylinder fail? Was it accompanied by noise?

Well, he just informed me that he is going south of Birmingham to the dentist first! It is difficult to keep this man alive.

Sleepy Sunday? I have been sleepy all this afternoon. Then, I wanted to watch the news. I am falling off to sleep as I type. So, at six in the evening, I have no intention of taking a nap!

I have a container of prepared basmati rice with olive oil. After I heat it, I will take out a share for me. Tommy's portion with get the remains of his can of peas he ate Friday and Saturday evening. If I have the energy, I will put grape tomatoes and in a skillet and stir them in a bit of olive oil and add those. Mine will have no peas. Since I bought a quart of strawberries today, I will prepare most of all of those for dinner.

Tomorrow, I will get soil and find something in which to plant my purple tulips and daffodils. I planted them in the ground last year the middle of January, so this should be okay. When we went to my lot, the daffodils were bursting to bloom.

This afternoon, Tommy cleaned the trash out of my car. He brought in a brown paper grocer bag full of things to sort, mail and receipts. He threw away a gillion other bits of trash. Plus, he left about 8 cans of food on the front seat of the car for me to decide about. I had left four large cans of peaches in a bag. Otherwise, they would have been in the dump. I got those in after deciding to throw away some of the cans. He volunteered to clean my car. I was shocked and happy. He brought in one shoe. Hopefully, the other is under the seat. He could not get under the seat because of his osteoarthritis. Now, I can clean something in his house without

Do you ever get so tired and sleepy on a Sunday afternoon?

Oh, halfway through cleaning out the car, he brought in a $5 bill. When he came in for good, he said he had 80 cents sin his pocket and reached for it. I told him he could have that as his pay.


  1. What is a spiralizer for? I never had one. What kind of food do you cook with it? Wondering if it is for fancy stuff.

    1. It is a gadget that you stick a long vegetable into and turn the handle to make it into long ropes. You can use it to make zucchini into "spaghetti."

    2. Ann,
      It does not cook anything, just cuts.

  2. My husband cleaned and vacuumed the car finally after me asking him to do it for months - He had friends coming in at the airport and had to take them up to Lake Tahoe and drop them off at their hotel for a conference. You would have laughed. They were staying at the Ritz Carlton up there and when my husband went to drop them off the valet said it would be $50.00 to park the car there. My husband said no I will just drop them and drive on home. Well they wanted him to stay and eat and talk with them so the valet said if you go in and buy 75.00 worth of food at a restaurant we only charge you 25.00 to park. WHAT??? That couple was so crazy they thought that was a good deal. My husband knows better than to spend that kind of money on stupid stuff. So he said no, I will just see you when I pick you up in a few days. Well, they insisted. So the couple paid 100.00 to park. My husband said the coffee shop bill was over 75.00 for three people for lunch! He said a plain hamburger was 25.00! Glad I trained him better and he would never have spent our money like that. He knows better. lol. Take care.

    1. Crystal,
      That is some expensive parking and eating. I am glad he did not have to pay for extravagant charges. I suppose that if they could afford the Ritz Carlton, they are wealthy or foolish. My car looks so nice. I always say I will keep it clean. But, to be fair to me, all this happened with the mail and stuff when my house was destroyed. Maybe you can do a better job with the trash than I did.

  3. My laptop is being difficult it won't let me leave comments here at Blogger. I am writing this at work.
    Getting sleepy (and taking a nap) on Sunday afternoon is one of life's best pleasures.

    1. Ur-s[, I agree with the Sunday nap. You just cannot wait too long or it is too late.

  4. I like a good clean car. Even with just me, it gets messy. We have a gas station that has a free vacuum-might take advantage this week.

    1. DSam,
      I wish I could use that vacuum that is free! I realized that this is coupons and mail and receipts from my period of turmoil, I am the only one using this, too. But, I never litter exept to hold hair that is in comb out the window.

  5. Nice of him to volunteer to clean the car, now you go clean the house:)

    1. Kim,
      YOU know I cannot. I cannot stand long enough to wash three dishes. This house is much cleaner and less cluttered than when I came. It is minus about 40 McD cups sitting on tops of everything in living room.

  6. I get in the planting mood at this time of year, too. I got my onion sets in the ground this weekend.

    1. TBravo,
      I have to plant in pots. I should get onions sets.


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