Saturday, February 6, 2021

Hiccups and other stuff

 On and off all day Friday, I had the hiccups. They would come and leave just as quickly. I might hiccup for fifteen minutes one time and only five the next. One time, my father had hiccups for two weeks. I am not enjoying this and cannot imagine how he managed for two weeks. So far, this Saturday, I have had hiccups after taking one pill. 

It is noon and I am waiting to be able to eat for the first time today. Of course, I have only been up for about two hours. The kitchen needs attention, but trying to work when I am famished makes me feel sick. 

He does not know it yet, but he is going to clean the sink after we clean off the counters. He will not argue at all. He cleaned off the whole counter on one side of the sink last week and used a Clorox wipe after is was cleaned with a paper towel. He actually cleaned it better than I expected.   

By the way, one commenter accused Tommy of beating me, among other ridiculous claims. He has never hit me or threatened to hit me. I am amazed the things people decide to believe without a scrap of evidence. Do you even read what I write? 

Okay, it after 6 pm. I mentioned work we needed to do and he said, "Well, this is not off yet" indicating something that came on at 4 pm! So, I told him the extent of cleaning, tossing, organizing and spraying. He is okay with it. 

We went out only to pick up a prescription ready for me. It was test strips for a blood sugar tester that I do not have, never have had! 

Today has been drizzly, cloudy, wet, cold to the bone, 40Fs. I could have napped all day under the blankets. I think I will have hot chocolate. 

Lunch for me was a banana and milk, snack was one piece of bread with peanut butter and jelly, 1/2 cup milk. 

A Krystal was needed when we went out. 

Dinner tonight is chicken leg/thigh cooked in tasty tomato broth, cooked cabbage, sweet potato, strawberries. 

later, I will have applesauce and yogurt.

What makes a person have hiccups more than a dozen times each day? Do you ever have hiccups ofte?. Before now, I only had hiccups every couple of months. 


  1. I rarely get hiccups but when I was pregnant with my 3rd, he had them in utero! My stomach would jump violently!
    Wonder if he still gets them...I'll have to ask.

    1. Jan,
      I don't think either of my three ever hiccupped. I can imagine the jumps. When you ask him, let me know.

  2. I loathe hiccups. It is so nard to stop when I coughing.If I start coughing I cannot stop for what seems like hours.,,sigh

    1. Cindy,
      I cannot figure out how to stop hiccups. So, I just sat here. Now, coughing is something I try to stop and cannot. I hate that, too.

    2. breathing in & out through a paper bag supposedly stops hiccups. Dr. said hiccups side effect from hyperparathyroidism.

    3. Caddie,
      I have heard that will stop hiccups, but it has never worked for me. Maybe I did it wrong. I am hypothyroid. Thanks.

    4. Oh, hyperthyroid? What is your calcium reading?

    5. Caddie,
      I don't know. But, he ups the dosage of levothyroxin every three months.

    6. I see -You have thyroid issue. My issue is with the Parathyroid; no connection with the thyroid.

    7. Caddie,
      I am hypothyroid, not hyperthyroid.

  3. I really should proofread. before I

    1. I just laughed as it was not the worst typo I have ever posted.

  4. One of our friends had a stroke and had the hiccups for weeks, and there was a pope that died from the hiccups. But now if you can't get rid of them they sedate you bring you out slowly and that usually works, if not they do it again.

    1. Kim,
      I didn't know there was a remedy. Hiccups can leave a person exhausted! And, I never heard of anyone have a stroke and then hiccups. You can die of hiccups? Now, I wonder why I have them on and off all day long. They are really gentle, not like some of the hard spells I have had in the past. Thanks for that info.

  5. I often get the hiccups when I take a first bite out of food that I really like and haven't had for a long time. They usually go on for several minutes and then finally stop. I would hate to have the hiccups for more than just a few minutes. I think if they continued for a very long time I might call the doctor and see if there was something I could do. If they lasted more than 24 hours, I would definitely call the doctor. I hope your hiccups go away and don't come back.

    1. susie,
      I have had hiccups for two days, but not continually, about a dozen times yesterday and a half dozen today. I am going to ask the doctor why and what to do.

  6. I learned a sure-fire 100% effective means to deal with hiccups. It is always fun to see people amazed and grateful when I help them with their hiccups. Would I could do this for depression !

    1. Urspo,
      You will have to enlighten us, maybe a whole post on your blog.

  7. I hope your hiccups clear up pretty soon - they can be exhausting can't they! And why the heck would anyone think Tommy beat you? He seems like he might have a temper but I've never read anything about him being physical!

    1. Treaders,
      So far, Sunday has been free from hiccups. Usually, I have hard hiccups and do become exhausted. Amazingly, the hiccups on Friday and Saturday were very gentle, not the ones that wrack the body. There was a lot of stuff said that was not true or exaggerated. No, he has never been physical at all.

  8. I don't get hiccups often, but when I do they are usually aggravating.

    1. Belinda,
      Yes, I was curious as to why so often for those two days. Aggravating!


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