Tuesday, June 14, 2022

New Flatware and Stuff

 For a long time, I have wanted to use regular flatware rather than plastic, but Tommy said NO. Well, when the heavy plastic spoons and forks were impossible to find, I suggested it once more and suggested now was the time. He said it mattered to him because he was the one who would have to dry them and put them all away. 

Well, that was a shocking reason. I told him I could dry the flatware or let them air dry. He was adamant. He said he was willing to spend the money to be able to throw away all forks and spoons. I tried to buy 6 Pfaltzgraff spoons but when I got them home, they were 18/0 stainless steel, not good quality. I took them back.

He commented when I bought the first forks and then took them back unopened, that he hated to eat from a salad fork, that they were too short. I thought that was strange.

Finally, I repurchased them and used them. Then, I bought more salad forks and more spoons and a package of three knives. There were no dinner forks on the shelf. I put them in the dishwasher and washed them. When Tommy got me a utensil from the dishwasher, he had to have noticed there were lots of forks and spoons, but he said nothing!

The other day I took all the clean and new utensils out of the dishwasher and put them on the counter over the dishwasher. I walked away to sit and rest my back. Sitting between simple tasks is sooo necessary. Well, when I came in later, he had gotten the short basket from storing grapefruit, washed it and sorted the utensils and put them in the basket. I was shocked. 

Nothing was ever said. Later, he was using the salad fork to eat. He swore he hated salad forks, preferring plastic forks. Now, he uses the metal and not plastic ALL the time. I figure these real utensils will pay for themselves in about four months by avoiding buying more plastic. Believe me, we have many boxes of 100. We can use the occasional plastic and have them left this time next year.  Or the next year!

I have really enjoyed eating from real utensils. Now, if I can just get him to eat from a real plate, not a paper plate, at least for dinner. 

Oh, why don't we use his flatware? His is all silverplate, and in a case except for two or three pieces. This was his family's everyday flatware. I tried using the tarnished spoon and it really needs cleaning to avoid the awful taste. He really did not want me to use it at first, just out of meanness. And, unless I polished silver, I would not try it twice. 

Any transition with him is long and bumpy. He is not easily convinced of any little or large idea. 

Speaking of grapefruit, we wasted six given to us. I love grapefruit, but in the spring and especially this spring, I have avoided citrus since I am allergic to citrus. I kept reminding him. Now, we have red grapes that he should eat! He did for breakfast this morning--red grapes and a muffin. I hate red grapes. 

Today, Tuesday, we left the house at 1 pm. I put my hand on the car after I opened the car door to help me get inside. I burned my hand on the car, pulled it back, and fell into the car with my head....again!  Tommy burned his hand on the car since he must hold onto the car to get from the back seat where he puts his walker to the front door to get inside.  

4 pm--Right now, it is 92F and feels like 103F. 

10 pm--Right now, it is 86F and feels like 96F. 

Since I only slept 2 hours Monday night, I took a 2 hour nap this afternoon.  Tommy spent that time taking cans to car to recycle and watering the flowers. He cleaned the ants out of two hummingbird feeders. This is the first time I have ever gotten big ants in the feeders here. Then, he took all the sweet potatoes outdoors and sorted them, throwing away ones gone bad, not many. He is really good about taking care to sort sweet potatoes, taking out the ones going bad so they don't cause the rest to go off. 

For dinner tonight, we put bbq sauce on baked chicken and I made coleslaw. It was delicious. He had grapes for later. I would have a banana, but I don't have a banana or an apple. 

The list gets shorter:

sort sweet potatoes 
buy spray bottle
wash or color hair used color

The ac runs here and we stay in, so we have not suffered from the heat. How is it at your place? Hot? Torrid? It has been dry enough here, but I hear there are floods elsewhere. 


  1. It is torrid here. Our temperatures have been high 90's a couple of days and it is going to continue for a while. The other day we had an errand to go on. I wore a mask in the store, Covid cases have been raising here in the area where I live, but I took it off when I got out of the store. We were parked pretty close to the door but that sun was beating down and the car was red hot inside and out. I hold onto the outside of the car for a second as I am getting in, and it burned. It was way too hot for me out there. It took a few minutes for the car to cool down and then while getting out and walking in to the house, I started feeling that pounding feeling in my head and I was feeling weak. I have a tendency to run low grade fevers quite often. I don't know why. I took my temperature and it was 100.1. I got out of my "going out clothing" and put on a cool nightie, got 4 olives, and a big glass of ice water and drank it while I had the olives,and then had a sugar free popsickle and my temp went down to just 99. I can't believe how I used to spend so much time out in the heat and not even feel it. I think the water pill the Dr. prescribes causes me to get dehydrated real fast. I couldn't believe how weak I was feeling. The ramp up into my house felt like a mountain climbing expedition.

    I had a nice full set of stainless steel eating utensils, but forks and smaller spoons always disappear to somewhere(probably accidentally put into trash). We pick up some mismatched forks and small spoons from the thrift store every year or two.
    Be careful eating grapefruit. There are several medicines that interact badly with it. Blood thinners for one, and others also.

    1. susie,
      That sounds scary getting so affected by this heat. I, too, sometimes run a low-grade temperature, seemingly for no reason. I would have to skip the olives and go straight to the popsicle...lol. I am quite sure that a diuretic causes these feelings of dehydration. You are right about the ramp. Some days, I am not sure I can get up to the door.
      I have always jealously guarded my spoons because I have had friends who were going to "borrow" them to take something to eat. NO, leave them here. I kept my current set at my house for over forty years and never lost one piece until I lost the house.

      Try to stay in during this heat. I carry a bottle of water and sip out of it all the time when out of the house.

      I checked and none of my meds will be affected, but I am taking no chances on the allergy problem. Thanks for the warning.

  2. Hot here. Yesterday was 95 and this morning at 6:30 AM it was 80. Heat is one thing, but add the humidity in and yuk! I hope all stay safe.

    1. Cheryl,
      That is hot. The humidity is so stifling. Yes, we stay close to ac.

  3. Cold up here. Made it to a whopping 50 degrees yesterday LOL. Looks like we will be 72 today. Finally.

    1. That IS cold. I think the heat index is 107 right now. HOT!

  4. You both need a hot pad to get into the car! I hate plastic silverware.
    My father also disliked salad forks. He always said give me a real fork!

    1. Kim,
      I still have the cheap gloves I bought so I could hold onto the ice ramp railing to get into the car in winter. He refused to wear them for the hot car. I can get into the car without touching it when I remember it is hot. He must hold on.

    2. He preferred the plastic fork over the salad fork because the salad fork was too small. I measure and they are the same length. I suppose I can see wanting a dinner fork. But, a salad fork works fine for me.

    3. I like a salad fork for dessert because I want small bites. A salad fork feels less like a shovel.

      I hate plastic cutlery. Back when the company Ross Simons carried a lot of tableware, I bought three full sets of continental (it's slightly larger than standard) Wallace 18/10 stainless flatware. They were on sale for $19.99/set. So I always have plenty of flatware for family gatherings.

  5. As I mentioned in a previous comment, it is horrible out. We have CA, 2 tower circular fans and a small fan running and it still only barely cool in here. Uggh.

    Sassybear/Breenlantern/Idle Eyes/ Sean


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