Monday, March 29, 2021

Easter Egg Tree and Tulip Tree

Sunday, I managed to get the 24 eggs prepared with  jewelry wire through the eggs to suspend them from a smallish dogwood tree in Tommy's front yard. Next year, I will find something different to use to hang the eggs. Handling the jewelry wire and tying it was so difficult and my fingers hurt and my nails have little notches in them. Really, we needed about 100 eggs, but I thought two dozen would work. 

We took a ride on Sunday afternoon and I got one more 2x6 about two feet long for my cardinals and bluebirds to hang in a tree. There were so many dogwood trees in bloom, pink and white. Camellias are still in bloom. Azaleas were a riot of colors.  Many trees were just a pale green haze as the leaves arrive. It was a pretty drive. We saw chickens out in one yard. Usually they are confined. So, it was a pretty good drive even though it was only about 30 minutes. 

I checked my garden and found nothing like what I expected. The cabbage were not cabbage but something about two feet high! I was disappointed. But, it was all safe under the white cloth. Nothing had been killed by frost or freeze. 

Friday, we were watching TV storm coverage. I looked up to see a reporter standing in front of a tulip tree as Tommy said, "Look at that tree!" I replied, "Tulip tree." So, we watched closely to see the same segment again. He said it looked like pink insulation in the tree. It was! It was crazy how so much pink insulation was stuck on many limbs, just tiny puffs of pink, just like a tulip tree. Usually, there are large chunks of pink insulation, not little puffs. 

Sunday morning, I awoke at 4 am, I think, after going to bed about 12:30 pm. I got my laptop and read some. Then, when it cut off because the power was used up, I put it away, and tried to sleep. Around 7 am The wind and rain hit the side of the house where I am. The roof, it appeared, started creaking. I thought it was going to lift off. I rushed down the hall and the TV came on just as I reached the living room door. Tommy had heard things falling on the front porch and wanted to see radar and if there was weather on TV. 

When we took our drive on Sunday, as we came into the driveway, I saw my huge chicken on the porch and the largest planter had fallen over. That was what Tommy heard when he turned on the TV. Just now, Sunday, I heard that there was damage near my former home. Tommy said that was the same system we heard this morning. 

Sunday, I managed to get 128 meatballs on a cookie sheet, cooked them, and put them in the freezer. Well, we did eat some. So, less than 128 in the bag went into the freezer. 

Grocery sales this week interest me very much. I will get the loss leaders if they are something I use. I will make sure I get cole slaw early in the week since it seems to go quickly before a holiday. I think Easter will involve chicken, slaw, potato salad, and other things we like. If I don't get things prepared that I plan, Oh Well. There will be no stress. 

What are your food plans for Easter? Easter Egg Hunts? I have a golden wrapped chocolate bunny for Tommy and four chocolate carrots in orange foil paper. 


  1. A few years ago we drove through your state to get to Dauphin Island. We were so surprised to see how large and colorful the azaleas were. Beautiful!

    1. angie,
      Yes, we have beautiful azaleas among other flowering plants. Did you see the magnolias?

  2. Thirty some years ago when I got the first kid married off, I promised to let the kids spend every holiday with the in-laws in exchange for
    Christmas eve. We usually spent the holidays with my parents while the kids were off celebrating.
    I lost my father and then my husband (I remarried) and just this past November I lost my mother. Since we've been quarantining, my family did spend Christmas eve together but it's been just my husband and me for all holidays, Easter included. Since I'm diabetic, strictly controlled by diet, not a chocolate bunny or marshmallow peep in sight!
    Happy Easter!

    1. Jan,
      I guess there is no fighting about holidays with that arrangement. You are better at not eating chocolate than I am. Happy Easter!


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...