Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wednesday, Food, Questions Answered

 Wednesday, I awoke feeling much better. MUCH better. I am still unwell, but feel human again. My joints don't hurt and chest is not tight and burning. 

There is some sauce left from the spaghetti we had and a package of pizza mix, so I will make that and top with the meat sauce and cheese one day. Well, Tommy does not want that until he has some chicken and pork. So, that will go in the freezer Wednesday night for another day.

Taco soup is just a matter of throwing in cooked ground beef, and cans of food--tomatoes, corn, black beans, rice and a package of grated cheese. Oh, and taco seasoning. I will do that on Thursday. The plan was to do it today, but it did not happen.

Tommy went into Publix and got slaw mix and zucchini. We had slaw on Wednesday and will have it on Thursday, so the zucchini will be cooked on stove in olive oil and garlic. 

Even though it is late on Wednesday, I will go into the kitchen and freeze half the pork cutlets, two, for another meal. Tommy wants pork cutlets on Thursday. 

Before bedtime but after 10 pm, he disappeared into the kitchen and washed the large pot and small pot and something else I used to cook, a skillet I think and cleaned the sink again. He is helpful. I rarely have to ask him to do anything. 

Even stirring up the slaw after putting MW, mustard, salt, pepper, sugar and vinegar in with the slaw mix exhausted me. He microwaves the meal and brings it to me. I am grateful and thank him every time he does something for me.

The weather is beautiful, but I cannot get out to enjoy it unless we take a drive. I don't need fresh air as that is the problem. I just want the sun, greenery, and flowers. We go out every day in the car unless it is raining. 

I always grated cabbage on a box grater until 1990 something and I had a traumatic hand injury. I could do nothing with my hand at all. The other had been injured years before. So, after a few months of missing eating slaw or buying it at KFCs, I started buying slaw mix in a bag. It is the best I can do right now. Tommy would not be happy grating cabbage.

About the purchase of plastic utensils. When I bought the cutlery, Tommy was unhappy. I took it back only because the package said not to leave food on the items and not to let soak in water. Well, that is just crazy. So, I took it back. He was happy for that. We had a talk later.

I told him the dishwasher could wash all the utensils and we could keep plastic for when we really needed it. He said he was willing to pay the cost of plastic utensils. I did not understand. He said he would be the one left to dry all the utensils and sort them. Actually, cutlery can be placed on a dishcloth and they dry very quickly. I can take care of this sitting down. Utensils are easier for me to dry. Heavy glass bowls and storage bowls are not easy for me to handle. So, when I find cutlery that is not so delicate and fussy to care for, I will get it and we will be off plastic in that area. It takes time with him.

The hummingbird has not been back! 

Do you ever have to go slowly with a recalcitrant person?


  1. So happy to hear you feel better! Yes, this is the time to get out and enjoy a beautiful day of nature. Soon enough it will be so hot that it is a chore to go out and run normal errands.
    Sounds like you make coleslaw just like me. The only other thing I do is add celery seeds, it was something my mother in law did. I found I like it very much. It did bother my Mom's dental work so I would do two different bowls, hers with out the celery seed. I always have tried to accommodate other peoples taste. Had to make to different pans of fudge, one with and with out nuts. Banana pudding, one with bananas, one with out bananas. For me, it was not banana pudding, What are you going to do, you make everyone happy! LOL

    1. Being hot and sweaty is better than having allergens assault me and make me ill!
      I love celery seeds but only put them in tuna salad when I have no celery. Tommy hates bananas, hence, banana pudding. I make a separate bowl from him using pineapple.
      Only with one woman have I refused to accommodate. I was making pimiento and cheese because I love it and had not had it in ages. She insisted she wanted it, too. THEN, she demanded I put relish in it because that was the way she liked it. I said, "NO." that I would hate that. She insisted I should try it. She was so pushy for about the hundredth time to me, that I told her to make her own. She did not like that one bit. She did this all the time, find out I was cooking a pie or whatever and invite herself over and insist I make it to suit her. I could have made it, taken out some for her and added relish, but I was tired of her trying to alter everything I was cooking to suit her. One day, I invited her over after she got out of school. She said she absolutely could not add begged me to come to her house, which she always insisted I do. Later, she called and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was making a cobbler. In an hour she showed up and marched, yes, marched to the table, pulled out a chair and sat down, looking expectantly at me. I offered her water or tea and we sat at the table and talked. She even said she was hungry. I told her I only had pbj for a sandwich, which was true. She left without pie which I had put in a closed container and carried to another room. I resented the fact she only came over after she found out I was cooking a pie.

  2. You are so funny!! I only do these accommodations for my son and close family friends. You did the right thing with that person. If you are being kind enough to invite her to share a meal or dessert with you, she should accept that with gratitude. If it did not appeal to her she was under no obligation to eat it. She could have just had tea or coffee or water. I would not have even offered a PBJ at that point.

    I had not thought about changing out the bananas with pineapple. My son might like that, actually I might like that. My Mom made pineapple cream pies. I make a trifle with pineapple and also a pineapple cake with cream cheese frosting. You have given me a new idea to try and I have a couple of cans of pineapple in the pantry. I also make a very good pineapple chicken salad for the summer. Thanks for the new idea!!

    1. If she had asked me to mix a bit for her, I would have...maybe. Remember, I did not invite her to have a sandwich with me.

      All the time, she came by and asked for a glass of milk, saying she was out. After two dozen times of me sharing milk with her, I was more than annoyed. She said it had been six weeks since she had gone grocery shopping. She was a school teacher and I was underemployed. One day, as usual when she wanted some milk, she asked if she could come by and talk. She went straight to the refrigerator to get milk, saying she wanted milk, not asking. But, I was ready for her. I had a new, unopened gallon. I also had a gallon with an inch left. Before she arrived, I put the gallon in a cooler in the laundry room. There was no ice in it, but it did not have to stay there for long.

      She opened the refrigerator and said, "Oh, you don't have much milk left."

      One the children of her friend said they always took all the snacks from their pantry and hid them before she arrived. Otherwise, she consumed all of them before she left. So, I was not being mean about feeding her. It was a habit to eat at people's houses, eat it all.

  3. We have to be aware and cautious of the those that want to take advantage of the kind hearted of us. It can sometimes be difficult but as we get older and are on fixed incomes we must be vigilant about the people we allow into our lifes. Sad but true, it is hard to tell friends from enemies at this point. I find it harder everyday to trust people. I hate to even have people in my home to fix plumbing issues and such. I have found it easier after a dear family friend passed. No one would take his dog, who he loved dearly. I knew the dog, he was in my home all the time. I was his dog sitter when my friend went out of town. When he passed, I took the dog into my home. The dog is an 80#lb black pure bred chow. He looks like he weighs about 120lbs with all that fur. He is just a big teddy bear. He is sweeter than my two little dogs. People take notice of him when they are here, they ask does he bite. I say not unless I tell him too!
    They get the job done while I hold the dog by the harness, they don't know what would happen if I let him loose. The funny part is he would just lick them and jump until they wet their pants. I have never felt so safe. LOL Just his bark sends people running. This dog is not only a good companion, he also protects me without knowing he is doing it.

    1. I can imagine how they get the job done quickly. When I lived along for forty years, I was leery of all workmen. A big dog would have worked to make me feel safer!

  4. Before my husband and I were married he would come to my parents' house and we spent a lot of time there. My then-boyfriend, now husband , had dinner with us occasionally, my Mom enjoyed hearing people compliment her cooking. One day my not yet husband opened the refrigerator door looking for a soda, I think. My dad walked by the kitchen door just in time to see him opening the refrigerator and getting the soda. Dad didn't say a thing to him. But afterwards I really heard about it from Dad. The next day I told my someday husband not to ever get into the refrigerator again, my Dad was really mad that he had. My someday husband never gave it a thought that someone would be mad about that. He had two sisters and friends and relatives were always welcome to get soda or ice water out of the fridge. I would not have ever even thought to open the refrigerator at his parents house even to just look inside of it, let alone have something out of it. Different ways in different families.

    The big 100 lb Collie that we had for about 15 years was very protective of my kids and me. One time the kids and I were in the driveway and I saw our Collie out of the corner of my eye and he was standing in the driveway near the street. He had been playing ball with us. The hair on his back was standing straight up and he looked even more huge than he really was. He wasn't doing the normal Collie smile. He was making a weird face instead. Then I noticed a very strange looking man that didn't live in the neighborhood walking past.
    He looked at the kids and me and that giant Lassie-looking Collie
    with its hair all standing straight up on his back, and that strange guy moved right along.
    Our little Fuzzy Pomeranian thought he was a big protective dog. He loved our grandson so much. I took care of him while our daughter worked until he was one year old. One evening when our grandson was a little baby, our son in law came by after work to take him home. Our grandson was sound asleep when his Daddy picked him up and headed for the front door, Fuzzy was so upset. He didn't make a sound but to everyone's surprise nipped my son in law. Luckily he had his high topped leather work shoes on, because that is where Fuzzy nipped him. He didn't even feel what Fuzzy had done. Fuzzy always hated when my son in law came to take the baby home. Fuzzy would have liked that baby here all of the time.When the baby slept in his playpen, Fuzzy would sleep on the floor right next to him. He never let the baby out of his sight.
    We don't have a dog anymore now, but we are in touch with a licensed Pomeranian breeder who just had 3 little black Pomeranians
    born last week. I'm praying that we will have one of those baby Poms in early June. It doesn't feel right in our house without a dog.

    1. I would never, ever open a refrigerator someplace other than at my children's homes or someplace where I was visiting overnight or longer.

      You have had some very protective dogs! Fuzzy thought that baby was his. Our beagle dog acted like she was going to bite and chew off a leg. However, she never even nipped anyone! I have never had a dog in the house and never will have one. I would fear stumbling over a dog and hurting myself. I have allergies and cannot have a cat in the house. Maybe you will get a puppy.

  5. My right shoulder cannot do many kitchen tasks anymore so I often rely on my food processor. It makes short work of so many chopping and grating chores.

    1. Lana,
      This is both shoulders, wrists, and hands. I often have to get Tommy to open things. I wish I had a food processor. I bought a small once, but it was not large enough. It is gone into the dump.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...