Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Tommy Talking-Scatology

First, a nurse or someone called me and relayed a message from the doctor. He said I can quit Cymbalta without side effects because I have not taken it long enough to cause problems. He did say it take a long time to become accustomed to it. And, I am taking the lowest dose made. From his message, I feel like I am a quitter. Well, the feeling was too overwhelming. Plus, I was on the brink of falling most of the time. And, when I had to walk in the kitchen with a knife, I was terrified of falling and stabbing myself. So, I won't take one this evening and hopefully will feel better. It wears off an hour before I am due to take another. 

 Okay, this next is Tommy's idea to write the happenings. Don't think I am talking out of school. Every time, he asks me with a big smile if I am going to write what happened. I say I am not and he looks disappointed. Remember, are juveniles in this area. 

One day, Tommy got up and started talking to me. But, I could not understand what he said. I asked and he said he did not say anything. "Well, I know you said something!" "Well, I was talking with a different body part." I was puzzled at that. "What??? What part?" "My butt!"  I laughed because he was being so stupid. He thought I was amused with the fart and his joke, I suppose. 

Another time, we were both sitting and watching TV when I thought he said something to me. Again, I asked. He kept saying he said nothing. I kept insisting and he laughed and told me it was a fart. He says this with no shame or guilt. I think he is proud and I know he is amused. These are just two examples.

It surprises me every time. Maybe I am slow catching on, but surprising me happens infrequently. (Scatology is not strictly gassiness, but it works as an excretion, just gas.)

Well, maybe you are not amused. Do these antics go on at your house?


  1. Sigh. It seems to be a guy thing. They seem to be endlessly delighted they can blow out air through more than one orifice...

  2. When my boys were very small I remember telling my dad how they loved fart jokes. Dad told me that men love fart jokes all their lives. I was surprised, shocked even, but I see it is true.
    None of my kids are the slightest bit embarassed about gas though the jokes usually only extend to blaming a dog

    1. kylie,
      Yes, it seems to be a male thing. Not sure why, though. Thanks.

  3. I must be married to the one man on the planet who is not amused by passing gas. We dated for two years and are now coming up on our 10 year wedding anniversary. He has never intentionally or willingly passed gas in front of me. There was the one time that he had a colonoscopy and one of the requirements for them to let you leave is that you must pass gas. He was appalled that I was going to hear him.

    1. Alice,
      Good for him! I had a colonoscopy and did not realize that was a requirement. But, I do remember being horrified that I was with Tommy and the nurse present.

  4. Well, I am a man and have never been amused by the subject. Perhaps I am a bit of a prude, or maybe it’s because of the way I was raised. The word “fart” was never used at our house, ever. My mother might have spoken of “breaking wind”…. We bent over backwards not to be crude.

    1. rhymes,
      I never heard that word, either, at home. And, only in the last year have I used it. We always referred to it as "gas."

  5. Alice’s husband and I must be cut from the same cloth. As we get older, our bodies seem to be less under our control. The first time I accidentally passed gas audibly in my wife’s presence was after 35 or 40 years of marriage. Her reaction shocked me. She ran through the house screaming, “He’s human! He’s human!” We have laughed about that many times since.

  6. I think it's a definitely a male thing - just like being able to burp on demand. That being said, I have a joke for Tommy. Did you hear about the blind skunk who fell in love with a fart?

    1. Treaders,
      I told him the joke. He laughed and said it was cute. So, success. Now, he has a joke to tell...lol. Thanks.

  7. Many, if not most men are little boys at heart. Little boys like fart jokes.

    I will tell you one on myself. During my previous 22 year marriage I did everything I could to avoid passing gas in his presence. At times this was very uncomfortable. I have no idea why I felt this way but I will say that My Dad never made fart jokes and I had no brothers. Gas passing wasn't a topic in our family.

    When John and I got together (34+ years ago) I decided to just "Let 'er rip!" I must say that the freedom to be comfortable passing the natural gas that every human on earth passes each and every day was extremely freeing!


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