Friday, March 18, 2022

Donating to Ukraine, Hummingbirds, and Seeds


Even though I was exhausted from the lack of sleep, I managed to cut up and cook two cabbages. I will freeze some for other meals.  Friday, I might bake the acorn squash or the spaghetti squash. Since Friday has a forecast of 100% rain, we won't be going out or even tempted. 

I still feel week as a kitten, so Tommy went into the store for me. I made a list of bogo items. However, I put a "1" in front of each and even explained I did not want two loaves since we could just buy another on Monday and still fresh bread. Same with every item on the list--grape tomatoes, bread, Miracle Whip; I just don't understand. He says I don't tell him and explain. Well, I said out loud and made a list. What more can I do?  

He also bought batteries, AA and AAA. We are about out. Not really since I am just replacing what we used and there are more here stashed away. We went to The Pig for a case of Dasani. 

There were clothes to fold in the laundry basket. He washed what I asked again, so they are in the basket with the rest of last week's clothes (dishtowels and dishcloths). I know. These aren't clothes. 

The hummingbird feeders I had last year would not open to clean the reservoir. This year, I am adding two more feeders. These have reservoirs I can clean. I wanted a pretty glass one, but they are expensive. So, I am settling for cheaper ones. It will soon be time to put feeders out. I will only put one out until I see one hummingbird. 

Anne in the Kitchen said radishes will roast and be soft. So, I will try it. If I like the first ones I roast, I intend to grow a pot of radishes. I like radishes on salads. Some bite, so I hope I pick out ones that will not be too sharp. This means a trip to Lowe's. 

I hope to find Romaine and Kale plants, same variety I planted last year. I refuse to plant tomatoes, zucchini or squash since some critter gets all of them before they are ready to pick! 

Friday, I did take a pill for my stomach and finished the antibiotic. Monday, I will go for a urinalysis! Hopefully, the uti is gone. 

Since I want to donate to people in Ukraine, I decided to wake my PayPal account. I had completely forgotten how to use it since it has been so long. Happily, I found a substantial amount of money in the account. I have two ways I will donate. There are sellers of art, items that can be sent to my email account for me to print. The other is to rent and Airbnb with no intention of going.  With these two methods, the persons to whom I donate will get all the money with no administrators taking a cut for their salaries. I will write more about that later. 


I was in bed for twelve hours, so I hurt. I slept for about 10 1/2 hours.  I awoke sooo hot that now my chest is acting up. UGH! So, I am medicating that problem.

Have you donated anything to Ukraine? Well, that is a different conversation we had. 


  1. Our cabbage had absolutely no taste whatsoever. I seasoned it well but still tasted like nothing. We remembered it happened last year too so maybe we will just skip that part of St. Patrick's day next year.
    I donated to Ukraine through a link that The Prudent Homemaker shared on Facebook. At that time they requested goods and you could order from Amazon. I bought Band-Aids and socks for soldiers and young men. They filled a plane that same week and flew it there.
    I probably should do another deal like that soon.
    Sorry you feel so bad and Hope you get well soon.

    1. I never season cabbage as it tastes find as is. But, I would hate to get tasteless cabbage. I might do the ordering from Amazon. too.

  2. I donated to World Central Kitchen - a group of chefs led by Chef Jose Andres. They're feeding thousands of refuges in Poland as they cross the border and they're trying to get food to those in Ukraine, too.

    1. Bobbie,
      That is food is certainly a worth cause. I had not heard of this. I will look up this. Thanks for helping.

    2. Bobbie, thank you so much for that info! World Central Kitchen are on the ground doing the hard work--and that's an incredibly worthy effort. I just donated, thanks to your post!

  3. One of the grocers I shop at is collecting money for Ukraine. You add some funds to your grocery purchase. So I've donated that way but am also considering the Ukraine appeals through the World Food Programme's and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.

    1. Joyful,
      I wonder if grocery stores around here have donations with purchase. Those sound like worthy places to donate.

    2. Every time there is a major world disaster or even a national one, the local supermarkets will all collect money from those buying groceries. It's simple and easy way to donate. Now I haven't actually done any follow up to see how much is collected and where it went but I recall seeing some updates here and there from the grocers.

    3. Joyful,
      I was in two grocery stores today, and saw nothing of the sort. I guess I was in the wrong stores.

  4. My first dyslexic read was you are thinking of donating seeds the the hummingbirds in the Ukraine. It is a serious topic but the mix up was amusing.

    1. Urspo,
      LOL...I suppose they could use both in better times. Money that is immediate can be put to better use right now.


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