Friday, July 3, 2020

Mask Material

Of course, I knew there was plenty of cooked meat. I got out what I thought was a portion with breast. No, then I thought it was a bag with some breast. No, it was a thigh and leg. That was discouraging. Finally, I got out a portion that looks like a half a turkey breast. No, but while thawing it, it appears to be something with breast piece, leg, and thigh. Since it don't have it completely thawed, I suppose I will see.

At any rate, I was able to have meat for dinner on Thursday night and a sandwich for both of us on Friday for lunch. Tonight will be poultry, baked sweet potato, and coleslaw.

While I was looking on the cooked meat shelf, I paid more attention to what was there. There are seven packages of thighs. Some have two thighs; some only have one. Tommy knows he will have a thigh for seven days in a row along with vegetables. He is happy with that as he just wants food cooked by me.

I am slow making the ice cream, but tonight is a definite plan to make it.

I have a new mask plan since I don't have remnants of anything to make a mask. Tommy must have about 50 button up shirts, mostly plaid. He was irritated when I asked him about them when I first came here. Finally, about two months ago, I asked him again because he also has drawers of t-shirts. He had a cousin whose weight changed, forgot whether it was a loss or gain, but the cousin gave him all his shirts.

Last night, he said I could use some of the plaid, woven-fabric shirts for a mask for him. It will be nice and masculine. I may make the first one by hand.

Another thing I will use is the pads for people who are incontinent. I was given a stack of these and really have no use for them. I took one apart. If the blue non-woven part will hold back a pool of pee, surely it will contain viral drops no matter how small. The  mask will be four layers.

For the moment, mask fabric problems are solved. The search is not over, but is not as pressing.

~~~~~off to chop strawberries.....


  1. I agree with someone who left a comment yesterday concerning the material from the incontinence pads that you referenced. Make sure you can breathe through that material. If these pads are like the ones we use on the changing tables in the nursery department at my church, I would not recommend using the material as a layer in masks. That material is a plastic waterproofing material.

    1. Frances,
      I accidentally deleted that comment. I am not talking about using the plastic part, just the blue layer. I had already tried breathing through it, and I can. I will try it after I get the layers together and before I sew them. I would not use the plastic waterproof part. Thanks.

  2. Our masks are floral colored monstrosities people see from yards away in contrast to the dull things most wear.

    1. Ur-spo,
      Yes!! Thank you. I like colorful and can be seen from yards away.

    2. An envelope with some various fabrics go into the post tomorrow.

    3. Thank you, Urspo! I am looking forward to that package very much.


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