Monday, June 13, 2022

Cheeseburger Pizza

 I had the ground beef with Vidalia onions in it, both chopped and cook, and was inspired to have a cheeseburger pizza. We also had flat bread, grated cheese, and spaghetti sauce. I chopped two zucchini and layered it all. After a very few moments in the oven, it was all melty and warm. We really enjoyed it. The zucchini was a bit crunchy still but did not detract from the overall pizza. I forgot to put fresh oregano I cut on the pizza, too. Next time, I will soften the zucchini, maybe cooking it like the onions with the ground beef.

This is a hefty yardstick. I hold it, turn it stroke it, admire the brass ends. It is such a new experience. Never in my life have I been so enamored of a new tool. The other yardsticks were all freebies and thin and much more flexible. 

Speaking of tools, I needed to use needle nose pliers. Tommy brought me his, and they were solidly rusted into one hunk of metal. Tommy said they are over 80 years. They are identical to mine--solid metal and no rubber on the handles. I really dislike the ones that have coating of whatever sort on the handles. His hammer is the same age. 

On the list, we washed the snaplock lids. I wash them and Tommy dries. Even though he was not asked, he started sorting them into sizes and placed them sideways in the bin where I keep them instead of stacking them and shuffling them to find the right lid like I The dishwasher is now emptied. 

When Tommy's old dishwasher was removed, I took the utensil holders, two, to use in this one. I like the utensil holder on the door instead of on the side of the dishwasher. That is why I bought this particular model. Now, it does not work so well. This removable utensil holder fits on the side and is easily removable. I bought flatware! I will relate that later. 

Remains of the list: 

sort sweet potatoes
buy spray bottle
wash or color hair
hang clothes inside to dry
cook ground pork

Not on list but things accomplished today:

Tommy watered plants
I washed and filled hummingbird feeders
Tommy put them out
I napped
We drove to find pink bag of ads

At 10:30 pm, it is 95F

Tommy cooked the ground pork I put in the pan for him. Before I turned away, he asked me if I wanted to throw away the remains of the chopped zucchini that would not go on the pizza already piled high with chopped zucchini. I had him add it to the pork when it was almost done. I intend this pork to be used for taco casserole/soup, so zucchini won't make a difference. So, we used it all. I will probably freeze the ground pork. 

Tuesday night, we will have spaghetti since we have spaghetti sauce open and the rest of the ground beef and onions to use or freeze. That will most likely make two meals. 

Now, we are making a list for Wednesday. I will go into Aldi first thing Wednesday morning while produce is not trampled for grapes and zucchini. This is a time I will get up early for a bargain since the produce looks nasty and people are throwing it about and walking on it much later in the day or week. 

This was a good day, pleasant, hot. Of course, the ac was great  I watched birds, hummingbirds, butterflies and other birds, plus all the flowers outside the door. 

Do you have your own version of cheeseburger pizza? 
Have you found that zucchini can be added to anything without changing the taste or character of the dish?


  1. No, I don't have a cheeseburger one. I make my dough from scratch. Then I divide it to enough to make a personal size pizza. Freeze it that portion. Can pull out just one when I need it.

    What you made sounds good, I think I would add to some top lettuce and tomatoes on the top. I have seen that before on a taco pizza recipe.

    I bought red and green grapes last week for .99lb. They are so good. Have a great Tuesday

    1. Texas,
      I have some pouches of pizza mix that I should use. But, the flat bread was here. I thought about the lettuce and tomato, we did not put any on our pizza.

      Tommy has plenty of red grapes. So, I need the white/green. I hope they look good. At $.95/lb., they will go fast.

  2. Years ago, when Dominoes first came out with their Cheeseburger Pizza, we thought it was the greatest thing ever. But then they got cheap and skimpy with their toppings and now it's nothing like the original.

    I like making cheeseburger salads instead of cheeseburger pizzas. All the meat, cheese, pickles, tomato, & onions you could want, piled on top of romaine, plus Russian dressing (the "secret sauce"). A little squirt of mustard finishes it off. Soooooo good.

    Your zucchini-topped pizza sounds delicious! I do like the idea of cooking the zucchini with the meat. Fresh oregano sounds wonderful, too. It's amazing how much depth of flavor it lends.

    You can find basil paste in a tube (the brand is Gourmet Garden) in the produce section of most grocery stores. That stuff is absolutely DIVINE on sauteed zucchini and on steamed green beans! Of course some finely chopped basil leaves and a pat of butter would do the same...

    1. Sue,
      Our pizza was about two inches high with topping. I hate that when a company hooks you and then gets skimpy.

      Cheeseburger salad would be delicious, too. Oregano would have been great if I had not forgotten it!

      I have seen the tubes of herbs, and in the past, I bought a few. Tommy hates basil, he thinks. So, I have to be sneaky with that. He cannot handle the leaves, so none of that deliciousness. I have to hide it well and not add much.

  3. Nonna used to use bread dough rolled out into a sheet cake pan, prebake it and then put "cheese burger " on it to finish. We added onion, pickles and tomatoes on it after it was on our plates. She used bread dough that way for all her pizzas because she said 1 slice would fill you up... most times it was at least 3 inches between the bread and how much she loaded the toppings.

    1. Chef,
      Our "pizza" was incredibly thick once I put everything on the flatbread. So, next time I am going to use two individual pans to make each of us a pizza because lots of the topping fell off. That sounds like a spectacular pizza your nonna made with all the toppings added afterwards. I think we will eat the pizza from the glass pans I will use. Thanks for the idea.

  4. I have never had one, but it sounds good.

  5. I know a good recipe for Cheeseburger Salad

    All the best Jan

  6. We love zucchini and it is a great substitute for noodles to avoid the extra carbs from pasta. I also like it grilled, baked, in salads. I will have to try it on pizza some time.

    Sassybear/Breenlantern/Idle Eyes/ Sean


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