Friday, January 22, 2021

He Is Paying Attention

 The other day, Tommy was going to take out the garbage. He usually asks me if I have anything to add. Sometimes, I get the garbage from the bathroom where I now throw all tp. Then, I might have something in the bedroom. Often, I have a little bag of trash I have gathered from around me or lunch. 

After he took the garbage out, he told me he took the skillet where I scrambled eggs and wiped it out into the trash with half a paper towel. Wow! Good for him to take the initiative on that. 

He also knows I want to wash every dish towel or dish cloth in the kitchen. So, he asked one day about a dish cloth, asking me if he should wash it. I had not added to the wash in the kitchen. I had asked him to take the kitchen things out and wash them. 

After I made the taco casserole, I asked Tommy if he wanted taco casserole again or would he rather I just freeze it. He hesitated for a moment and offered--wouldn't it be good to have something in the freezer when we are gone for so long you don't feel like cooking? I froze it. He listens to me, catches on, and gives it back to me. One night, I had been out for too long and we did have taco casserole! 

Things go more smoothly and efficiently with his  brain added to It really helps. 

I hang items from the wash on hangers and then hang them in doorways--my clothing. Towels and wash cloths are dried.  There are not enough doorways since I never put one in a doorway he must go through. So, I am going to get a rod to hang in one doorway. It comes with two little things to put in the doorway so the rod rests on it and will not fall with heavy clothes on it. That way, I can hang towels on it too. Currently, towels are dried. Since this will cut down on his trips to the washer and dryer and cut down on electric use, I am quite sure he will agree. Okay, I asked and he agreed. 

Dinner on Wednesday was so easy since it was another box lunch like lunch--ham, greens, peas and snaps, and cornbread. Thursday was easy, too. Leftover chicken plus newly cooked cabbage, and newly baked sweet potato. Since I awoke late and had to take a pill and wait an hour, I had for brunch at noon--a banana, milk, and a boiled egg, adding no salt at all. Then, this Thursday afternoon I had less than a tsp of peanut butter. I feel good about my food intake today. 

So, I just ruined my good eating record on Thursday. I took a spice cake mix and drained peach slices and added that to the cake mix. It was delicious. We are freezing the rest for another day. 

Leftover sweet potato and cabbage will be saved for Saturday evening since we will be gone part of Saturday. For Friday night, I will cook and chop lots of ground beef, put some in spaghetti for Friday night. I will freeze chopped and cooked ground beef. 

We sorted a bit more food, denoting some to give away. Plus, more was dated. That helps a lot to know what to eat when and what we have. Now, I just have to put it on shelves. It may not get done today, probably tomorrow. I want to sort a bit more today. He does that for me since it is in the kitchen. The more he must use a lantern, the easier he will take it when the ceiling lights are installed! Besides, the cans are in boxes or on chairs, and standing hurts me so. 

To answer  a question--the machine is not like a bicycle and the pedal goes round in a circle. The pedal goes in the shape of an ellipse. But, it is not just back and forth. Did I make it clear?


I can barely walk and back hurt me so that it was 6:30 am before I went to sleep. ugh! I think the machine made my spine problem worse. But, I am not giving up.

Oh, this is something funny that Tommy does. When he heads to the kitchen, I ask him to look in the pot I have on the stove and tell me what is happening. He comes back and tells me there are tiny bubbles all over. I ask, "Boiling/"  He says again--small bubbles. Or, large bubbles. Or, not much water. He does not know words like-gently boiling, hard boil, rolling boil, boiling dry. There are other things he says to describe the state of food, but I cannot remember. It is amusing. 

Does it help to have someone in the house sort of pay attention to get things done fully and in an efficient manner? Does anyone in the house have a funny way of describing the state of food?


  1. It's nice when someone else can help with the thinking, isn't it?

  2. Well, we've been married for over 33 years, and often can finish each others thoughts-it does help when people are in sync. I'm probably the one tat has a loss for words at times.

    1. SAM,
      We have know each other for 15 years. So, often we are on the same wave length.

  3. It's nice to hear this isn't the same Tommy that would scream at you regularly. I assume a certain amount of this is due to his sugars being under better control since you moved in.

    I had to laugh at your making a cake. I, too, am trying to cut down the sugar intake and drop just a few pounds. I do well for a few days and then fall off the wagon. We have a drawer full of M & M peanut packages (long story, they were free) and I resist them for a few days and then something happens and I have to have one. But, I'm not going to beat myself up over it, and hubby doesn't want them thrown away. He has always had more food self control than I.

    And speaking of being on the same page with your partner, I love it that we both view stocking up and repairing things and money use in exactly the same way. My former husband was very self destructive and everything was an uphill battle. It's been such a relief to not have to "carry" my current husband. It's been a good 37 years.

    1. Anne,
      He still screams at me regularly, but it is still blood sugar lows!

      Half the cake is frozen, so it is not too tempting. I figure if I am going to eat sweets, I might as well have to make them and deal with the residue==weight and washing the

      He is so much for what I do, more than ex. I want no more uphill battles. Oh, I know what you mean by "carry."

  4. My husband has been doing the dishes more often and it still drives me crazy. He has a different procedure than me and it takes 4 times as long for him to do them but they are clean. I wash dishes and they get clean but much shorter in time. Oh well what can you do. I just stay out of the kitchen when he is washing them. lol. He does have a bit of a habit of forgetting to turn burners off and leaving them on low but lucky for us I check things like that. So I guess it's a bit of give and take and it all gets done. Take care.

    1. Crystal,
      Tommy can make me bonkers helping me. But, he won't get out of dishes until the dishwasher comes. Even then, I told him he is not off the hook with dishes. He can do things like put his dishes in the dishwasher. Even if something is not right, it will be easier to adjust a dish than have it in the sink. I am the one who cooks, so I more often leave on a burner or the oven. We get it done with teamwork. He argues about what and why something is done. I tell him the logical reason and he spits and sputters but does it the way I need it done. I am in the kitchen the whole time. Well, sometimes I have to sit down or lie down and come back. But, he carries on pretty well without me standing there. I wash; he dries.

    2. Team work is the way to go. Who says a woman has to be the only one doing kitchen work. lol.

    3. Crystal,
      Some men and some in society decree so! I still do 90% but there is enough for both of us!


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...