Monday, December 21, 2020

Most Wonderful Day of the Year and Christmas Collections?

 Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. This means from now forward, the days will become longer each day. Yay for today, the end of ever darking days!

Do you have anything you collect that is Christmas related? I do. It was sort of an accidental collection. I am drawn to sleighs. Santas are great as are stars and reindeer. But, sleighs capture my imagination. So far, I only have empty sleighs. 

Not every sleigh makes the cut, so I have few. I curate carefully. My favorite sleigh is a antique USA, I think, ceramic piece. And it is a pastel pink. You should have guessed the color. I have never seen a pink sleigh other than this one. I lost it with the house. None of my sleighs have Santa in them. He is not necessary. 

Another is a gold wire sleigh that always made an appearance at my friend's open house here in Birmingham. I filled it with cucumber sandwiches. Sleigh and sandwiches presentation was a hit.

Someday, I would like to have a tree full of sleigh ornaments. That may or may not happen. You know how that goes. It would be a small tree. 

None of my sleighs were bought new, so it makes the collection doable. I like the older sleighs, but I see Fitz and Floyd and drool for their sleigh. I see antique ones on eBay and When I am out and about, rather, when I WAS out and about, I never searched for a sleigh. They just appeared. And, I passed up many because they did not speak to me or I could not afford even the cheapest. 


  1. It's to have a collection but I no longer have any. I used to collect souvenir spoons when I travelled a lot and I would buy one for my sis and my mom too. I would only buy one for myself sporadically. I'm not sure why, lol. But these days I don't have any and my mom and sis are no longer here.

    1. Joyful,
      I wonder why you did not get all the spoons for yourself. Do you have a collection of Christmas items?

    2. I ask myself the same question. I do not have a collection of Christmas items. I have never liked seasonal decorations of any kind, especially Christmas ones. I love Christmas decorations but not all the linens, placemats and various trinkets. I find them all tacky.

    3. Joyful,
      I don't find anything Christmas is tacky, but I also do not desire to have some things.

    4. I understand. Everyone is different and has different tastes and that is okay. I am just saying what I think and don't expect you to agree. By the way though, I do think the sleighs would be nice.

  2. I have a blue cobalt glass sleigh by Fenton. It was a gift given to me.

  3. I had several collections of things, some I kept and some I got rid of. Most are seasonal, but I do have an accidental collection of monkeys. I bought a monkey butler as a lark and really did love it, then I found a wooden carved antique monkey chandelier that I could not afford but talked about wanting. All of a sudden for every occasion my friends and family gave me monkeys.I will admit I am partial to the ones wearing a fez.

    1. That is funny about the monkeys! My friend painted a round, metal outdoor table like a watermelon and everyone gave her watermelon things and drove her nuts. I had one basket hanging on the kitchen wall and another in the laundry room, on the wall, also. People started talking about my basket collection. I suppose people are glad they know what someone likes.

  4. Happy Winter Solstice. Hoping you have a light-filled year in 2021.

  5. I just realized that I also have a collection of Holy Infants of Prague. When my good friend and I used to go thrifting, there were a couple of years where almost every time we went, there would be a Holy Infant figure on the shelf. Each one was different, ceramic, plaster, brass. Each one (except for the brass one) has the most beautiful handpainted face. I am sure that at least three of them are very very old. I am not Catholic, but their faces were so lovely it caused me to bring them home. They are several different sizes. I don't think there is anything more Christmas than the Holy infant.

    I also have a collection of several handmade, painted Santas that I made from paper mache and driftwood. I always liked my Santas to have little baskets with birdseed, little birds and bunnies and a walking stick.

    It has been about three years since I have really gotten in the Christmas Spirit to clean and then decorate for Christmas. I haven't even gotten my Christmas wreath on the front door yet. I was going to put it on the front door yesterday, but then I heard weather predictions for strong wind, and that usually messes up my wreath. Maybe today I will get it on the door. I better or I'll be late for Christmas, and that just won't do.

    1. susie,
      I had to look up the Infant and had never heard of it. It is nice to find things you like.

      And, you are making your own Santas. Maybe you could show us a picture on your blog. I like the items he carries.

      I was afraid our wreath would fly away, but, so far, it is attached. I don't have trouble getting Christmas spirit or wanting to decorate. It is just so difficult to do things for me right now.

    2. I just listed an Infant of Prague vase
      on eBay! I'm also not Catholic but have enjoyed him for several years. When I first bought him I had to do a bit of research. I had no idea who he was but knew I loved him.

    3. Janet,
      I cannot say I remember seeing the Infant of Prague, but I am sure I will see them everywhere from now on.

  6. No-not really any collection. I do have a set of 8 vintage house ornaments, and I guess that is a collection, but at one time.

  7. I used to have so many collections - turtles, (not real ones) spoons, (started by grandparents who traveled a lot, cheese crocks, (the kind cheese spread used to come in with a closure similar to old canning jars), and hearts (heart shaped items made out of various materials and anything related to hearts) just to name a few. Over the years they just started to overwhelm me to the point that I didn't want any of them anymore so what didn't get sold at garage sales was donated to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. I also had a collection of various stuffed teddy bears and after selling and donating most of them, I admit to saving a few back. Collections make gift giving easy for friends and family. But it also helps it get out of control. Now with four cats living with us, anything of a knick knack nature is behind glass doors and a very eclectic bunch of items, no multiples that would lead to another collection. Ha. Ranee (MN)

    1. Rae,
      You certainly give a different view of collections! I could certainly get behind the heart ones. I am familiar with how destructive cats can be. Your solution to no more collections is funny--no multiples. Thanks for that humorous look.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...