Friday, January 15, 2021

Here is Diagnosis Post I Lost

 I don't understand how I could have accidentally deleted a whole post after I had saved it multiple times as I typed. Then, I was just too tired to start over. 

Thursday, I went to the ENT. He was very nice, listened and came up with a surprise diagnosis. I recited all my strange symptoms, some of which I have not mentioned here. 

My ear lobe and outer ear structure have been swelling. I have had strange sensations on and around my ear. Inside my ear I thought I had pimples because of the pain and swelling. Tommy could barely see a red spot. Several times, when I touched a sore place on my ear, I screamed in pain. He asked what happened. Well, the pain was shocking and unbearable. The "places" were down in my ear, on the outer structure and around the edge and on the back of my ear. 

Along with the strange sensation around my ear, including the area in front of my ear, a pain spread onto my head. I had a headache in a very specific area--above my ear and sort of fanning out at the top side of my head. Then, the skin hurt in the same place, and it was hot. I felt as though I had 50 or more ingrown hairs. Just turning my head caused many needle-like pricks on my head. It was so strange. 

My hearing diminished greatly in my left ear. I always have tinnitus, a soft white noise. During this time it was screaming in my left ear. 

Nausea is also a symptom. I often am nauseous, but I was sicker than usual. I don't know why, but before I throw up, I salivate so much it is freaky. One night, I thought I was going to drown in excessive saliva. I have never heard of anyone who does this. 

Being dizzy is another symptom of shingles in/around ear. 

Once in a while I had numbness out to my cheek. There was never any pain in my cheek. The ear lobe kept swelling on and off. My ear canal was swollen and numb sometimes. Even though it was numb, I was tortured with the feeling of pimples where there were none, just a little redness. Near my lip I developed a tiny sore that lasted two days and went away.

He said there was a reason why I was not off balance when on Azithromycin and when not taking the med I became dizzy again. But, I forgot the reason. Maybe some of you know. As bizarre as my symptoms were to me, he understood. 

When I got through with my recitation and he had examined my ears, nose, and mouth/throat, he said he thought I had shingles.


Every symptom I had pointed to shingles. I still have it. He said it might get better and come right back again. 

From the stories I have heard and pictures I have seen of shingles breakouts, I feel very lucky even though this as been quite a trial. And, I felt like my strange mixture of symptoms pointed to nothing. 

I had the shingles vaccine, so this would have been worse. I had another five years after the first. So, get your shingle vaccine.

Have you ever known anyone with shingles in the ear? Have you had shingles? A story about shingles?


  1. My uncle had shingles in the eye and thought he was dying.
    My dad had them round his belly and suffered nerve pain for many months after.
    I had them at only 32, just a small circle on my shoulder and recovered in a week. I hope that's all I ever have.
    How miserable for you. I hope you recover fully and fast

    1. kylie,
      I am grateful this was no worse. But, the symptoms were baffling.

    2. As you were reciting your symptoms especially the head scap pain my first thought was shingles. Yes they are miserable. Thank goodness you had the vaccine.

    3. JRE,
      I was clueless. I knew symptoms, but would have expected much worse pains!

  2. Oh my! What a blessing when what we think are random symptoms all come together to make sense to a doctor and he's able to get to the root cause!

    My husband had shingles several years ago and it was debilitating to him. He's usually a work horse, never getting down with anything, and that had him down for days on end. He tried a little bit of everything. Someone told him about some sort of 'natural' remedy, a "Shingles Drops" that can be purchased at one of those all natural herbal stores. Not sure if that's what worked or the combination of everything else he had tried. But he keeps those drops on hand just in case.

    One time I was having back pain and the symptoms seemed random to me. I thought I was crazy or imagining things. Lower back pain, shooting pain in my right leg, and then the next minute my left leg would go numb. I mean, it's usually one or the other, right? Well, after the MRI, the doctor told me that a piece of one of the bones was missing, so it was literally rocking back and forth on top of the next one. That's what caused the different symptoms. When it rocked one way - shooting pain on one side. Then it rocked the other way - numbness on the other side.

    1. Alice,
      The randomness of the symptoms made me feel like I was crazy! LOL...I was looking at cures yesterday, wondering if they really work.

      Back pain is the worst for me. And, it is sometimes on one leg and then in the other. I understand.

  3. shingles !
    that explains a lot.
    Shingles can show anywhere.
    Alas even the shot doesn't stop shingles in everybody.

    1. Urspo,
      I really think the shingles vaccine mitigated the symptoms.

  4. Wow! I have not had shingles. A friend of mine had them but altho I know him in person my connection with him since he had them has only been on facebook but he didn't have them in the ear, Did the dr say how long they last? Hope not too long as they sound awful. I do have a friend who had the shingles shot and she got really sick from it. I never had the shot yet.

    1. Ann,
      He said that since they seem to be going away now, they could come back anytime and again and again. The shingles vaccine made my arm hurt, but that was all, thankfully. Take the vaccine. This could have been so much worse without it.

  5. So sorry to hear that - it sounds miserable! Hope you feel better quickly.

    1. HP,
      Now that I know what all these symptoms mean, it is easier to handle. Not one symptom except for the painful places in my ear are troublesome on their own. Thanks. I hope it all passes.

  6. Linda, As you know, shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox and cold sores. My husband, who is immune compromised because of an organ transplant, had shingles and then kept getting cold sores. They gave him Acyclovir which he takes daily. It's an antiviral medication and has done wonders for him. I wonder if you would be a good candidate for this kind of medication. He can't take the shingles vaccine because it's made from a live virus. At least now you know the reason. Hope the pain goes away.

    1. Unknown,
      The antiviral sounds like it could help me. Thanks.

  7. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. I've never had shingles but I understand it's very painful!

    1. Treaders,
      I think I have shingles light. I am grateful the pain is not worse and there are no open sores. Thanks.

  8. gosh, no wonder you have felt so bad! I've never heard of in ears, but have known a couple people who had it and said it was just awful.

    1. One,
      The strange symptoms were baffling and it hurt. My friend lost her hearing in her good ear from shingles. Get your vaccine.

  9. Both parents and brother.... I got the vaccine since I was the one that had the chicken pox not them...

  10. Glad you have a diagnosis. It is a strange virus.

  11. I had 2 mild cases of shingles and caught early and put on an antiviral and steroid dose pack right away so had rather mild cases compared to others. When eligible for the vaccine, got it ASAP. I never have issues with vaccines it the Shigrex vaccine did cause deep injection site pain for about 3 days......felt like in my bones and like I was sleeping on a stone!

    1. Karen,
      I got it as soon as I was eligible and then when I could again. The vaccine did make my arm sore for three days. But, it was not too painful. This is a mild case! No sores.

  12. You poor thing. Shingles can be so painful. I am surprised that you had not gotten the vaccine.

    1. Kim,
      Next to last paragraph. I had shingles vaccine. Two of them.

  13. Thank goodness you found a Dr. who listened to your symptoms and made a learned diagnosis.

    Currently I have edema on my elbow. I thought of you when I was messaging my Dr. about it. I described the swelling as being about the size of a small "cutie".

    1. Janet,
      His reviews said he listened without interrupting. He listened to the whole ordeal which obviously started months ago and just got worse. That is funny about the cutie.

  14. Wow, that is really something. I'm glad the doctor knew what it was right off the bat.

  15. I had a small patch of shingles in my late 20s (30+ years ago). It was on my lower back & mostly I had a major back ache with an itchy feeling. HOWEVER, the nerve pain was the worst, as it came & went, with no predictability. It was sharp, spiky pains that felt like a sharp knife was being stuck in my back - straight to my stomach & then turned. It would bring instant tears & of course, since I was working, people would wonder why I'd suddenly jump & start crying. Once the pain faded & I could talk again, I'd explain. I kept being told that I was too young to have shingles. I guess I had an old soul. :)

    My doctor gave me Acyclovir & said that it wouldn't make the shingles go away, but it would help shorten the outbreak & reduce the severity of the symptoms. He also said that once you have an outbreak, you can continue to have other outbreaks, but they'd each be less severe then the previous one. I've continued to have mild issues with the nerve pain, but nothing like that first time. Also, had a small outbreak (5 spots) on my thumb about 4 years ago, which didn't even require medication - just a bit of patience with the itchiness.

  16. That does seem young! The sharp pains on and in my ear and on side of my head cause to yelp a bit. I can see how you might cry if they were worse. Shingles in my ear causes me to shake my head like a dog, The doctor gave me nothing because it was all over.


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