Saturday, July 9, 2022

I Burned My Buns! The Ones I Sit On!

 Saturday afternoon, I decided we should go to Big Box. At between 2 pm and 3 pm, electric carts are few and far between. Also, employees who might bring one out to me are all staying in these days due to the torpor under which we suffer. So, we search.

Tommy fiddle faddles around, so I miss vacant electric carts. Other people walk up to the driver getting off and ask for the one being vacated. Then, we found another. It worked, but slowly, more slowly than usual. My behind and tops of my thighs right next to my panties were ablaze. The pain was severe. Finally, I saw another cart which had a bit more charge. But, it had been sitting in the sun longer. I have not felt pain like that in a long time. 

Every few seconds, I had to stand up, sort of, straddling the cart. I tried sort of sitting on one side of my body, on one cheek. That does not work since the solid contact with the seat is what makes it work. The cart thinks somebody is getting off or has fallen off, so it stops going forward. It was a long and torturous ride to the store.

Finally, I drove into the store and found the first piece of cloth I could, a man's shirt folded on a shelf. I appropriated that until I left the store. Well, it was such an ordeal getting the register right, that I forgot and went right out and right back in. I gave the shirt to the greeter and told her what happened. That old woman blessed me out. She said I should have gotten a towel. Well, I was not near towels and in pain. She walked quickly away to customer service to turn in the shirt or me. I left fast as I could. I could feel her coming after me to haul me to shoplifter jail. 

Usually, I put a blanket from Tommy's car on a hot seat. He had driven to the other end of the store where I exit. I did not have my cell phone. So, I was stuck.

Tommy will examine me for burn I can still feel the burn and it has been seven hours. Okay, Tommy checked and there is no redness, but I still feel the burn.

At the register I chose, I got in line, breaking the line, and was informed so. Well, I certainly did not see that the line extended across the front aisle and into the store. So, I looked for a shorter line and found it. The woman ahead of me let me go ahead as I had less than she. It took three checkers to finally get someone who pulled me out of line to get it all straight. It seems that my $10 coupon was over the limit that the register would allow. Whew! That took 20 minutes. I was exhausted from the pain of the black seat of the electric cart and tension of the register debacle. This was in the self-check line, but an employee did all the work since I cannot reach the buttons to push, bags or anything. 

My neighbor down the street is so congested that I can barely understand her. She coughs continuously and her chest rattles so. I told her my basil story and offered her some for tea. She was so very glad to get it that she came down to pick it up. I gave her two full stalks of basil. 

About five o'clock the rain, thunder, lightning, and wind made for quite a spectacle. The lightning was so loud and close that the cracks sort of scared me. But, Tommy is happy he does not have to drag a water hose with his walker and water the plants. The rain may have interrupted the World Games, though. The temperatures cooled from the mid to high 90s to 74F. 

Once again, we chose to have meatloaf again. I did freeze the last of it for two big helpings, another meal. I will have grapes and an apple tonight. I am not sure what fruit Tommy will have. I would make a fruit salad by adding sliced banana, but I cannot figure out what I did with a new jar of Miracle Whip. It is not in the trash or freezer. ??? Maybe I left it in the bag. 

Tommy asked me if I wanted to buy more MW as a way of reminding me. Well, I will just do without until I find it or the MW is on sale. I want it every day. I wanted to make potato salad, pimiento and cheese, and tuna salad, all since I lost it. 

Speaking of losing food, I lost catsup and found it in a bag of canned diced tomatoes. Why did I put it there when only diced tomatoes were supposed to be in the bag? I have no idea. It is Heinz Tomato Ketchup with a blend of veggies. I hate it. It has a sharp bite that also makes my ears feel like I have skewers in my eardrums. 

Vinegar can be made from many products--corn, wheat, wood, and other foods. I know that vinegar made from wheat is something to which I am allergic. My ENT prescribed an Epi pen because my throat starts to close and I feel that in my ears. I know. It is all so complicated....and serious.

Do you ever bring home a can or jar of something, or maybe it is a box, and then you cannot locate it? 

What is burning you these days? car seat, steering wheel, electric cart seat? 


  1. Oh my, you poor girl, I have learned that I must keep a towel in the car and a hand towel in my purse. I have not used the the eletric carts but I have had the occasion when I might have to sit on a hot seat. I have also face that hot steering wheel but always have my handy smaill towel.

    There are more times that I would like to admit that I have misplaced something that I have purchased and not put in the proper place when I got home. Most recently a package of round steak that I was going to make swiss steak with.

    My pups are always going crazy when I get home. It can be two minutes or two hours, they just go crazy. I had brought everything in. I will set bags on the floor but will sometimes set the meat bags on a table right inside so they don't think they are fair game. I will go in and let them outside while I am putting things away.. I did not see the meat bag as it was under my purse,

    Did not notice until I went to the fridge the next day to cook the swiss steak. Kind of like your missing eggs. I found it under my purse, put in the fridge until the next trash day.

    Lesson learned, now matter how upset or excited they are, they will have to wait until i get things put away. LOL Your missing MW is there in a bag, in your food storage or fridge. I doubt you or Tommy would throw away a bag that is heavy without checking it.

    1. Texas,
      When I had leather car seats and wore shorts, I had to leave a towel on the seat and something to hold the steering wheel. Same with the car with vinyl seats.

      I left meat out, too. It was not pretty! But, I don't have dogs to blame it I can imagine how they would see it as a treat.

      All groceries stop at my chair so I can write dates on them with a marker. Tommy knows this. However, that was the only MW and was going directly into the refrigerator, so I decided not to date it.

    2. Hopefully you find the MW soon! Surely it is there - just not where there should be!! LOL
      I have done the same thing. It is aggravating.
      Hope you 'buns' feels better! Nothing worse than a hot seat!

      TEXAS - Hi there!! Miss you gal - haven't seen you for a minute!

    3. Cheryl,
      It is annoying since I do know it is here. I am slowly looking.
      I can still feel the sting!

  2. I often burn my hands on the handrails of the ramp. It looks like I would learn NOT to put my hands on them after one time of them being so hot. I also get a quick burn as I support myself getting into the car by grabbing onto the side of the door opening to get into the car. I have a large black plastic trash bag laid out on the seat so I just slide right into position on the car seat, slick as a watermelon seed. Without the slick trash bag, my ponte knit slacks just velcro my rear to to the rough velvety type of material that is the upholstery in our car. Instead of being able to slide and maneuver, I am velcroed to wherever my fanny first makes contact with the seat.

    I tried one of the riding shopping carts one time. It was when my knees were at their worst right before my first surgery. I was so dangerous (to anyone walking nearby) trying to drive that thing. It was in one of the big box hardware stores and it was the first time I had ever got on one. There were so many obstacles on the floor and I was worried about clipping someone with it. We got about 1/2 way out of the store, and the darned thing died on me and I had to walk the rest of the way to where the regular store carts were, so I could use one as a walker. I hope I won't have to try to use one of those riding carts again, but I imagine a time will come where I will need to. I hope the next one I ever try to use steers better and doesn't run out of battery power on me.

    We have had overcast days and rain showers in the early part of the day for 2 or 3 days now. The cloud cover did a great job of keeping the heat down. Have a nice day and stay cool.

    1. susie,
      It seems half the year the handrail is a problem. Either I burn my hands or freeze them on the handrail of the ramp. I have to hold onto the rail, so when it is too hot to hold, and I let go, it is scary. I do have a pair of gloves just for the ramp, but do I remember to use them? When I burned my hand on the car, I needed to hold onto the car to get in safely, but I let go and whacked my head. Yeah, I hate the car seat grabbing my pants when I try to slide into the car.

      The hardware stores are dangerous to anyone walking, pushing a cart, or driving a cart. I have never hit anyone. One time, the electric cart quit in the middle of the road in front of the store. I was forced to get off, walk into the store, leaving the car in the parking lot traffic. If I could have gotten into the store by walking in yesterday, I would have.

      It is overcast and is supposed to rain some today, not sure when.

  3. As a stay at home parent, I try never to go shopping on weekends. People who work have no choice but to go then and it's always much more crowded - you'd probably have better luck getting carts during the week

    1. obscure,
      I usually don't go out on the weekends. There are also times of the day when it is difficult to find a cart. During the week before 3 pm is a better time. However, people with a need for an electric cart go early, mostly go home by noon. There are different things to think about when you need an electric cart other than just the weekend. Plus, if you need help finding something, never go after 4 pm when the A team goes home!

  4. I hate how much you have to struggle with be able to do the most simple tasks. It's amazing to me you even leave the house at all. You're my hero.


    1. Breenlantern,
      It is a bigger struggle than I often say. But, I will never give up trying. Oh, my. Thanks. You amaze me, too.

  5. Ouch ouch ouch

    It's 110-115 here; everything burns here.

    1. Urspo,
      I cannot imagine how hot that seat would have been in that heat!

  6. I'm pretty much a minimalist for that reason! I need to see everything I have so I can shop accordingly and menu plan. My husband, on the other hand, over buys and I have no idea what we have. I drive him crazy and he does me. I ventured into the basement yesterday to find multiple opened boxes of oatmeal, and we still have not put a dent in the elbow macaroni that he bought 8 years ago. Funny how we all have our ways...we've been married 8 years and still can't get it straight!

    1. Jan,
      Well, I am not quite so bad. If I cannot see something, I usually know where to look or Tommy does. That is a lot of oatmeal to be open. It takes two of us. But, it is found.

  7. Linda, I bought a car door assist handle for John. It slips into the door opening. It really did help him when entering or leaving the car. I store it in the door pocket. I wonder if you and Tommy might find it handy. You can find it on Amazon.

    1. Janet,
      I bought two of those. Tommy swears it will not help him. I used it once and don't really need it right now. I think I know where they are.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...