Sunday, March 20, 2022

Lazy Sunday

 As you can see from the previous post, Saturday was a busy day. I slept well when I went to bed and awoke on Sunday. I was settling down when a nap hit me. At first, I was just going to rest. Once I turned on my left side in the recliner, I noticed I was cold. I put on a zip jacket with a hoodie. I pulled the hoodie over my eyes and the little throw from waist down. That was all it took. I awoke three hours later. 

I did stay awake long enough to watch Meet the Press, my absolutely favorite news show. After I awoke, I was achy from lying crooked! I forgot what movie we watched, then went to Publix for milk for Tommy. I had to wait in the car for an electric cart and then wait in line to check out--over an hour for milk! 

That was my Sunday, nothing important, exciting or newsworthy. 

Dinner--Tommy ate one of the burger patties and cabbage. I ate the leftover pork cutlet and cabbage. Later, I intend to eat salad with tomatoes and carrots.

Even though it is after 8 pm, I have plans: bake something, freeze cabbage, cook another cabbage. Tommy: chop and cook the ground sirloin if it is not rotten. 

I suppose I really needed the nap. A trip to the park and another ride around was what I planned. But, my body did what it needed.

How was your Sunday? 


  1. Hubby napped , not usual for him. I did odds and ends, nothing major.

  2. My Sunday was super lazy. We were recuperating from a really nice (but exhausting) family gather the day before.
    I can't even remember if I cooked dinner. Seriously, I can't.

    1. Sue,
      That was me. Saturday wiped me out. There are days preparing a meal is an afterthought. Thankfully, I keep food cooked that we can mindlessly consume.

  3. Sometimes it is nice to have a lazy day ...

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      Considering the day before exhausted me, yes, it was nice.


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