Thursday, June 16, 2022

Food Talk Today

 Last night, Tommy ate all the leftover cole slaw. I sort of questioned him since I thought he would share it. He insisted there was only a tablespoon, not enough to divide. Well, I thought I remembered more slaw, enough for two good helpings. I mulled this over, wondering how I could forget us mostly finishing if off. There was plenty other food for me to eat, but I was concerned about how I could forget it since I emptied it into a container for the refrigerator. So, I got no slaw.

This morning he came rolling in and showed me a container identical to the one he emptied last night. "Look, there is more slaw. I ate old slaw. I thought it was a bit mushy." I assured him the slaw was not old enough to harm him. Thankfully, he told me. My memory was true! Does anyone ever tell you something you are sure is not true, but the person manages to make you doubt yourself?

If there were the least bit of malice, it would be gaslighting. But, he just dug around and pulled out older slaw and thought it was the slaw I told him would be for our dinner.  

This afternoon, I bought $2 of blackberries, just a tiny container. I put them into a small cereal bowl, mashed them with a tiny bit of sugar, poured a little milk over them and devoured them.  They are bogo at Publix--$2. I may go back, get two boxes and make blackberry jam. Tommy will say he does not like it, then eat it He told me he hated orange marmalade and is eating all of it, not that I care. He always does that--reject food and then eat it. I am amused. Okay, I asked. He does like blackberry jam. 

I waste lots of banana, pounds each week. Most bananas are larger than I should have. I do try to buy smaller ones. When they are just right, yellow or spotted but not too soft, I can cut one in half, put Glad Wrap over the end and eat the other half the next day. However, once it gets to a certain ripeness and I cut it in half, it is all downhill for the banana. For a year, I froze the extra banana. However, two years later I threw out almost all the banana because I am not baking banana bread and was storing too much banana in the freezer. 

Tommy hates bananas with a passion, so no sharing with him. He is not even fond of banana bread. The best I can do is put the mashed banana in brownies. But, I am not making brownies, either. I just have to have my banana every day.  Any other ideas besides feeding to the birds? But, then the pigeons will come! 

I talked just now to my friend who has a dog, offering her the bananas. Are bananas poisonous for dogs to eat? She hates bananas as much as Tommy, so she has never thought about feeding the dog banana. 

The sweet potato sprouts are still here. I must plant them before they die. I did put them back in water tonight, so they will survive, hopefully.

Tonight, we had chicken, hot dog, slaw, and zucchini. Tommy had a baked thigh, slaw, and zucchini. I  had the last hotdog, a bit of breast, slaw, and zucchini. Today, I had about a cup or less of blackberries and half a banana, not together. He had grapes. 


  1. For me, it was always popcorn. I would tell my husband I was going to make some, did he want any. No, was always the answer, then the minute it was in the bowl, he was all over it. I guess maybe it was the smell. I had a boss that would not let us do microwave popcorn in the office because it would make him want it.

    1. Texas,
      Microwave popcorn smell does saturate a large area. Even the bare kernels I like from a jar of plain popcorn seem to waft through the whole house. Did your husband ever realize he was changing his mind?

    2. no, he just kept eating, I did learn to make extra or I would'nt get much. LOL

  2. My husband has a brain injury. Between the two of us we can really get confused about the silliest things. One of the kids gave me a Cracker Barrel gift card. I want to go buy jars of their delicious jam with it. I love their blackberry jam.

    1. Lana,
      I can see how you would get confused. It does not have to be anything important with us. I have never had Cracker Barrel jam of any sort. Now, I want to go get some. But, I won't. Maybe I will get a gift card for CB. I will never pass a CB without thinking about blackberry jam.

  3. Buy less bananas - only what you can eat in a week.
    I see and hear untruths everyday - and just ignore them.

    1. Cheryl,
      I cannot buy a half banana. This is not about having a surplus. What untruths?

    2. Linda, I think Cheryl is referring to this sentence:
      "Does anyone ever tell you something you are sure is not true, but the person manages to make you doubt yourself?"

      I find that organic bananas age slower than regular ones. I think they taste better, too.

      Dogs can have bananas, but not too much. They are very high in sugar. If your friend is feeding her dog a whole banana, I would stop giving them to her. The dog doesn't need them!

      I would put them out for the birds and squirrels, compost them, or just plain toss them out as you have been. People waste stuff. I waste coffee. Oh well!

      How do you know that specifically pigeons will seek out the bananas? That's...kind of weird.

      It may sound arrogant, but I don't doubt myself much. And least I don't pay much attention to people telling me I'm wrong. If it's not important, I don't care. And if it is important, I'm right. It comes from decades of arguing with very smart brothers. ;^)

    3. Sue,
      Okay, I see. It is not like he lied. He is just sometimes very uninformed or his maleness telling me how it is. lol.
      I may try some organic bananas, but they are sooo expensive. So is throwing away bananas. I don't throw them away because they go bad as I never toss one because it is over-ripe unless I have to cut it and do toss the other half of an over-ripe banana.
      Good to know that dogs can eat bananas. I will take some to her dog. I did not say I would give her a whole banana, just the bags of frozen bananas.
      I don't know pigeons would seek out bananas, just any food. They might come and I don't want to take a chance and call attention to us as a food source. At my house I threw out food for birds all the time.
      Oh, I feel the same way about being told I am wrong. But, when someone tells me that the big bowl of slaw has only a big tablespoon left, I wonder what happened--did we eat it and I forgot? He is the one who knows what is in the refrigerator more than I do since I cannot see food or reach
      We don't compost. Tommy will not allow Fire ants will come to things tossed, and, like i said, pigeons might come. We don't want them hanging out here.

  4. Our Walmart sells mini bananas for 17 cents a lb. 1 is about the size of half a regular size. Publix had them last time I was there but its been awhile. I order my groceries online and just pull up at pickup time and let them load. You can google mini bananas and see if available i your

  5. Buy mini bananas. They are about the size of half a regular banana. I do Walmart grocery pickup order and they are in my fruit selection. I purchase when the grandkids are here so they don't waste them. They taste lke regular banana. You can google to see where to purchase in your area.

    1. HHH,
      I buy small bananas when I can. I tried the tiny ones and they are slimy and don't taste right. I see them all the time. I tried them once. Not a fan.

  6. I know there is some old yogurt in my fridge..I better get it out before someone decides to eat it!
    Your getting zucchini out of your garden then? If so just so you know I'm jealous LOL
    Have a great day!

    1. Vickie,
      Yep, get that yogurt out now. Something ate everything I raised on the front porch last year. So, this year, I am not going to raise anything except greens and herbs. I, too, am jealous of people who get so much zucchini.
      Thanks. Have a great weekend.

  7. Yes dogs enjoy bananas. They are good for them -- adds starch and a bit of sugar to their diet -- and can be added to whatever dinner they're eating. Mine like them as treats, too.

    I really like the smaller bananas. They really have very little difference in texture, or taste (might have a stronger banana flavor, but not by much, they might be firmer). I cannot fathom the description of "slimy". There ARE so many really interesting varieties (most you won't find outside of Hawaii -- because they don't ship well) that have a great deal of flavor differences... pineapple-flavored bananas, apple-flavored bananas.. etc. They're a delight. Of the ones you might be able to find..I like the red ones the best.

    A delightful desert is taking your half banana, and heating it with some chocolate. YUM. Or sliced bananas with cream over it. Or, my personal favorite, is blend bananas and milk for "banana milk".

    You could have breakfast AND dessert!

    1. Meetsy,
      Maybe her dog will like bananas. I won't feel like I am wasting them. Can they have the peel or will they eat the peel?

      Those little Finger sized bananas feel slimy to me. I find nothing but yellow Cavendish. I don't go into shops that might have anything exotic.

      I eat bananas with chocolate milk, sliced over chocolate ice cream, fried in butter with powdered sugar, mixed into milk, just any way I can. But, with diabetes, I have curtailed my consumption and the ways I eat bananas. I do eat bananas sliced onto peanut butter and put a slice of bread with Miracle Whip on that. That is breakfast and dessert to me. I see you like bananas as much as I do.

  8. That Tommy is a rascal not saying he doesn’t like something and then eating it all. LOL I love your description of him doing that.

    1. Belinda,
      He says he never says that, that I misunderstand. I have had to tell him not to eat it all, just to leave me one bite.

  9. My dh will will sometimes make me doubt myself. It's annoying. The funny part is he doesn't get the definition of "gaslighting". He'll try to use it to describe someone/something that happened and I keep telling him, that's not what it means, LOL. I hate buying bananas because how we like them they are only good for about a day and I'm always throwing out or making banana bread.

    1. One,
      Tommy is always saying something that did not actually happen or the way he said it did, often proved later by finding what he says is not there, or like finding a whole container of slaw. Has he ever seen the movie Gaslight? The husband turns down the gaslight and says it does not happen. Their lights were gas. So dimming it all over the house and then denying there was any less light was meant to make the wife think she is crazy. I can eat them any way but green. But, when too ripe, saving half for another day is not edible. Because of diabetes, I should not eat a huge banana, just half. I cannot stand long enough to make banana bread. Tommy hates banana bread and neither of us needs to eat it.

  10. I just picked up strawberries for .99 a lb bought 10 lbs. Will slice and freeze for later and strawberrie shortcake for father's day.

    1. Kim,
      Now, I want strawberries, too. And, shortcake!


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...