Thursday, May 28, 2020

Wednesday This and That, Okay, So Today is Thursday

Memorial Day, we did not go to the train depot. When I mentioned it, Tommy said, "You wanted to go there today? So, that was that. He forgot the plan to go. Most likely, he quit listening to We stayed right here all day.

For the last few months, the ac would not work. in thirty minutes or several hours, it worked again.  Tommy would fiddle with the thermostat, and I would fiddle with it. Finally, it got hot enough I suffered when it was not on, and it did not work for about 15 hours. I was soaked when I go up after no sleep all night on Wednesday morning.

I made sure he called the company early! Finally, I was so tired on Wednesday, I just had to go to sleep. The guy had to rewire from unit to thermostat. I wonder if the bad wiring would cause a fire. ???

Today, Thursday, I had things to do in my town. I was going to a pick-up dinner too. The weather might cooperate, but we decided not to go since the dinner is not happening and another thing was cancelled by me. 

Wednesday, I had a doctor's appointment about halfway to Huntsville from Birmingham. ugh  When I went last week or the week before, I had a tiny sty and was given eyedrops. They hurt my eyes. It is the same med that hurt my eyes when I had cataracts removed. I was allergic to it then and am allergic to it now. So, I quit using it and called to have her call in another med for my eyes. Nope! The office said I had to come in. sigh She said the woman did not talk to her, and she did not know who the woman did talk to and ask!

About 8:30 Wednesday morning as we sat waiting for Aldi's to open, she called. She said because of the weather, she decided to call me so I would not have to travel so far and in bad weather. Because the sty persists, now I get oral medicine. The person on the phone had to ask someone about just calling in a med. She said she no one asked her about calling in meds! So, she saved me a 140 mile round trip yesterday. 

Do women still wear a corsage or a flower for their mother on Mother's Day? Remember, we wore a white flower if our mother were dead and a red one if she were still living? 

Just now, as I saved this post to continue later, I searched for the new "save" label. There are no words, just icons. The "save" icon is a floppy disc. Now, how many years since we used floppy discs? (Rhetorical question) I am quite sure there are people who are too young to remember or who have forgotten.

About 9 am, Tommy asked me why we did not just go to the Jewish Community Center and see what they had. We drove up with no wait and got our two boxes. This food certainly offsets the high price of food right now. This is the total below from both boxes. 

8 ears of corn
2 pints blueberries
2 of the largest bags of lettuce that I have ever seen!
8 tomatoes
8 tangerines
8 potatoes
4 onions
8 apples
8 huge radishes

Then, we went to the railroad depot and sat and waited for a train. I had my pb, MW, and banana sandwich and he had pb crackers. Next time, I want to go later when the sun is not on the car. I need shade. We talked a lot about his father and trains. Well, I asked questions and he told me a lot. 

Tommy is outside at the front table cutting ends off the corn and ridding them of shucks and tassels. He does not cook, but he is great at slicing and dicing and cleaning vegetables. He does it without a complaint and does it correctly. If I need it done differently, he does it!  

After that I went by the Pig and got: 

Smucker's Natural Peanut Butter
Zeigler's bologna
Zeigler hot dogs
4 cans Starkist tuna in oil--$.77 
Stage Plank cookies $.24
Minute Maid OJ 

He will be in by 3 pm because he wants to watch Jeopardy. 

Then, I will slice onions so I can cook a pot full and freeze some. They will not sprout and I will not have to brown onions every time they would be good for a meal. I hope cooked onions freeze okay.

I need a freezer! I mentioned it to Tommy and he said nothing. Well, that is better than yelling at me. 

We will have two chicken tenders, tiny ones, and a salad with corn on the cob for dinner. I will boil it all and eat from it until it is gone. There is no room in the freezer even if I cut corn off the cob. 

Okay, this was a hodge podge of nothing...sort of like life, I suppose.

Your turn


  1. You can buy a small freezer for a couple of hundred dollars, if they are available. I know at the beginning of the Covid quarantine they sold out, but should be in stock now.

    1. Anne,
      I figure they should be in stock, too. But, he will "not allow" it in his house. We will see. Thanks.

  2. That is great that you can get so much fresh food at a food bank.

  3. Sorry I have been MIA. Still helping answer phones for my cardiologist. Just me and one fish all day in the office. There are squirrels outside the window and it is so fun to watch them run and play with each other. A blue Jay tried to get into the playing action and they chased him off. Poor little guy. He just wanted to have fun too. I need to cook and get some stuff used up in my freezer. About 2 months ago my son cleaned it out and defrosted it for me and put everything back in so nice and neat and now I have it a mess again. It is a chest freezer we paid 40.00 for at a yard sale 12 years ago. It was used but the lady had a garage so clean you could eat off the floor and still had the freezer manual. I pray it doesn't go out any time soon. I would have liked a small up right like my friend has because this can get hard to reach the bottom and find things at times. But for 40.00 I couldn't be choosy. Hope you and Tommy are doing well. Going to catch up on reading some of your back posts now. Take care.

    1. Crystal,
      I loved watching squirrels and a mocking bird running and chasing each other on the back of the swing. Hey, that was a great deal! For $40, I would take a chance on hurting


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...