Saturday, January 15, 2022

Saturday This and That

 Since I had no idea what Kim was talking about, I looked it up. I know what wooden beads are, and I know what tiered shelves are. But, I had no idea they were a "thing" together. I looked it up and I still don't. However, I saw lots of wood bead garlands in the furniture store.  Right now, I have zero interest in either. However, that could turn on a dime and I will be a fan. 

The really good loveseat is soaked by rain. That makes me sad as I am quite sure people are around here that need good furniture. I do point out that I just cannot stand up using it. People, otherwise, will ask what is wrong with it. In the same vein, standing from sitting in this chair is wonderful. I have little pain in back, knee, and hands. The arms are square and flat and not all cushion-y. I despise the look of the new chair, though! Plus, the firm cushion keeps my back from hurting me while sitting. If the cushion ever gets limp, I will take it to upholsterer to put new foam and polyester wrap. No, I cannot do it myself. My hands could have done this 30 years ago and easily. 

The square arms have an advantage over the really curved and soft one--I can put a plate of food on it without having to balance the plate so it does not slide. My pills don't roll off. I do have a quilt thrown over the chair. Already, I have spilled food and gotten crumbs on the quilt. 

Last night, I slept four hours and got up at 9:30  am. At 12:30 pm I went back for a short nap and awoke at 5:30 pm. I actually feel good. That's a plus. I had scrambled eggs and a sausage patty for lunch, my only meal. After I ate, the plan was to put it all in the refrigerator. When I awoke, it was all sitting on the stove--five hours! I discovered it an hour later, so six hours not refrigerated. Tommy went in and washed the skillet out and left food on the stove, right next to the skillet. Well, it is the refrigerator now. And, the skillet is clean. 

We never stop at Hardees for sausage and biscuit now that I buy and cook the whole package of sausage. However, he never has it for breakfast. He eats it as a snack or for lunch. I am puzzled. He had two for lunch today along with one piece of bread. The sausage is less expensive than two sausage biscuits and coffee. And, the twelve pack lasts for several meals.  

We have been inside today. Tommy went to take laundry to the machine and out to get it for me to hang. Then, he retrieved the mail. I have not done more than look out through the door window to see if the loveseat was gone or not. NOT 

It is almost 7 pm and the plan is to unload the dishwasher and plant the Amaryllis. Maybe we will have a bit of snow in the morning. How is your Saturday? What happened at your house or will tomorrow?


  1. I am glad your new chair is working for you. I have a little table on wheels and a breakfast tray that I can use for meals that helps with spills. Good thing to look for at secondhand shops, garage and estate sales. I know you can't walk a great deal but you could have people check for you.
    I think Tommy is wanting a protein for snacks and lunch, I find that I do often. Just like you will go get a piece of chicken breast, he wants a protein, and he likes the sausage. When my friend was here for a couple of months after surgery (amputation) due to diabetes I would fix him a snack plate midmorning and afternoon. Just some slices of turkey, chicken or ham, cheese, almonds and fruit. That kept his sugar good between meals. Ask and see if those might work for him. He would be able to fix a snack plate from those. Everything is cheaper when you can do it at home.

    I am sorry no one took the love seat. I hope that your waste services people will take it now that is has been rained. Just put a sign out for them on collection day to take it. I can call my local Goodwill when I have furniture to give up. They send a truck and movers to come and take it.

    I am glad you had such a good nap. Your body needed the rest or you would have woken up sooner. I have sleep issues also, I try not to nap, mine is different. I don't fall asleep easily at night, up to the early morning and then fall asleep and don't wake up until noon.
    I hate it but can't seem to sleep like normal people. I think it is pain we suffer, you just can't get comfortable.

    1. Before anyone suggested I ask thrift store workers to help me, I did so on my own. They decline! Really, the stores are understaffed, like all other stores. I am so tired and hurt and when I do feel like going into a thrift store or anyplace without electric carts, I cannot go far into a store or shop long. I need my energy for daily activities at home.

      We will have to pay someone to take this. It takes an appointment to get things picked up. Too bad. I had less than a day before rain.

      Tommy's body wants protein. He does not. He will take no suggestions. He would throw the snack plate on the floor or scream at me as he shoved me away. Yes, he would.

      Many days, I can do without a nap. Actually, not often. Often, I am awake at 7 am! Sleeping until noon is my mode of coping. If I have to get up at 9 am, I am miserable.
      Adding one more condition to my body certainly makes me see I will never get rest.

      What makes you have pain?

  2. I am so sorry that you have to many challenges to face. It really bothers me that there are not more places that will help people that really need it. There should be a requirement that electric carts be available as needed for all retail stores over a certain size or at least wheelchairs available. I would think that thrift stores, as many run on donations from the public would provide access for all.

    I hate that Tommy will not try other things to improve his health. If only he would listen and try it for a couple of weeks he would see how much better he could feel. I told my friend before I brought him home from the hospital that I would never let him be hungry, but I would cook and provide what he needed for his health. He had 3 meals a day, 2 snack plates which I learned from the doctor. He never went hungry, but I suffered from exhaustion from cooking and doing dishes. Tommy needs to take a more active role in his diet and being responsible for his health. I know it is easier said than done. You have helped him realize a lot of things since you have been there. Slowly but surely, you can get him to try new things. I do not want him to fuss at you or throw a fit. Just take it slow.

    Yes the sleeping thing makes it worse. I had a hip replacement last year and had a lot of pain prior to that. My neck has been messed up for about 10 years causing chronic everyday migraines, nerve damage that affects my jaws, ears. teeth, sinuses, shoulders and arms. I have spinal stenosis and bulging discs. I have pain every day from that. My primary doctor says it is getting worse because now I have dizzy spells. I must have it seen by the orthopedist and see what can be done.

  3. He us stubborn and does not want anyone telling him what to do. I really tell him little, but he is recalcitrant!

    I have stenosis and bulging discs and crumbling vertebra and spondelisthesis (SP?) I do need surgery.

  4. I hope to avoid it, I will be going to see the orthopedist soon. Why have you not had the surgery? I am afraid. Is your problem in the lumbar spine?

    1. Texas,
      Yes, I am afraid. Plus, I do not want to be in a hospital when it catches fire and I cannot get out of bed and walk to any safety. I would like someone with me round the clock. I know that worry about fire may sound silly. Lumbar. Where is yours?

  5. We all have fears of situations we can't control, so I understand. My problem is in my neck (cervical). Right now I worry if I don't get this fixed I will have more damaged nerves that will be permanent so I have decided that I have to do it.

    1. Texas,
      Oh, the fact I may never walk again keeps me from having it done, too. It is not just the fear of being trapped in a fire. They said nothing is guaranteed in this surgery. Plus, I cannot have staples and they said the stitches might not hold. With covid, I will surely get it, so that is stopping me.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...