Friday, November 12, 2021

I Need Red Clothing, eBay, Dinner

Yes, it sounds like a silly thought. But, I have one nice, dressy-ish t-shirt that is red, nothing else. Well, one red long-sleeved cotton sweater. However, all summer long I have had to wash the red shirt separately and alone in the washer. I tried washing it with black, but it got little gray balls all over it.  Tommy picked all those off. I need more red items to wash with it so it won't distress him I don't like washing one item, either. 

I had two red coats/jackets, a red sweatshirt, two or three raggedy red tops I wore around the house. Now, I only have this one nice blouse/tshirt. I also had dark pink coat and a pink tshirt that were washed with the red items. Now--nothing else. Yes, it is a first-world problem. But, I need to use water more judiciously. All the tshirts I find are sooo thin. 

Winter blouses are another thing I need. Since I cannot stand even a short sleeve under a sweater, I need sleeveless tops. I wear sleeveless things all winter under sweaters, mostly tank tops. My daughter in NYC wears tank tops all year long, even when it is snowing!  She understands. Usually, I buy my winter wardrobe in the spring. This year, I did not. Between not getting into stores much and there not being much when I got there, I seem to still be lacking in tops.

I bought a new phone like I already owned on ebay. It was advertised as 4G, but it is 3G. It is a Rugby 4, not a 4G phone. I hope I can get a resolution in my favor. 

Earlier, we had seen an ad for Domino's pizza, two large for price of one. Yesterday, I was so stressed I wanted the deal and we were going to freeze the majority of the two pizzas. But, when I called the store, they had no idea what we were talking about. We discussed getting something else, somewhere else. Finally, I was to emotionally exhausted to discuss it. I said, "Let's go home and find something." We did. But. the first thing I did was take an hour nap.

There was one slice/shred of turkey left from the package I bought to feed J. There were collards and two baked sweet potatoes. One small bit of mac n cheese was left. I thawed meatballs. We had turkey, meatballs, collards, sweet potatoes, mac n cheese.  It was a great meal. Money saved!


  1. I hope you can find a red dress or top you like, especially if you would like it for Christmas. I just bought a red dress (not too bright) which I might wear at Christmas. Other than that, I only have about 2 dressier items in red which I seldom wear.I too like to wash like colours together to save on water and wear and tear on the machine. As for tank tops. I don't actually like sleeveless tops that much though I do buy a few for very hot weather wear. This year I decided I needed warm tops to keep me warm and have bought a few long sleeved pullover sweaters. I also have umpteen sweaters that I can layer over my sleeveless and short sleeved tops when I don't feel quite as cold. I hope your new phone works out for you.

    1. Joyful,
      A red dress for Christmas would be nice. I try not to get a red that has too much orange in it. I like sleeveless under a sweater. For summer, the two outfits I got two years ago are the only sleeveless things I have. I cardigan sweater is what I need to be warm most days.

      The new phone is not working out. It goes back.

    2. I agree about not having a red with too much orange and donetimes finding a good shade of red can be tricky. I like the shade of the dress I bought but sadly the pockets don't lie flat. I'm going to keep it anyway as I think I can work with it. I'm sorry your phone didn't work out.

  2. You need to go to the thrift stores, peolple are clearing out warm weather clothes right now for donation. Everyone else is looking for warm things. It makes is the right time for your short sleeve tops. I am sure you will find a bunch

    1. Texas,
      I cannot stand long enough to walk in and shop for clothing. I have nothing against thrift stores.

  3. Sorry that it is hard for you to go in and shop. Maybe if you could just go in and explain to the ladies that work there, they could set aside things in your size that might work for you. You would get first choice in items you are looking for. Like your own personal shoppers. I bet they would be willing to help.

    1. Texas,
      It seems that with fewer people in shops, it is harder to find help of any kind. But, I can try it.

  4. I know you live in Alabama, which is the south. Generally in the south people are helpful. You might have to go in at sit at the register area until it gets slow to talk to someone but if you can make them understand your situation I am sure they would be willing to help. If you do not think that would work, could you go with a friend that could pull things in your size and bring to you for approval, maybe someone from church or the lunches you go to. Just trying to help.

    1. I have not been to those lunches since February 2020 and they are 60 miles from here.

      I did have someone, a meth addict, that went with me to find a purse or something at Belk's. She held up purses so I could see them. Then, I bought her a purse since hers had broken. I wish I could find her because she moved from there and is nearer to me. We have not been to church since Feb 2020. And, all those women are old as me and older.


  5. I remember her, your friend J. I do not know how I forgot about the pandemic that would keep you away from lunches and church. I am home most of the time and ashamed to say there are many days that I just wear pajamas all day. I do not have any need to buy clothing as I do not get out much. I have lots of nice things hanging in the closet with the tags still on. I buy on clearance and stash for times when I need a new outfit for anything that might come up. I even have shoes brand new in the box. I like them here so I can put together an outfit at a moments notice and not spend a lot of money for something special. I know that sounds kind of crazy. I am sure you would do the same thing if you were able to get around.

    1. Texas,
      There are days I wear my gown all day. If we go out, I put the gown back on when I get home. I change into a clean one before bed. If anyone does not like it, too bad.

      I had clothes before my house was destroyed. I never buy anything that is not on sale, clearance, or I have a coupon to spend. I don't think it sounds crazy to have things ready to go. I may go to Target since they have electric carts.

    2. 8ve been seeing Walmart clothing hauls on You Tube. They gave some beautiful things at an affordable price point. I don't think we havethe same degree of selection in Canada. I may check it out before Christmas just to see what they have. I don't really need anything at the moment except different colour tights and maybe a belt if you xsnt get help to go shopping, I recommend watching YT videos of Target, Walmart and Amazon clothing hauls from the last couple of months and order in line.

    3. Joyful,
      I have considered shopping online for clothing. But, I did that last year and had to return every single thing. I was so dsgusted.

    4. I understand but once you find the right store to shop at in your size it becomes easier. One tip is to purchase the same thing in several sizes then return those that don't fit. It beats having to go to stores as nd wonder around in a cart then try to go to the changing room.

    5. Joyful,
      Oh, there is no cart in most places! I did order my size from a store where I shop in person. Still, they were not the same as description. It seems the same brand in same style changes more than anyone would imagine. Remember, we could not go to changing rooms.

    6. I didn't go shopping in clothing stores for at least 2 years so I forgot about no ability to use changing rooms. I'm getti g used to using on line services though I know on line I have far limited selection than I would in store. I just hate the hassle if getting yo the store, walking around looking for stuff, lining up to pay. It's all very tiring.

    7. Joyful,
      Just getting into the store is tiring if I have to use my walker. Getting into aisles where clothes catch on it is frustrating. Then, when I sit, I cannot handle the clothes on the rack easily. My hands and shoulders don't work right, especially over and over!

    8. My mom used to have similar issues so I'd accompany her shopping in store on the rare occasions she went. I was tired before getting in the vehicle too.

    9. Joyful,
      The tiredness means I can do little the rest of the day. Living with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome AND, injured shoulders and hands/wrists and injured knee is hard.

  6. Our daughters are kindred spirits. Mine always wears tank tops all year long even when it’s cold. Your meal sounds terrific. I love using up what we have at home in order to save money by not eating out. I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. The daughter frightened her husband not dressing warmly when she first moved there. But, I do understand feeling too warm. I was too disgusted to go to Domino's after their not honoring the television ad. Thank you. The weekend is shaping up to be very nice.

  7. Do you ever shop online Linda? Target has circle offers (digital coupons) and usually have % off clothing. Just clip the coupons online before you shop. You just use your phone number at checkout in store for the discount to apply. If you shop online, it will apply automatically. Now is a great time to shop for summer stuff, since everything is clearanced. JCP currently has a great sale too. I don't know your style or which stores you prefer though.

    I got some nice tanks for $2 each at Old Navy, so that's another option for you. They also offer discounts on a regular basis.

    1. I have had to return every item I purchased online. So, I am mostly over that. I want to go to Target in person, but I will do the coupon thing before I go. I hate JCP! Thanks.

  8. Just hand-wash the red shirt until you get more items

    1. Joe,
      That won't happen! It is very heavy and I have a hard time using my hands. But, thanks. I might get Tommy to hand wash it for me. He would do it to save using the washing


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