Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Lunch and Dinner and Seminar and a Plant Question

 We had to leave too early for Cullman this morning to go to Aldi to get fresh grapes. So be it. 

We went to the pick-up lunch and offered to bring one to 90-yr-old friends. They said they would get their own since we could not come to their house and eat. We had other plans.

There was an event to attend with food from a food truck. But, since the event and meal was indoors, we decided not to eat since we cannot eat with masks on our faces! We took the free lunch and ate outside the venue and went in for the lecture.

Lunch was a hotdog and a hamburger, two of the largest slices of tomato and some lettuce, 6 packages of condiments--catsup, mustard, mayo, pickles (we picked off and discarded), package of chips, two cookies, one oatmeal cookies with icky white stuff inside. We drank water. 

Tommy's burger was pink inside. Mine was red-raw. It is in the oven right now with a second burger in a second plate we both got. I never cook when we go to Cullman because I am soooo tired. He gave me his tomato for lunch and the other slice of his dinner meal. So, he had hotdog and last bit of slaw for his dinner. I will have a burger, two huge tomato sliced and four huge pieces of iceberg lettuce. He is saving his other burger and my hotdog for tomorrow. 

Then, we went inside the agri-plex, a center that is all things agriculture. There was a table of free things--hardback books, sweet potato sprouts, okra seeds. I took one book and three sweet potato sprouts. We love these events. This is where we heard the professor from Auburn University speak about Alabama rivers and bought his book. 

The book I took was written by Thalasso Cruso, Making Vegetables Grow, 1975. This read will be interesting. Have you heard of this woman or read any of her books? She was on Johnny Carson Show. 

We checked on my lot and found my friend had finally mowed. My other friend, his bil, could not meet me there, so we must go back another day. sigh

At one grocery store, I bought one package of Ronco spaghetti, my favorite. Price has gone up about 25%. But, I pick up a package of spaghetti just about every week. This store had stacks of pasta. The store is small, but are never out of anything! I know they sell their food because it is a popular store. 

Before we left town, we visited the PO and delivered cans to our elderly friends to give to a mutual friend. She collects them for selling. 

My next-door neighbors put up a huge flag at the beginning of Pride Week, a Progressive Pride flag. I cannot keep up with the more than 30 different pride flags. It certainly adds color to the street along with my flowers. I saw it was a pride flag, but Tommy pointed out it was different, so I took a closer look and investigated on the internet. 

On the way home today, the car kept making a funny noise for about ten seconds and then the noise quit. I think it is cooling system. I was suffering from the heat riding in the car with ac. After getting so sick I thought I was going to throw up, and complaining of the heat and how I felt woozy and faint, I finally figured out Tommy did not have fan or cooling on highest it would go. And, the choice of where it came in the car was not enough to keep me cool. So, after three adjustments, I finally felt a bit better. 

I was in the bed and in my nightgown before Tommy could get in the house, and I had put the food in the refrigerator first and changed into a nightgown! I talked on the phone an hour, cooled off, got up and then went back for a nap. This was a long day, but the sun and sky was glorious. 

From now on, we will carry two bottles of water for each of us. Tommy usually says the two inches in his bottle will be enough. This week will be in high 90s, so we cannot take chances, especially Tommy. He thinks he is He thinks I worry too much. 

Don't get me wrong. I love the heat and I love this weather. But, luckily I don't have to work in the heat. Plus, we have ac and we do not hesitate to crank it up. Tommy said he only watered each plant just a little bit to cut down his time outdoors. Me? I got under a quilt and wool blanket for my nap. 

Last month, I received a Better Homes and Gardens that I did not buy. Today, I received a Cosmopolitan. I wonder why. 

My long list only has one item: buy a spray bottle. Maybe I will add bake capon and sweet potatoes.

My Stella de Oro has not bloomed in a week despite watering it, deadheading, and a bit of Miracle Gro. Did it get too much fertilizer? There are swollen buds that never blossom. Does anyone know what is happening with these flowers in a pot in FULL SUN?

It is after 9 pm, and I suppose my hamburger is about done. I hope so since I am hungry.

Does your community have free lectures and events to learn? What precautions are you taking for the higher heat? 


  1. It sounds like you had an interesting time at the lecture, but burgers that are red inside like that make me feel sick just looking at them.
    Can you believe years ago (and maybe still) that there were some people that would eat good quality fresh ground beef raw with some kind of seasonings in it? It was called steak tar tar(spelling?). I can't even imagine that, but know of people who were my parents' age who did.

    My Dad used to like his meat really, really cooked till way done. I still make pork sausage patties really well done. My husband calls them little hockey pucks, but it doesn't slow him down when he is eating them.

    For the last few years, after I had a terrible attack of heat/sun sickness as I was pulling weeds and doing stuff in my flower bed and then taking pictures of the flowers. Suddenly it felt like I was about to faint but instead got sick to my stomach and threw up. My face was so red, not sunburned, but just from the heat. I was so sick afterwards. I had to sit in the recliner in front of the air vent the rest of the afternoon drinking cold water and dozing off and on again all day. Since then heat and sun really gets to me fast. I forgot this year that I needed to get my old cloth diaper and wring it out in cold water, put it in the refrigerator in a zip lock bag and then wrap the ziplocked diaper in a brown grocery bag to keep it cold and take it along with me when we went anywhere. I often needed it when we came back out to the car when the car was still hot I would wrap that cool damp diaper over my shoulders and chest and it would refresh me very quickly.

    Have an enjoyable day.

    1. susie,
      I was at a friend's house with my son (3) and she had a daughter (1). My friend was making burgers when her child came over and wanted what her mother was mixing. My friend pinched off raw hamburger and put it in her child's mouth. I was horrified and said so. She told me a bit would not make her sick. I lost a lot of respect for her right then.

      I cook things very well-done. Your husband would talk about my overdone everything When I finally bought a meat thermometer a few months ago, I quit cooking all meat too much. But, I still have the habit as it is hard to break.

      When I had a spell like that at an outdoor craft show, I had to quit doing them. That is scary how ill you were. That is a good idea to carry the diaper and use it to cool off. Yesterday, that would have worked for me. I was afraid the car or ac was going to quit while we were on the interstate in the heat. My plan was to call 911 to get help for heat and abandon the

      Today will be good because I am going nowhere! Have a nice day.

  2. My lily is planted directly in the ground and is in full sun. It is blooming nicely now. Maybe yours is root bound.

    1. Cherl,
      That is a possibility. The buds have been ready to open for two weeks. Thanks.

  3. Awwww, I miss heat and humidity, OUTDOORS, that is. Indoors, I like a cool, dry, 68 degrees. When we were in FL, when she was in about 7th grade, DD and I were alone, sans car, as the boys went on a fishing trip. We decided we'd walk the just under 2 miles to a restaurant in the strip mall with the Publix. Part of the walk was through an air conditioned hospital lobby. The walk to was not that difficult, as it was just before noon. The walk home was a bit rougher, partly because I had 2 beers in me. Bear in mind, I was running about 4 miles daily in the PNW, and 2 miles in the mornings, so it was not the distance that got to me. We took it slow, but believe me, we were happy to get home, get our bathing suits on, and head to the pool. She and I both dozed off on our floats in the pool.
    DH has to be very careful about the heat. In fact, one reason we moved here is because he simply couldn't stand the summer heat of the southwest, and I could not bear the cold of the northeast.

    1. Meg,
      I do not want it warm and humid indoors, either. I can just imagine the walk home with a meal in you, plus beers. I have had some of these walks and on the way home I wondered what I was thinking! I think I have landed in the right spot for me and weather--some hot, some cold, not much snow and ice.

      I am glad you are both in a climate that suits you. Some days, I could send you all the heat and humidity you needed.

  4. I don't like rare meat. I come from the Midwest, where we all knew our meat when it was still alive and we want to be sure it's dead. If it's red it could still moo, you know...

    My FIL gave me endless shit about not liking rare meat. He'd always whine and fuss at meals when he grilled steak, and say, "Oh, I don't know if I've got anything suitable for you to eat!" My thoughts were, "Hey, asshole--I'm eating the shit YOU think is garbage! Be grateful!" Instead I'd just smile and say, "Oh, it looks like there's plenty that's overdone--just give me that!" Yep, the passive-aggressiveness was epic. On both sides.

    Your daylily does need full sun. My lemon tree did, too. Holy cats you should see all the new leaves. I am so gratified. This early spring it sent out dozens and dozens of buds, and I'm like, "NO! No buds! Make some leaves or you'll die!" It wasn't until I shoved it outside and told it "You're on your own now, bucko. I'm only here to water you!" that it started making leaves. Guess it just needed some tough love. Or to get away from me, LOL!

    I hate humidity + heat. I literally wind down and stop thinking/functioning at 80+ degrees. I also get sick if I am in the sun too long. It starts with nausea. I have one of those folding chairs with a canopy. I could never have made it through years and years of watching kid's soccer on open fields without that canopy...

    We don't seem to have free fun classes like you do. We do have a lot of free "Lunch & Lecture" meals at restaurants for retirement planning, though. I think it would be hilarious to go but the friend I want to accompany me told me she'd rather let her hair go white and wear muumuus with orthopedic shoes than go to one. So, no fun for me!


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...