Monday, March 14, 2022

Best BOGO Ever for Me

At Publix I saw an ad on an email. Publix has a bogo deal on a2milk. A half gallon is bogo--$4.49 for two half-gallons. We got the last five. Tomorrow, Tommy will go back in and get at least one more, possibly more. From what I have seen, $4.49/gal  is not out of line.

BOGO on a2milk ends on Tuesday night. Get it soon. 

Dinner on Sunday night was from two meals. I ate the leftover hamburger, carrots, and broccoli from Friday night, along with a thin slice of potato from Saturday night. Tommy had pork loin roast, carrots, and potatoes from Saturday night, plus broccoli from Friday night. I love the microwave. 

At one point on Saturday I looked over at Tommy and he was eating mascarpone on saltines. So, since I was hungry, I spread some on Graham Crackers. The mascarpone came from a food giveaway as did the Saltines. The Graham Crackers were $2 at a clearance sale. They were four days from the best-by date. They are a little soft but delicious. I don't want to heat the oven to get them crisp. 

I am tired but must color my hair or wash it. Tommy will break up the ground pork and cook it. Later, I will dump everthing in the crockpot for taco casserole that ends up taco soup. And, that is my day.

How is your day? weekend? What's for dinner?


  1. There is a $1 off 1 printable coupon for that milk. Go to and look on her coupon database to find the link. It let me print 4.

    1. Lana,
      Thanks a lot! I will go there.

    2. I wish I had extra freezer room for things on such a good deal. I am having a baked pork chop, potato and salad for dinner. Since the oven is hot, I will bake some brownies and a pound of bacon to enjoy thru the week. If I have the energy I will make pancakes and french toast for the freezer. I agree with you that is better to cook ahead and then we do not have to do it and the dishes as often. I don't mind the cooking but I hate the dishes. LOL

    3. Texas,
      I know I commented to this once. I suppose I did not hit "publish." I should make and freeze pancakes and waffles and freeze them. I don't freeze milk.

  2. I had not tried it until recently. I don't use the A2milk but the price of milk has doubled here so I am trying it.

    1. Texas,
      It has relieved me of pain and other problems. I hope it works for you.

  3. I do not buy the BOGO's at Publix unless it is something I really use and if it is I will get TheHub to pick them up every time he does his recreational shopping. No sense in not stocking up while you can.
    Only thing that ticks me off about Publix BOGO is that they jack up the price of the item the week of the sale. It is still a better deal, but . . .

    1. Anne,
      I only get the BOGOs I need. Sometimes, I buy only one bogo. Most things I don't need because I don't need them.
      Oh, so true. It is a better deal, but still. Of course, they do not even hint that it is bogo at regular price. My friend's daughter used coupons with bogo and things were almost free. I do not use coupons much now.

    2. Anne,
      Most BOGOs I don't buy because I don't need them...not what I said

  4. Linda it seems like you are feeling better today? I hope so!

    Nice snag on the BOGO a2 milk. Just curious--why don't you freeze it? Unless of course you have no reason to.

    I didn't get nearly the things done that I needed to. I only got the master (oops, owner) bath 2/3 scrubbed. Guess I will scrub down the shower walls and shower floor while I take a shower tomorrow.

    Does anyone else do that? I suppose it's weird to drag a scrub bucket and sponge in there with me, but gosh, it's easier to slop water around when I'm already naked!

    Here's hoping for a more productive tomorrow...

    1. Sue,
      I am feeling a bit better, so I make myself very tired trying to do things.

      I have never had the milk go bad. The last date is in May.

      I have never used a shower when we had a house with a shower. I took a bath in another bathroom and never cleaned that shower. Husband did if he wanted it clean.


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